Saturday, September 21, 2019


President Boucke called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, September 21, 2019, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, President
Lawrence Baskin, Vice President
Morey Nelsen, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a new alternative wastewater system at 25 Lincoln Avenue, Colm Brennan, Owner, Account No. 4800.
    This variance application proposes replacing an existing drip dispersal field to allow for construction of a new single family residence with less than 1,900 square feet of habitable space on a lot of approximately 7,069 square feet.

    Variances are required under Title IV, Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria - Setbacks, to reduce an existing septic tank setback from a downhill property line from 10 to 3 feet, to reduce a new dispersal field setback from a downhill property line from 25 to 21 feet, and under Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater Systems Designs, to utilize an existing recirculating textile filter and new drip dispersal fields.

    The wastewater system is designed for a maximum and average wastewater loading rate of 300 and 200 gallons per day, respectively. The existing 1,500 gallon septic/recirculation tank, the existing 30 inch diameter sump tank, and the existing control panel will all be utilized. Groundwater is at least 8 feet below the bottom of the drip field. Notifications to neighbors within 300 feet of the project were sent timely, and a copy of the application had been sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Wastewater Committee had reviewed and discussed the project at their last meeting.

    Vice President Baskin made a motion to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2019-14 Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Utilize an Alternative Wastewater System and to Reduce Downslope Property Line Setback Requirements to the Dispersal Field and Existing Septic Tank for property located at 25 Lincoln Avenue, Stinson Beach. The findings of fact were summarized in Troy Pearce's letter of September 3, 2019.

    Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Boucke, Vice President Baskin and Director Nelsen.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a new alternative wastewater system at 218 Seadrift Road, Kenneth Hao, Owner, Account No. 6570.
    This variance application is for installing a new alternative wastewater system on a 25,200 square foot lot. The existing 1,624 square foot house and septic systems will be demolished and replaced. A variance is required under Title IV, Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs to utilize a recirculating textile filter. The new single family residence will consist of less than 2,800 square feet of habitable space, and the new wastewater system is designed for a maximum and average wastewater loading rate of 450 and 300 gallons per day, respectively.

    The wastewater design includes a new 1,500 gallon septic/recirculation tank, an 810 gallon sump tank, recirculating textile (Advantex) pretreatment device, a diversion valve, and dual raised dispersal beds. Notifications were sent to neighbors within 300 feet, and a copy of the application was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The application was reviewed and discussed at the last Wastewater Committee meeting.

    Vice President Baskin made a motion to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2019-13 Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Utilize an Alternative Wastewater System for property located at 218 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. The findings of fact were summarized in Troy Pearce's letter of June 24, 2019.

    Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Boucke, Vice President Baskin and Director Nelsen.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a new alternative wastewater system at 180/182 Seadrift Road, James Herbert, Owner, Account Nos. 6410 and 6420.
    This variance application requires the merger of two residential parcels at 180 Seadrift (.67 acres) and 182 Seadrift Road (.65 acres) and the demolition of two existing residential homes and replacement of the existing wastewater systems in order to install a new wastewater system that will serve a new main house and a new guest house. Marin County Planning will be the lead agency for CEQA approval.

    The proposed improvements include a 4,062 square foot single family residence with a 2,123 square foot attached garage, a 2,647 square foot detached accessory structure (the guest house), with a total building area of 8,832 square feet. There will also be a pool, spa, patio and retaining walls. The total habitable space is approximately 6,000 square feet.

    The new wastewater system has a maximum and average wastewater loading rate of 900 and 600 gallons per day, respectively. The system is over-sized to accommodate a maximum flow rate of 1,200 gallons. The proposed system includes a 2,000 gallon septic tank, a 2,000 gallon processing tank with two Advantex AX20 pretreatment devices, a 2,000 gallon sump tank, a diversion valve, and dual raised leaching beds.

    Variances are required under Title IV, Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria - Setbacks to eliminate a 5 foot setback to allow parking over the dispersal field, Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater Systems Designs to utilize a recirculating textile filter, and Section 4.19.050 Residential Systems - High Volume, to utilize a maximum design flow rate of 900 gallons per day.

    Notifications were sent to neighbors within 300 feet of the project, and a copy of the application was sent to the Reginal Water Quality Control Board. The Wastewater Committee reviewed and discussed the application at their last meeting. Director Cross, who was not able to be in attendance at this September 21, 2019 Board meeting, sent a Memo to the Board of Directors dated September 10, 2019, detailing her reasons why the proposal did not meet the requirements, the criteria for approval of a variance for an oversize septic system.

    Steve Wisenbaker, the project's architect, spoke of the advantages of having a single home on a merged, single lot versus two FEMA homes on two separate lots as set forth in his findings letter to the Board dated September 18, 2019.

    Director Nelsen made a motion to continue the discussion of the proposed project to the October 19, 2019 Board meeting when the full Board will be in attendance and has had a chance to review the revised findings of fact. Vice President Baskin seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Boucke, Vice President Baskin, and Director Nelsen.

    [Note: On October 1, 2019, the General Manager was advised by Mr. Wisenbaker that the owners of 180 and 182 Seadrift have changed their mind and do not want to combine their lots, and that Troy Pearce, the project's designer, has been directed to start a design for two separate houses on the two separate lots.]


The Board reviewed the financials as of June 30, 2019.


Vice President Baskin moved to approve the minutes of August 24, 2019. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Boucke, Vice President Baskin and Director Nelsen.


Vice President Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of August 26, 2019. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Boucke, Vice President Baskin and Director Nelsen.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He had attended a meeting with the Marin County Public Works Department regarding the recycling of food scraps for commercial Recology customers.

The District's field audit as at June 30, 2019 will be performed by Cropper Accountancy Corporation on October 9.

Invoices from WRA for preparation of the CEQA documents for the 21 Calle del Onda project now total over $19,000. Brian Johnson has requested a statement from WRA for the work performed.

The District's cash flow is in the red for the next three months pending receipt of property taxes expected in mid-December.

The General Manager sent a letter supporting the Bolinas Fire Protection District's $100,000 grant request from PG&E.

Gary Fischer has been notified that he has until November 15, 2019 to complete the septic system repairs at 49 Lincoln Avenue.

The General Manager was advised by a local resident that Recology has removed garbage cans from some homes due to nonpayment of invoices. These residents subsequently placed their garbage in their neighbors' cans.






The meeting was adjourned at 10:38 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday, October 19, 2019, at 9:30 a.m.

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