Water is a limited natural resource. It must be used efficiently and economically to meet the health and safety needs of the community. Water conservation is an integral part of the District's total water management program. Water conserving practices, methods and devices can reduce per-capita consumption. By discouraging water wastage and encouraging water savings, the District hopes to conserve its present water supply.
Existing Services:
- Reduce toilet water use by installing plastic bottles, water dams or special flushing devices in tank.
- Install low-flow showerheads or flow restrictors.
- Install low-flow faucets or aerators on existing kitchen/lavatory faucets.
- Install pressure reducing valves where pressure exceeds 60 PSI.
- Install insulation on hot water lines and around hot water heaters.
- Installation of water conserving washers (front loading or adjustable level) and dishwashers.
Landscape and Garden Areas:
- Plant native and drought resistant varieties according to their environmental needs.
- Group together plants having similar irrigation requirements.
- Minimize irrigation runoff and encourage deep rooting by proper soil preparation to absorb and drain water.
- Mulch to minimize evaporation and runoff.
- Use of ground plants to minimize evaporation losses.
- Reduce runoff by minimizing use of artificial slopes and by terracing natural or cut slopes.
Irrigation Systems:
Different soils have different watering needs. Most soils require deep and infrequent watering. However, the quick draining nature of sandy soils necessitates more frequent but shorter waterings with good mulching to prevent evaporation. Additional watering in sandy soil will only feed the water table. Temporary irrigation systems are recommended until new plants become established. Permanent irrigation systems, using domestic water, should meet the following criteria:
- Separate irrigation zones for plant groupings with different water requirements.
- Site the system to avoid watering walks, driveways and streets.
- Automatic control (including moisture-sensing devices to regulate the frequency, duration and time of watering. Irrigation is encouraged during off- peak hours and when watering is most effective.
- A minimum co-efficient of uniformity of 75%. This assures a uniform distribution of water.
- Application not to exceed 1/2" of water per hour. Accomplish this by low rate or intermittent application.
- System pressure to be consistent with equipment recommendations.
- An irrigation piping system that is separate from domestic piping to facilitate the transfer of the irrigation system to a reclaimed water supply should it become available.
- A suitable connection in the irrigation piping system to install a meter to monitor irrigation consumption if necessary.
Water Conservation Tips:
- Know where your water shut off valve is located and ensure that it functions easily.
- Know how to read your own meter so that you can monitor your usage.
- Monitor irrigation systems, hoses, pipes, faucets, couplings, toilets and other water using household devices on a regular basis.
- Turn water system off when leaving property unoccupied for an extended period of time.
- Reduce grass areas, increase use of drought resistant plants.
- Use a broom, not a hose, to clean driveways and patios.
- Install spray nozzles on all outdoor hoses.
- Sparingly water the yard, avoid watering surrounding areas, position sprinklers appropriately.
- Don't let water run continuously when using indoor faucets, turn the water off when brushing your teeth, shaving or doing the dishes.
- Attach low-flow faucet aerators to all faucets, install water saving shower heads and low- flow toilets.
- Make sure dishwashers and wash machines are full to capacity before running.
- Voluntarily cut down on your shower time and reduce your bath water.
- Listen for running water inside and outside of the house.
- Irrigate slowly, deeply and infrequently. Water in morning or evening, not mid-day.
- Recycle bathwater.
- Flush only when necessary.
- Use a shut off nozzle when washing cars and direct overflow in to landscaping.
- Be creative! Contact the District with other water saving ideas.
The staff, management and Board members of the Stinson Beach County Water District thank you in advance for your cooperation.