Compensation of Elected Officials at the Stinson Beach County Water District

2020 Board of Directors Compensation and Agency Report of Public Official Appointments (FPPC Form 806)

Reimbursement and Compensation Policy for Board Members

Board members’ Ethics Training Certificates

Morey Nelsen, President
President Marius E. Nelsen is a retired civil engineer with over 38 years of management experience as president and chief engineer and surveyor for Nelsen Engineering. His education consists of earning Bachelor’s and Masters of Science degrees from San Jose State University. In addition to his current service as a Director for the Water District, he has served on the Board of Directors for the Seadrift Homeowner’s Association and is currently serving as a volunteer for the West Marin Senior Services. With his background and experience as an executive in the private sector and as a public servant, he has and will continue to make meaningful contributions to the technical and business activities of the District.

Jim Zell, Vice President
Vice President Jim Zell and his wife Belinda moved to Stinson Beach in 1969. They raised their family here and have been residents for over 51 years. He is a retired Fire Captain with 31 years of service. He volunteered with the Stinson Beach Fire Department for a number of years. He has happily given his time as a Director on the Board of the Stinson Beach County Water District and he is proud of the accomplishments the District has made and continues to make for the benefit of its citizens and rate payers.

Lawrence A. Baskin, Director

Barbara Boucke, Director
Director Barbara Boucke has been a full-time resident of Stinson Beach since 1996. She is a graduate of U.C. Berkeley, has taken advanced taxation and financial accounting courses at Golden Gate University and has been a licensed Certified Public Accountant for over 30 years. She also worked for the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco for 20 years – 10 years as Comptroller and 10 years as Director of Membership and Development.

Currently, in addition to her service as a member of the Stinson Beach County Water District Board of Directors, Barbara serves as a Director of the Marin Agricultural Land Trust.

Barbara’s chief priorities for the Water District are maintaining financial stability, providing for “pay-as-you-go” capital improvements and focusing on excellent community relations.

Sandra Cross, Director
Director Sandra Cross has served on the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach Water District since 2012. In addition to her experience with the water board, she offers more than 25 years’ experience as an attorney practicing in the multidisciplinary field of personal and business financial reorganizations. Her practice involved interpreting and applying legal codes, administrative rules and procedures to negotiate practical agreements among conflicting interests. She also has experience in volunteer public service including participating in pro-bono programs of the San Francisco Bar Association, past membership on the board and legal committee of the Marin County ACLU and the board of Zero Breast Cancer, and prior service in Stinson Beach as a liaison for the disaster preparedness program and library volunteer. She is currently a candidate for an MFA in poetry at St Mary's College of California.

Judy Stemen, Treasurer

Kent Nelson, General Manager

Election procedures and deadlines
There are five Board members that are elected in November to four year terms. The only eligibility criterion is that a Board member must be a registered voter residing in the District. An applicant needs to fill out a “Declaration of Candidacy” form and submit it to the Registrar of Voters for Marin County. The forms are available at the Marin County Election Department, Room 121, Marin Civic Center, San Rafael, CA from mid-July through early August. Appointments can be made if there are no candidates or if no one is running against an incumbent.

Reimbursement and compensation policy
Each Director shall receive compensation in an amount not to exceed one hundred dollars ($100) for each day’s attendance at meetings of the Board or for each day’s service rendered as a Director by request of the Board, not exceeding a total of six days in any calendar month, together with any expenses incurred in the performance of his/her duties required or authorized by the Board. (CA Water Code §30507)

If the Board authorizes an employee’s or Board member’s attendance at a meeting, seminar, conference, or similar event, other than a Board or Committee meeting, the person is entitled to receive reimbursement from the District for all related actual and necessary expenses.

If the lodging is in connection with a conference or other organized educational activity, the lodging may not exceed the maximum group rate published by the conference or activity sponsor. For transportation and lodging services, the person shall ask for and use government and group rates when available. Except as provided above, each person will be reimbursed at rates established in the then-current Internal Revenue Service Publication 463, or any successor publications, for travel, lodging, meals, and other expenses actually and reasonably incurred in the performance of service rendered as authorized by the Board.

Each person seeking reimbursement must file, within a reasonable time after incurring the expense, an expense reimbursement statement. The statement must be filed on the District’s expense reimbursement form and must be accompanied by receipts documenting each expense. Expense reimbursement statements and related documents are public records under State law.

Persons returning from meetings, conferences, seminars, and other activities for which compensation has been paid or expenses have been reimbursed must provide a brief oral or written report to the Board at its next meeting.

Notwithstanding the foregoing Sections, if an emergency arises and the person is required to incur travel, lodging or other expenses to engage in District business, the person may incur such expenses upon the approval of the President of the Board or, if the President is unavailable, the Vice President or, if the Vice President is unavailable, another Director, and upon the concurrence of the General Manager.

Such approval will be subject to ratification of the full Board at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.

An “emergency” shall constitute a meeting, hearing, event, or function at which (1) an employee’s or Board member’s attendance or participation is deemed essential to further the interest of the District, and (2) which takes place prior to the next regularly scheduled Board meeting.