Return to Title IV Table of ContentsSections:
4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs4.19.020 Use of Alternative System Design - Repair or Replacement of Failed System - Granting of Variance
4.19.030 Use of Alternative System Design - Replacement of Failed System in Cases of Fire or Disaster - Granting of Variance
4.19.040 Use of Blowers
4.19.045 Grease Traps
4.19.050 Residential Systems - High Volume
4.19.100 Site Evaluation
4.19.110 Use of Drip Dispersal Fields
4.19.120 Site Criteria for Drip Dispersal
4.19.140 Septic and Sump Tank Design Standards
4.19.150 Drip Irrigation/Drip Dispersal Field Design Standards
4.19.160 Drip Irrigation - Installation and Cover
4.19.170 Material-Dripline
4.19.180 Filters
4.19.190 Ultra Violet Disinfection Systems
4.19.200 Pretreatment Device
4.19.210 Telemetry Control Panel
4.19.220 Drip System Maintenance
4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs
Alternative wastewater system designs may not be used, unless approved through Variance by
the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District and the
San Francisco Regional Water Quality Control Board.
4.19.020 Use of an Alternative System Design - Repair or Replacement of Failed
System - Granting of variance
The District has determined that alternative treatment system technological improvements have
increased performance in monitoring, operation, and process, and that a variance may be granted
for installation of an alternative system which is approved by the National Sanitation Foundation in
place of a standard onsite septic system for repair or replacement of failed systems.
4.19.030 Use of Alternative System Design - Replacement of Failed System in Cases
of Fire or Disaster - Granting of Variance
Except as otherwise provided within this code, where a residence has been totally or partially
destroyed by fire, flood, or other natural disaster, and it has been shown to the satisfaction of the
District Manager and the District Engineer that a septic system which complies with this code
cannot be constructed upon the property, a variance may be granted for installation of an
alternative system as defined in Section 4.03.202, under the
following conditions:
- The application for variance is made within five years of the destruction of the residence; and
- The replacement structure is within the same footprint as the destroyed residence; and/or
- The replacement structure does not contain greater square footage than the destroyed structure (if replacement structure exceeds original square footage a variance is required).
4.19.040 Use of Blowers
Setback requirements for blowers shall be 10 feet to adjoining property line.
4.19.045 Grease Traps
Grease Traps (UPC Listed) are required for commercial facilities that have the potential to
produce grease-laden wastewater as determined by the District. Small Bed and Breakfast
facilities may be exempt from commercial requirements at the discretion of the District. The
following is required when it is determined that grease traps are required:
- Plans and specifications for the plumbing system including the grease trap shall be submitted to the District.
- Wastewater from dishwasher sinks and other plumbing fixtures shall be plumbed separately from other plumbing fixtures into the grease trap and then to the septic tank.
- Grease traps shall be located, installed, and constructed so that temperature of the waste shall be reduced to permit separation of grease and allow easy access for cleaning.
- Commercial facilities generating 200 gallons or more per day of waste shall install a grease
trap sized in accordance with the following formula:
Size of grease trap (in gallons) = (S) x (WW) x (ST) x (H) x (LF) where:
S = Number of seats in dinning area
WW = Wastewater per meal in gallons (5 gallons is normal)
ST = Storage Capacity factor (2.5 is used for on site wastewater systems)
H = Number of hours in operation of the facility
LF = Loading Factor (a standard of 1.25 is used) - Grease traps shall be maintained in efficient operating condition by periodic removal of the accumulated grease. No such collected grease shall be introduced into any drainage piping or septic system.
4.19.050 Residential Systems - High Volume
Any onsite wastewater system design intended to serve wastewater design flows in excess of 600
gallons per day or average daily flows in excess of 400 gallons per day shall be considered a high
volume residential system. A high volume residential system shall be considered an alternative
system and may be approved only through the granting of a variance.
4.19.130 Site Evaluation
Site evaluation requirements shall be the same as for standard systems.
4.19.110 Use of Drip Dispersal Fields
Drip dispersal fields may be used when the site meets all standard wastewater system design
requirements or as a repair/replacement option where standard repair options can be met.
4.19.120 Site Criteria for Drip Dispersal
In order to utilize a drip dispersal system for new construction, a preliminary plan with
calculations demonstrating that the site could meet the regulations for a standard type system
shall be provided. The preliminary plan shall include a site plan showing all the major system
items, property boundaries, setbacks, and site topography. Site setbacks, slope requirements
and soil requirements shall be the same as other types of dispersal fields.
4.19.140 Septic and Sump Tank Design Standards
Septic and sump tank standards shall be the same as for standard systems.
4.19.150 Drip Irrigation/Drip Dispersal Field Design Standards
The following design loading rates assume a treated effluent with Biological Oxygen Demand
(BOD) and Total Suspended Solids (TSS) per the drip tubing manufacturer's requirements.
Soil Class | Soil Type | Est per rate (min/in) |
Hydraulic conductivity (in/hr) |
Design loading rate (gal/ft2) |
I | Coarse sand | <5 | >2 | 1.400 |
I | Fine sand | 5-10 | 1.5-2 | 1.200 |
II | Sandy loam | 10-20 | 1.0-1.5 | 1.000 |
II | Loam | 20-30 | 0.75-1.0 | 0.700 |
III | Clay loam | 30-45 | 0.5-0.75 | 0.600 |
III | Silt-clay loam | 45-60 | 0.3-0.5 | 0.400 |
IV | Clay no swell | 60-90 | 0.2-0.3 | 0.200 |
IV | Clay swell | 90-120 | 0.1-0.2 | 0.100 |
IV | Poor clay | <120 | <0.1 | 0.075 |
The required dispersal area shall be based on the peak flow rate and design loading rate. The design shall identify an area capable of 300% of the design daily flow.
The design shall utilize two dispersal areas sized for 100% of the design flow and further identify an area capable of 100% of the design flow reserved for future use, for a total of 300% of the design requirement.
All drip systems shall require treated effluent from a pretreatment device prior to dispersal. The National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) shall approve all treatment system options.
4.19.160 Drip Irrigation - Installation and Cover
Drip irrigation shall be installed through the use of a plough type installation tool or by hand
excavation. The dripline shall have a minimum cover of six inches and shall be installed in native
material. Open trench excavation is permitted for the solid pipe connections and for valve installation.
4.19.170 Material-Dripline
Dripline Material shall be flexible 1/2" polyethylene dripline with in-line emitters. The emitters shall
be part of the dripline and have flow rates to meet the application rate required. The drip line shall
have a bactericide protection impregnated as part of the manufacturing process to prevent
bacteria forming; additionally the dripline shall inhibit roots from clogging the emitters with
herbicide and bactericide emitters. The dripline shall have fittings on the ends to allow connection
to standard schedule 40 pipe, or alternatively non-emitting pipe to match the dripline.
4.19.180 Filters
A filter shall be placed between the pump and drip lines to keep debris out of the drip fields. The
filter shall attach to a dripline between dispersal field and pump and shall be manufactured from a
corrosion resistant material and shall be watertight. The filter be manufactured from stainless steel
and shall be 100 micron, 150-mesh filter. The filter shall be self-cleaning during the flush cycles.
Filter types shall be subject to approval by the District Engineer.
4.19.190 Ultra Violet Disinfection Systems
Where groundwater is observed within 48-inches from the bottom of the dispersal field, an ultra-
violet light disinfection (UV) system shall be required. The UV shall be source mounted on a
subassembly, which can be removed and reinstalled through the top of the riser for easy service.
The UV light will operate continuously whether or not water is flowing in the disinfection chamber.
The alarm relay circuit shall be connected to an external audible alarm and to a control panel
telemetry module relayed to the District to warn of possible failure.
4.26.200 Pretreatment Device
All drip systems shall require treated effluent from a pretreatment device prior to dispersal. The
National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) shall approve all treatment system options.
4.26.210 Telemetry Control Panel
All drip systems shall have a telemetry control panel with proper modules or remote readings as
approved by the District. The panel shall have a phone line connection. Panel system parameters
shall have remote operation access and the ability to be adjusted on site. The panel location shall
be approved by District staff at an easily accessed outside location. The panel shall control the
pump cycles based on programmed dosing, activate the solenoid valves to discharge each field,
record pump(s) counts, record pump(s) elapsed time, and automatically flush the drip field and
filter. The panel shall provide alarms for high water in the various pump chambers and failure of
the pretreatment system. Alarms shall be located at the panel utilizing the system. The alarm shall
be a minimum of 80 dB and shall be recorded in the digital memory of the control panel.
4.26.220 Drip System Maintenance Required
Required maintenance of a drip system shall include periodic monitoring and review of the system
condition and parameters via remote telemetry.