Saturday, November 18, 2017


President Nelsen called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, November 18, 2017, at 9:32 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Richard Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application for a new wastewater system at 347 Seadrift Road, Kirby Walker, Owner, APN 195-310-68.
    This variance application is for a new alternative wastewater system with a maximum and average daily flow rate of 600 and 400 gallons, respectively. The system is designed for a new single family residential home with up to 3,348 square feet of habitable space on a vacant lot. The proposed septic system components include a new 1,500 gallon septic tank, an 810 gallon sump tank, recirculating textile filter (Advantex AX20) pretreatment device, and dual leach fields.

    Per Title IV, Section 4.15.621 Design Flow, a variance is required due to the proposed 3,348 square foot habitable space, as the maximum habitable space for a wastewater system designed to treat and disperse 600 gallons per day is 3,300 square feet. A variance is also requested under Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs to utilize a recirculating textile filter.

    Groundwater readings were recorded on three days during the wet weather season, and the highest groundwater of approximately 70 inches from existing grade was observed by District staff on January 22. There is over 36 inches of vertical separation from seasonal high groundwater. Neighbor notifications were sent timely and a copy of the application documents was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Wastewater Committee reviewed and discussed the application on November 6.

    Director Baskin noted that reducing the habitable space by 48 square feet is not denying the owner's property rights. Further discussion by the Board concerned adherence to the District's policies as well as the elimination of the request for variance over 3,300 square feet habitable space.

    Director Baskin made a motion to adopt draft Resolution No. WW 2017-07 for property at 347 Seadrift Road, with the condition of revising the resolution to state that habitable space on the subject property shall not exceed 3,300 square feet, thus leaving only one variance under Section 4.19.010 to utilize an alternative wastewater system. Vice President Zell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Nelsen, Vice President Zell and Directors Baskin, Boucke, and Cross.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application for a new wastewater system at 342 Seadrift Road, Jeffery Mazet, Owner, Account No. 7080.
    This variance application is for a new alternative wastewater system with a maximum and average daily flow rate of 450 and 300 gallons, respectively, for a new single family residential home with up to 2,800 square feet of habitable space, replacing the existing 1,200 square foot residence.

    The proposed septic system components include a new 1,500 gallon septic tank, an 810 gallon sump tank, recirculating textile filter (Advantex AX20) pretreatment device, and dual raised bed dispersal/leach fields. A variance is required per Section 4.19.010 - Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs. A variance is also required under Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria - Setbacks, to reduce the setback from a leach field to a driveway/parking area from 5 feet to 1 foot.

    Seasonal high groundwater elevations are based on wet weather testing from 347 Seadrift Road. The highest groundwater was observed by District staff approximately 70 inches from existing grade on January 22. Based on the proposed leach field design, there is over 36 inches of vertical separation from seasonal high groundwater.

    Neighbor notifications were sent timely. A copy of the application documents was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. The Wastewater Committee reviewed and discussed the application on November 6.

    Director Baskin made a motion to adopt draft Resolution No. WW 2017-08 for property at 342 Seadrift Road, with the condition of revising finding No. 2 of the resolution to state that the alternative system is more effective than a conventional system and, in order to facilitate its installation, the driveway/parking area setback must be reduced from the required 5 foot to 1 foot. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Nelsen, Vice President Zell and Directors Baskin, Boucke, and Cross.


  1. Discussion with Steve Ortega of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) about the possible use of GGNRA land for future SBCWD infrastructure projects.
    In the General Manager's letter of July 10, 2017 to Mr. Ortega, he had invited Mr. Ortega to attend a SBCWD Board meeting to discuss the geography of the GGNRA's property and to determine their interest in participating in a plan to obtain GGNRA land for a combined wastewater/desal facility. The District does not own land for such a facility.

    Steve Ortega, Planning/Project Management/Compliance, Greg Gress, Pacific West Regional Office Lands Manager, and Mia Monroe, Marin County Community Liaison, attended this Board meeting. Mr. Ortega stated that the Park Service wants to be a good neighbor in Stinson Beach, and that they had upgraded their failing septic system at a cost of $1Million. They work with the County's workshops on sea level rise, and will be undertaking their own vulnerability assessment in Stinson Beach in the next few years.

    Mr. Ortega had spoken with the General Manager about high groundwater and sea level rise, which would affect mainly the Calles and Patios. Mr. Ortega stated he needs to understand from the Board exactly what the problem is, what is being requested, and what kind of time horizon is being envisioned.

    Ms. Monroe reiterated the Park's wish to be good neighbors and work together in areas in which the SBCWD and the Park have mutual interests.

    Mr. Gress stated that Mr. Ortega had invited him to attend this meeting in order for him to basically explain the possibilities in dealing with a land transfer with the Park Service.

    Director Baskin noted that the District has potentially two uses it would like to explore. One is land for a septic facility and the other is land for a desal facility. It probably would be best to put both in at the same time. Mr. Gress explained that the legislation that created the GGNRA is unique in that it limits with whom the Park Service can do business. The Park cannot sell or donate land, which is a real limitation. However, they might work with a nonprofit corporation to acquire land in an exchange. That is a tool they have used in the past. There is a lot of private property within the GGNRA, and the Park has a short wish list of the property they would like to acquire. Mr. Gress can release the list to the District as a public record, which shows parcel numbers.

    Director Cross expressed her concern of the possibility of future droughts. The District's water is dependent solely on rain. The Park Service is the District's largest water user. More and more people are coming to Stinson Beach. It is really important for the District's function that there is adequate water. It would be a huge public benefit to the town, as the desal can take some of the wastewater effluent and use it to dilute the salt byproduct of desal. It would be a small desal facility, however.

    Director Boucke noted that even without desal, there is still the major issue of the septic systems that will fail at some point due to sea level rise. Would Mr. Ortega be willing to vet a proposal if the District came up with a concept that would show the public benefit to all, including the 5,000 to 10,000 people that come to Stinson Beach on a nice weekend?

    Mr. Ortega replied that the District needs to make a premise that there is this need and conclude that what the District is proposing to the Park has a large public benefit. The Park Service would need to understand the justification of why they are giving up a certain piece of property. An independent report should be prepared and presented to the Park Service, who will then present it to their Superintendent. Once the Park Service gets a concept on which it agrees, it would probably be a two year process. If the value of the properties to be swapped exceeded $1M, the Park Service would need to make congressional notification. There are also other hurdles, the EAC, NEPA. There will also need to be an appraisal of the properties and public notification.

    Director Baskin thanked Mr. Ortega, Ms. Monroe, and Mr. Gress for a productive exchange of information. Mr. Baskin brought up the needed flood control of Easkoot Creek and gave a brief history of how some years ago, the Creek flowed through the old Poison Pond to the ocean before the pond was filled in and became the excess dirt Park parking area. The Creek goes into the Lagoon, flooding the paved parking lot during high tides, as there is no place for the water to go down. President Nelsen noted that last winter a release was created on the North parking lot, causing the water to flow through to the beach. Mr. Ortega stated he is familiar with the study done by the County Flood Control District and is on record saying the Park would work with the County in this regard.
  2. Discussion with the Desalination Committee and possible direction to staff on the continuing research into its applicability for the SBCWD.
    The General Manager summarized the results of the Desalination Committee's (Directors Cross and Zell) meetings to get up to speed on desalination technology and applicability. Small, portable units for emergency use can be purchased for $7,500.

    The General Manager will contact Sam Farag of Ampac USA regarding their procedure to dispose of the desal waste. In conjunction with the Committee, the General Manager was requested to do reference checks on individuals who have experience with small desalination systems and to find an individual to write a feasibility study for the District. The Committee will present its findings at the January 20, 2018 Board meeting. Director Boucke noted that the General Manager has done a good job in his presentation of the research done to date.
  3. Discussion regarding possible retirement of the SBCWD's 1995 Ford F-150 pickup truck and possible replacement with a Chevrolet 2500.
    The District has kept the truck for 22 years because it has a Tommy Lift Gate, which has been used by District staff to load and unload pumps, valves, pipes and other heavy, bulky items. However, it has now been taken out of service due to faulty brakes and ignition problems.

    By consensus, the Board approved the purchase of a new 2018 Chevrolet Silverado replacement truck with a 4x4 regular cab and long bed with an aluminum lift gate for $39,886.97.
  4. Discussion and possible direction to staff to hire Nerviani Paving, Inc. to repair the District office parking lot.
    By consensus, the Board approved District staff to hire Nerviani Paving, Inc. to repair the District office parking lot for the quote of $25,800.
  5. Discussion and possible direction to staff to drain the Highlands #2 Water Storage Tank, inspect the interior coating, install a cathodic protection system and repair the steel corrosion that exists where the floor plates meet the shell plates.
    By consensus, the Board approved District staff to secure a change order with Euro Style Management for repairs that need to be made to the Highlands Tank #2, estimated by Allan Richards, Stetson Engineers, to cost $100,000.
  6. Discussion and possible direction to reserve a site and confirm a date for the Annual Employee Recognition Dinner.
    Director Baskin will contact the Breakers Café to reserve December 18, 2017 for the dinner.


The Board reviewed the financials as of September 30, 2017, which had previously been reviewed by the Finance Committee. Director Boucke reported that the budget is on target and the audit is nearing completion.


Director Baskin made a motion to approve the minutes of July 15, 2017. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Nelsen and Directors Baskin and Cross. Vice President Zell and Director Boucke had been absent at the July 15, 2017 meeting.

Director Baskin made a motion to approve the minutes of September 16, 2017. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by Vice President Zell and Directors Baskin, Boucke and Cross. President Nelsen had been absent at the September 16, 2017 meeting.

Director Baskin made a motion to approve the minutes of October 21, 2017. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Nelsen and Directors Baskin and Boucke. Vice President Zell and Director Cross had been absent at the October 21, 2017 meeting.


Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of October 13, 2017. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Nelsen, Vice President Zell and Directors Baskin, Boucke and Cross.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. Donations have been requested from the Stinson Beach Volunteer Firefighter's Association, Friends of the Bolinas Stinson Beach Libraries, Stinson Beach Community Center, and membership fee from the West Marin Chamber of Commerce. The Board unanimously approved $100 donation to each of the first three listed organizations and $150 membership renewal to the West Marin Chamber of Commerce.


Director Cross reported on the discussion held recently at the Wastewater Committee regarding coordination of wastewater and building applications within the Seadrift subdivision. However, it is not in the District's purview to enforce the Seadrift Association's rules.




The meeting was adjourned to Closed Door Session at 11:30 a.m. At 11:35 a.m., the Board returned to Open Session. Nathan Metcalf participated by telephone. The Board conferred with legal counsel in a Closed Door Session. No action was taken.


The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday, December 16, 2017, at 9:30 a.m.

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