Saturday, December 21, 2013
President Jim Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, December 21, 2013, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Directors absent:
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Election of Stinson Beach County Water District Board President and Vice President
for Calendar Year 2014.
Director Baskin moved to elect Vice President Boucke as the new President for 2014. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Director Nelsen moved to elect Director Baskin as Vice President. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Outgoing President Zell then turned the meeting over to newly elected Vice President Baskin.
E. PUBLIC HEARING (9:40 a.m.)
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for replacement of
an existing septic system with an alternative type system, 127 Seadrift Road, Garrett
Seligman, Owner, Acct. #7710.
The purpose of this resubmitted design and variance application is to replace the existing 450 gallon per day dual gravity septic system with a new alternative type system. One of the two leach fields in the existing system had failed in January 2010. Since then, Mr. Seligman has been working with his designer and the District to replace his septic system.
A variance is required to the District's Title IV, Section 4.19.010: Use of Alternative Wastewater System Designs for use of a recirculating textile filter. A variance is also required to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria - Setbacks from the leach field to his irrigation well. This variance had been previously approved by the Board on November 20, 2010. The Wastewater Committee reviewed the application on October 14 and December 9, 2013 and recommended installation of the new system by July 1, 2014.
Director Cross requested that condition c. of draft Resolution No. WW 2013-06, which grants the setback requirement variance, be modified to specify the number of feet between the leach field and the irrigation well.
Vice President Baskin directed staff to insert into the resolution's fourth WHEREAS clause, which lists the four findings of fact, the particular factual circumstance that justifies making each of the four conclusions.
Director Nelsen moved to approve the design and the variance and to adopt the resolution subject to the modifications requested by Director Cross and Vice President Baskin. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
Jonathan Hutchinson, the owner of the adjacent unimproved lot, expressed his concern that Mr. Seligman's existing irrigation well could impair the future development of Mr. Hutchinson's property. He also stated that the Site Plan was not completely accurate as it does not show the existing swimming pool. He is concerned that a failing wooden retaining wall at the property line will compromise the swimming pool. Vice President Baskin responded that it does not appear the proposed septic replacement system would have an impact on what Mr. Hutchinson plans to develop on his property and that the District has no jurisdiction over Mr. Hutchinson's other issues.
Presentation by John Ryan, Project Manager, National Park Service (NPS), Golden
Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), regarding the proposed new centralized leach
field location for the Beach Restrooms.
John Ryan distributed a schematic design of the proposed Highway 1 Parcel Drainfield which shows the location of (1) replacing the pumps and control system of the North Restroom, the Central Restroom and the South Restroom, (2) a 30,000 gallon equalization storage and pumping facility, (3) a pretreatment system with adequate capacity to treat up to 10,000 gallons per day, (4) an offsite pressure sewer main [private easement required], (5) a leach field distribution vault, and (6) a 10,000 gallon capacity leach field. Mr. Ryan will have Rich Souza, the District's Wastewater Engineer, and the Wastewater Committee review the plans and communicate any concerns or approval. Mr. Ryan would appreciate a letter of support from the District. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Design Approval Permit for Vacant Lot
on Calle del Embarcadero (APN 195-132-03).
The General Manager stated that several individuals have expressed an interest in purchasing the unimproved lot. He has been asked if it is necessary for them to submit new design plans if a Design Approval Permit extension for the septic system is requested before the September 17, 2014 expiration date. Since the County's permitting process may take 18-24 months, prospective buyers of the lot are concerned they may not get a building permit by September 17, 2014.
After much back and forth discussion, three of the Board members felt an extension should be granted, if based exactly on the same plans and conditions adopted by the Board on September 15, 2012 by Resolution No. WW 2012-04, Resolution No. WW 2012-05, and the Design Approval Permit dated September 17, 2012.
Director Nelsen made a motion to direct the General Manager to grant a one year extension, if an extension is requested before September 15, 2014, but based on the Design Approval Permit dated September 17, 2012 and Resolutions Nos. WW 2012-04 and WW 2012-05. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion passed 3-1, with Director Zell voting as opposed. -
Mr. Keene Simonds, Executive Officer, Local Agency Formation Commission
(LAFCO), will make a brief presentation on LAFCO's countywide water service study.
Keene Simonds stated that the study is required under Government Code Section 56340 in order to provide a snapshot of current water service in Marin County with respect to assessing the relationship between supply, demand, and outcomes. The Marin Municipal Water, North Marin Water, Stinson Beach County Water District, Muir Beach CSD, Bolinas PUD and Inverness PUD will all receive a uniform questionnaire. He will incorporate the replies to the questionnaire into a draft scope of analysis for presentation and approval by the Commission at its February 13 meeting. He has requested a copy of the District's service boundary. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the updated Stinson Beach
County Water District Emergency Response Plan.
The purpose of the Plan is to provide a guideline to define and direct the District's response during an emergency. The Plan is very detailed and based on the incident command system, following FEMA procedures. The Plan is divided into ten sections. Pages 12-16 list the contact information for District employees, Board members, State health officials, and Fire Protection. Last week, Marianne Watada, Marin County Department of Public Health, and several interns spent a day reviewing the District's facilities. Director Cross requested that Section IV of the Plan, which lists the Disaster Emergency Response Teams, duties, and locations, be laminated for distribution to Directors and staff. She also requested a hands-on practice drill.
Director Nelsen moved to approve the Minutes of November 16, 2013. Director Zell seconded
the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Director Cross moved to approve the disbursements of November 22 and December 4, 2013.
Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. The Marin County Department of Public
Works will hold a meeting at the Community Center on January 11, 2014 to discuss the Draft
Stinson Beach Flood Study and Alternatives Assessment. A flyer will be mailed out along with
the next water bill.
Jack Liebster, Senior Planner, Marin County, will be using a grant received by the county to
study shoreline sea level rise issues. He has been invited to make a presentation at a future
Board meeting.
Roy Given, Director of Finance for Marin County, is compiling Total Debt and Pension Liability
figures for public agencies in Marin County.
Last week, the District received $341,000 in property tax revenue, which was credited to its
Westamerica Operating Account. $200,000 of this amount was transferred to the District's
LAIF account, bringing its balance to $901,000. The Rolling Capital Improvements Cash Flow
spreadsheet does not include the anticipated receipt of ERAF funds estimated at $75,000 in
late December nor does it include the balance of $200,000 in additional property tax revenue
expected next April.
The District has not received any complaints about the proposed garbage rate increase which
will be voted on at the January 18, 2014 Board meeting, for implementation on February 1.
The Board members have reviewed "The Alameda County Water District Draft Rules of the
Board." President Boucke will be requested to solicit Board members for an ad hoc committee
to review and revise the District's existing rules.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:12 a.m.