Saturday, November 19, 2011
President Tye called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, November 19, 2011, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Richard Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.
President Tye expressed his concern regarding the District's future manpower needs. This will
be a topic at the next Personnel Committee meeting.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance request for installation of an
alternative septic system, 306 Seadrift, Acct. #06910, Seadrift LLC (Charles Almond),
The General Manager briefly described this project which will replace the existing single field gravity system with a new alternative wastewater system, increasing the maximum daily discharge limit of 200 gallons to 450 gallons. The existing single family residence will also be replaced, and a new swimming pool, driveway, deck and landscaping will be installed. The 3 foot separation to groundwater has been met. To mitigate the fast percolation rates in the Seadrift area beach sand, a recirculating textile filter is proposed, which will reduce wastewater strength through filtration and aerobic treatment of the effluent. A variance to Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative System Designs is required for use of the proposed recirculating textile filter. Vice President Sapanai noted that the project had previously been discussed at the November 7, 2011 Wastewater Committee meeting, and made a motion to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2011[subsequently renumbered as WW 2011-09] granting the variance. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The variance was approved by unanimous vote. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Waiver request for replacing a failed
system with an alternative septic system, 267 Seadrift Road, Acct. #07370, Carol
Brosgart/Joseph Gross, owners.
The General Manager explained that this proposed alternative septic system replaces a failed single field gravity system and was designed to meet the 3 foot vertical separation requirement from the bottom of the dispersal field to seasonal high groundwater elevations. The system is designed for a maximum daily discharge limit of 200 gallons, which is the same maximum limit as the previous discharge permit. There will be no increase in habitable space. A waiver to Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks is required as the proposed septic system is located within 5 feet to the southerly property line. A waiver to Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative System Designs is required for use of the recirculating textile filter and subsurface drip fields. To meet the ten foot setback requirement from the septic system to the water main, the water main needs to be relocated. A condition of approval requires the owners to either relocate the water main themselves per the District's satisfaction or request an estimate for District staff to do the relocation. Director Zell noted that the homeowner has the option to hire a private contractor to move the water line if he/she so desires. There may be periods of time when the District's work schedule may necessitate postponing their moving of the water line to a future time slot.
Vice President Sapanai stated this project had also been reviewed at the last Wastewater Committee meeting. Director Zell moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW-2011-00 [subsequently renumbered as WW-2011-10] granting the waiver. Ms. Sapanai seconded the motion. The waiver was approved by unanimous vote, with the exception of Director Boucke who recused herself from voting as she lives within 500 feet of the project.
Discussion and possible action re: SBCWD, Onsite Wastewater Management Program
Annual Report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, July 1, 2010 through June
30, 2011.
Engineer Souza noted that he rewrote the introductory language for this year's report. The report reflects the District's good follow-up and adherence to its Title IV Regulations. Topics include the onsite wastewater system, design review program, enforcement actions, water quality monitoring, inspection program, Board and staff actions, sampling schedules, maps, variances, waivers, permits and laboratory reports. All failures and systems needing repairs are initially discussed at the District's Wastewater Committee meetings. These defined procedures are very helpful to the septic designers as well, and it is a good forum for the designers to interact with each other. The high coliform levels resulting from surface water samples taken from Easkoot Creek will be shown in the next fiscal year's report. The District's investigation revealed that the probable cause was either a dead animal or algae. These high counts typically occur in samples taken after the first significant storm event in the wet weather season when the groundwater levels are elevated.
The Directors suggested two minor changes before submitting the report to the Regional Water Quality Control Board. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: the Stinson Beach County Water
District Seadrift Water Main Relocation Plan.
The General Manager stated that Allan Richards of Stetson Engineering is in the process of analyzing several sections of the Seadrift water main pipe. District staff have so far moved two of the seven water main pipes slated to be relocated at the present time. It will be some time before the remaining five properties are done. The General Manager and the Water Operations Committee are working with Kiren Niederberger of the Seadrift Association and Peter Sandmann to address removing the encroachments that impede the District's progress in relocating the remaining five water main pipes. A memorandum dated October 18, 2011 from District Counsel Patrick T. Miyaki states it is the responsibility of property owners in Seadrift to pay for the cost of relocating the portion of the District's water main in front of their property, when the septic system is within 10 feet of the water main. This topic will continue to be placed on the agenda for future Board and Water Operations Committee meetings. -
Discussion and possible adoption of a District Reserve Fund Management Policy.
The District's new auditor, Maze & Associates, noted that, although the District maintains sufficient reserves, it does not have a written Reserve Policy. Draft policy Resolution No. GB- 2011-00 [subsequently renumbered as GB-2011-06] was presented and approved at the Finance Committee Meeting on November 7. Vice President Sapanai moved to approve the policy. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The Reserve Fund Management Policy was approved unanimously. -
Discussion and possible adoption of a Policy and Procedures for Award of Contracts
(Procurement) and office policy for purchasing supplies.
Maze & Associates noted that the District needed a written procurement and purchasing policy. The Finance Committee was provided a draft policy resolution at its Finance Committee Meeting on November 7. The Committee recommended approval by the Board. Vice President Sapanai moved to approve Resolution No. GB-2011-00 [subsequently renumbered as GB-2011-07]. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The Policy and Procedures for Award of Contracts (Procurement) and Office Policy for Purchasing Supplies were approved unanimously. -
Discussion and possible adoption of a District Investment Policy.
The District reviews its investment strategy routinely through the Finance Committee and the Board of Directors. The District's Investment Policy was last amended in 2006. Maze & Associates noted that the policy needs to be presented to the Board on an annual basis. The Finance Committee approved draft Resolution No. GB-2011-00 [subsequently renumbered as GB-2011-08] on November 7. Director Boucke moved to adopt the policy. Director Zell seconded the motion. The resolution amending the District Investment Policy was approved by unanimous vote. -
Sea Level Rise - Part 1: Discuss the PRESENTATION, GOALS AND OBJECTIVES of
the Coastal Manager Scoping Workshops for the collaborative project "Our Coast-Our
Future: Planning for Sea Level Rise and Storm Hazards along the Bay Area's Outer
Coast," Tools for Planning and Management, Coastal Storm Modeling System and
Decision Support System.
The General Manager discussed a workshop he attended in Petaluma. Its purpose was to solicit management information needs for an online decision support tool to plan for and respond to sea level rise and storm hazards from Half Moon Bay to Bodega Head. The workshop was organized and presented by the USGS, NPS, PRBO, NOAA, Gulf of the Farallones and Bay Area Ecosystem-Climate Change Consortium. It was attended by 55 coastal managers and planners with jurisdiction and legal authority along the North-central California coast. All of these agencies have teamed up to help address the effects of Sea Level Rise and Storm Hazards along the region's outer coast. -
Sea Level Rise - Part 2: Discuss the executive summary of the RESULTS of the
Coastal Manager Scoping Workshops for the collaborative project "Our Coast-Our
Future: Planning for Sea Level Rise and Storm Hazards along the Bay Area's Outer
The General Manager summarized the results of the management priorities from the scoping workshop. The highest priority management questions are the projected threats to infrastructure, recreation and habits. The priority next steps of the project include gathering identified data layers to be incorporated into interactive maps, allowing users to add their own information.
Director Baskin motioned to approve the minutes of October 15, 2011. Director Boucke
seconded the motion. The minutes were approved by unanimous vote.
The disbursements of October 19 and November 2, 2011 were approved unanimously.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He and Chris Kelley attended a workshop
in Santa Rosa presented by the California State Water Resources Control Board regarding the
updated Statewide Onsite Wastewater Treatment Policy. The State's new policy will
concentrate on those 5% of septic systems that are failing, especially those that are located
within 600 feet of an impaired water body. However, the new policy will not affect septic
systems inspected by the Stinson Beach County Water District.
The District has not yet received a response from Peter Sandmann regarding its Resolution
No. WW 2011-05, Adopting an Easement Agreement for Property Located at 189 Seadrift
Road, Richard Volk, Owner and Grantor. Mr. Sandmann had been requested on November 8
to prepare an easement Grant Deed in recordable form in order to maintain the District's
continuing access to its water quality monitoring well.
The General Manager and President Tye attended a meeting of the Technical Work Group of
the Easkoot Creek Flood Control Project. Construction of an interim sediment basin to prevent
possible flooding is in the planning stage.
The District has received a survey map and legal description from On-Air LLP for road access
in order to install proposed cell antennas at the Highlands Tank Site. A copy has been sent on
to Larry Miranda, GGNRA.
The District has received its Annual Valuation Reports for Miscellaneous First and Second Tier
Retirement Plans from CalPERS. The District currently has no second tier employees. The
District has the opportunity again to prepay next year's estimated charges, saving
approximately $5,000.
The General Manager sent a letter to Ms. Suzanne Royce, explaining that the District was
reopening the hearing. He is also sending a letter to Riley Hurd in response to Mr. Hurd's
request for a Special Board meeting, and that the District would hold the Public Hearing at the
Saturday, January 21, 2012, Board meeting. The Board Members then briefly discussed the
provisions of the Brown Act.
The District's 1/2 roof replacement has been completed as a first step in preparing for the
installation of solar panels.
Director Boucke noted that the District's new auditor, Maze & Associates, was highly
complimentary of the District's employees as well as the implementation of District policies.
President Tye reported that the District's next Wastewater Committee meeting will be held on
Monday, December 12, and cover a myriad of unresolved Title IV issues.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 11:20 a.m.