Director Boucke called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, September 20, 2008 at 9:35 a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director

Directors absent:
Jim Zell, President

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza, Wastewater Engineer


Director Sapanai read correspondence sent from Beth Perry; "Huge thanks to Toby Bisson and the Water District for promptly reacting to a water leak and for following up the next day, I appreciate all the work that you do and the fabulous water that I drink".


Director Sapanai moved to adopt the agenda moving Public Hearings ahead of approval of minutes and everything else, Director Baskin seconded the motion. Director Tye moved that Item, H2, General Business follow Public Hearing. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Director Sapanai moved to approve the minutes of August 23, 2008, with the following amendments; remove the apostrophe from the word guest's, and in the future do not list the guests unless they have made comment in "Public Expression". Director Tye seconded, the motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Director Sapanai moved to approve the disbursements of August 27th, Director Baskin seconded, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote. Director Sapanai moved to approve the disbursements of September 10th. Director Tye seconded, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.


Director Boucke asked about receiving the bound copies of the 2007-08 Fiscal Year Audit, and upon receiving them, the Board will be able to officially approve the Audit. The Board directed the General Manager to contact West America Bank and inquire if the District has an agreement with them to insure any overage in excess of $100,000. Director Boucke asked the General Manager to research the LAIF account for any risk and bring back a report to the Board in October.


  1. Variance Request: Barbara Hancock, 145 Seadrift Road: Applicant requests (2) Variances to : SECTION 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks. Applicant proposes to locate portions of the raised bed dispersal field 3 feet from the front property line and under the driveway.

    Rich Souza addressed the Board and discussed the Variance request to locate portions of the raised bed dispersal field 3 feet from the front property line and under the driveway. This is a continuation from the public hearing on August 23rd. Mr. Souza asked the Board to approve the installation of a wastewater disposal system with an average flow rate of 100 gallons per day and a maximum peak flow rate of 150 gallons per day for a single family residence, which does not exceed 1670 sq. ft. of "conditioned" space. Director Baskin moved to approve the variance request as described, Director Sapanai seconded; the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Waiver Request: John Beverly Jones, 332 Seadrift Road: Applicant requests waiver to: Section 4.19.010 Use of Alternative Wastewater System Design. Applicant proposes the installation of an Advantex AX20 pretreatment device in lieu of the existing intermittent sand filter system.

    Rich Souza addressed the Board and discussed the Waiver request to install an Advantex AX20 pretreatment device in lieu of the existing intermittent sand filter system. Mr. Souza asked the Board to approve the design for a wastewater disposal system with an average flow rate of 200 gallons per day and a maximum peak flow rate of 300 gallons per day for a single family residence which does not exceed 1900 sq.ft. of "conditioned" space. Mr. Jones asked the Board to mitigate some of the application fees to SBCWD, the Board discussed the question. Director Baskin made the motion to approve the variance and reduce Mr. Jones fee's by 40%, Director Sapanai seconded the motion, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
  3. Notice to Appear: Bill Sullivan, 30 Laurel Avenue: Notice of Failed Septic System: System Failed Routine Inspection- Septic Tank in flooded Condition.

    Mr. Sullivan did not attend the meeting. The General Manager explained that the septic system has continued to fail inspection and has been out of compliance since October 29, 2007. The General Manager reviewed an email he received from Mr. Sullivan, stating that the pre-existing problem had resolved itself with the seasonal water table and the house has been unoccupied and unused since before April. The owner stated he would be on the property in the month of October to initiate repairs, but would not be occupying the home. Director Baskin made the motion to issue a continuance of the abatement order to show cause why the water should not be turned off. The owner has until the November Board meeting to do so. Unless corrected by that time, the District will proceed to turn off the water. Director Sapanai seconded the motion and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
  4. Notice to Appear: Michael Peterson, 2 Calle del Ribera: Notice of Failed Septic System; Failure to Repair diversion valve handle, Failure to clean effluent filter.

    Sara Butler was in attendance representing Michael Peterson. The General Manager stated that there is no need for this matter to be addressed. The system has passed, the diversion valve handle has been repaired, and the effluent filter is clean. This matter is resolved.
  5. Notice to Appear: Thomas & Mary Rueckert-Cooper, 244 Seadrift: Notice of Failed Septic System; No access to septic tank pump basin (covered by landscaping), Control Panel not functioning, alarm indicates "low-level" condition.

    The General Manager explained that the telemetry panel is not functioning. He introduced the engineer, Garner Temer. Mr. Temer explained the problems with the panel and the computer system. Mr. Souza explained the problem of not being able to read the panel, therefore not knowing if the system is functioning properly or not. Director Tye made the motion to continue the process of abatement and suggested District staff work with the installer and the applicant on insuring that the new unit will work and function, giving the applicant 30 days to resolve the problem. Director Baskin seconded the motion and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Discussion and possible action regarding; September 11, 2008 DZA Hearing; Sutton Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and Coastal Permit/Use Permit/Design Review.

    The General Manager gave the Board an update on the County Hearing process. Mr. Souza reviewed the revised drainage plan. The Board discussed drainage, building site, the flood plain and the alteration of any drainage that would impact the neighbors. Mr. Souza explained the intent of the designer was to drain the water from the existing residence from the south out to the creek which would not work, because the water would have to go uphill. The Board directed the General Manager and Rich Souza to write a letter to Christine Gimmler, Senior Planner, Marin County Community Development Agency.


The General Manager asked the Board if they would want a committee to review and ask questions of Steve McCaffrey before any request comes to the Board for a garbage rate increase. Director Tye suggested that Steve McCaffrey present a proposal directly to the Board. The General Manager suggested a Special Meeting be called for the review of the construction of a cell tower at Steep Ravine. The Board set the Special Meeting for Saturday, November 8th at the Stinson Beach Community Center. The General Manager continued his report updating the Board regarding the Water Operations Committee meeting held on August 2nd. Director Baskin complimented the General Manager on his report, and asked if there were questions regarding the information given to the Board. Director Boucke asked the General Manager for a review of information from Borrego Solar. The General Manager stated; the proposal was at the request of the Water Operations Committee to research the cost. The sites reviewed were the roof of the office building and the hillside between the existing treatment plant and the water storage tank. The Board asked that the 200K for Solar Panels be listed as a footnote to the CIP list. Director Boucke recommended the Finance Committee review the District Policy regarding unemployment insurance. The General Manager further noted the following items; the District-wide maintenance paving has been completed, Mr. Melendy will resume normal work duties on September 17, 2008 and the Treatment Plant bid documents for the retaining wall have been prepared by Ray McDevitt.




Director Sapanai reported on the progress of the Title II revisions


Vice President Boucke called for the motion to adjourn the meeting, Director Baskin made the motion to adjourn, Director Sapanai seconded, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.

The next meeting will be held on October 18, 2008, at 9:30 a.m.

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