Return to Title 3 Table of ContentsSections:
3.09.000 GENERAL3.09.002 Authority and Purpose
3.09.004 Incorporation of Title 17 DHS Regulations
3.09.006 Definition of Terms
3.09.110 From Private Sources of Supply and Wastewater Systems
3.09.120 From Systems Carrying Hazardous Substances
3.09.130 From Sewage Lift or Ejection Stations
3.09.210 Installation
3.09.220 Payment
3.09.230 Testing Inspection and Maintenance
3.09.231 Testing Procedures
3.09.232 Procedures for Approval of Testers
3.09.310 Access for Inspection
3.09.320 Noncompliance
3.09.330 Liability
3.09.410 Well and Water System Permit Application
3.09.420 Well/Water System Operation Permit
3.09.430 Inspection and Testing
3.09.440 Revocation of Operation Permit
3.09.510 Pool Construction Permit
3.09.520 Setbacks
3.09.530 Discharge
3.09.540 Backflow Prevention
3.09.000 GENERAL.
Stinson Beach County Water District operates a public water supply under permit issued
by the
State of California Department of Health.
In order to comply with the
terms of the permit and all State regulations intended to protect the public water supply
from contamination or excessive loss of supply, suitable backflow prevention devices
must be installed by the consumer at his expense.
Due to the use of on-site septic wastewater systems throughout the District whenever a
backflow prevention device is required to be installed, it shall be a Reduced Pressure
Principle (RPP) Backflow devices, unless the General Manager determines that a device
providing greater protection is needed.
3.09.002 Authority & Purpose:
Title 17,
Chapter V, Sections 7583-7605,
inclusive, of the California Code of Regulations, entitled "Regulations Relating to Cross-
Connections" sets forth rules and regulations governing cross-connections.
Title 17, Section 7584, states among other things, "the water supplier shall protect
the public water supply from contamination by implementation of a cross
connection control program." The District is a water supplier within the meaning of
Title 17.
In order to provide for an orderly and adequate means of protection of District's
water distribution system from backflow, the requirements hereinafter set forth are
reasonable and necessary. District adopts these requirements for the protection of
the District's water distribution system from backflow. New water service
connections shall be installed and existing water service connections shall be
modified to conform to the requirements hereinafter set forth.
3.09.004 Incorporation of CALIF. TITLE 17 REGULATIONS
The regulations of the California
Department of Health, Title 17, California Code of Regulations, Sections 7583-7605,
inclusive, hereinafter referred to as "Title 17", are
hereby adopted, incorporated by reference herein and made a part hereof, insofar as the
same are applicable to the protection of District's water distribution system.
3.09.006 Definition of Terms
Unless the context requires otherwise, the following words shall have the following
- Auxiliary Water Supply:
- means any water supply on, or available to, the premises other than water supplied by District.
- Backflow:
- means the reverse flow of water or any other fluid or substance or any combination or any mixture thereof from the customer's system into the District's water distribution system.
- Backflow Prevention Assembly:
- means an assembly which will prevent backflow into the District's distribution system.
- Approved Tester:
- means a person who holds a current AWWA (American Water Works Association) General Testers Certificate and is approved by the District to perform backflow prevention device testing within the District's distribution system in accordance with District established procedures.
- Cross-Connection:
- means any connection, link or channel between District's water distribution system and an auxiliary water supply, a pipe or piping system, plumbing fixtures, appliance, container, receptacle, vessel or other devices of whatsoever nature, whereby it may be possible for contaminated or used water or other fluid, which in District's opinion is of questionable or unsafe quality, or any other substance of whatsoever nature other than the water supplied by District, to enter any part of District's water distribution system.
- Customer:
- means any person or organization who receives water from the District.
- Customer's System:
- means the water piping system located immediately downstream from a meter.
- District's Water Distribution System:
- means the water distribution system owned and operated by District including the service connections to water mains.
- Responsible:
- means the capacity of an individual tester and his/her employer to satisfactorily perform testing of backflow prevention devices and includes such attributes as experience, possession of sufficient tools and equipment, maintenance of insurance for the protection of customers and the public, and absence of evidence of dishonesty or unsatisfactory performance.
- Service Connection:
- means the meter and water piping system connecting the customer's system with the District's water main.
3.09.110 From Private Sources of Supply and Septic Systems.
The public water supply system must at all times be isolated from private sources of supply
and wastewater systems. The residential water supply must have a minimum separation
of 10 feet horizontally from any wastewater system. If the minimum separation distance
cannot be accomplished the following will be required:
- Abandoning the private source of supply, or
- Installing a backflow prevention device capable of assuring equivalent protection as provided for in Title 17.
3.09.120 From Systems Carrying Hazardous Substances.
The public water supply system shall be separated by an air gap from any chemical plant systems,
or other systems carrying hazardous substances which may jeopardize the safety of the
drinking water supply or at any private or public premise on which any material dangerous
to health or any toxic substance in toxic concentration is or may be handled under
pressure. The air gap shall be located as close as practicable to the service cock, and all
piping between the service cock and receiving tank shall be exposed. All portions of the
air gap system, including piping, shall be accessible for inspection at any reasonable
3.09.130 From Sewage Lift or Ejector Stations.
The service connection to
any public water supply shall be protected by a properly installed air gap separation
system satisfactory to District, the plans for which must be approved in writing by the
District's Engineer prior to installation. For a single hose bib water service to the vicinity
of a sewage lift station, the District may only accept a Reduced Pressure Principle (RPP)
Device assembly, located as close as practicable to the service connection. The service
hose bib and connecting riser must be located at the discharge end of the RPP Device
assembly. The system, including all piping, shall be completely exposed.
- New Service Connection. At the time an application for new water
service is made by a potential customer, in accordance with procedures established by
District, the General Manager will review said application to determine the need for a
backflow prevention device on the customer's service. If a backflow prevention device is
determined to be required it shall be the customer's responsibility at customer's expense
to provide for installation of the device in accordance with District standards and at a
location approved by the District, by one of the following methods.
- Installation by Contractor. A backflow prevention device may be installed by a private contractor at customer's expense, provided the location, type and manufacturer of the device are approved by the District in advance.
- Installation by Customer. A backflow prevention device may be installed by customer provided the location, type and manufacturer of the device are approved by the District in advance.
- Existing Service Connections without Backflow Prevention Devices. District will inspect the premises of existing service connections which in the opinion of the General Manager may require backflow prevention. If it is determined by the General Manager that a backflow prevention device is required, the installation of a backflow prevention device shall be a condition of continued water service. Installation shall be accomplished by one of the two methods listed in paragraph (A) above. If a customer fails to provide for the installation of the backflow prevention device within a reasonable time limit set forth in a written notification to the customer from District, District may suspend water service to the property being served. Alternatively, at its option, and upon notification to the customer, District may install the backflow prevention device and charge the customer the entire cost of the device and its installation.
- Upgrading of Existing Backflow Prevention Devices. An existing backflow prevention device which, in the opinion of the General Manager, is a type that does not provide adequate protection for the degree of potential hazard from backflow shall be upgraded at the customer's expense following the procedures in Paragraph (B) above. Upgrading may include complete replacement and/or relocation of the backflow prevention device, installation of additional devices, and/or correction of any on-site cross-connection hazards.
- Ownership of Backflow Prevention Devices. Backflow prevention devices installed or upgraded either by the customer or by the District, and paid for by the customer, shall be and remain the property of the customer.
3.09.220 Payment.
Payment to the District shall be made based on a
written estimate prior to the commencement of the work. If the actual cost is less than the
estimated amount, the difference shall be returned to the person who paid the estimate.
Costs exceeding the estimate will be billed to the person(s) requesting the work. Invoices
delinquent thirty days will be added to the consumer's water bill.
3.09.230 Inspection, Testing and Maintenance.
All backflow prevention
devices shall be inspected and tested annually for proper operation. Inspection and
Testing shall be performed by a certified tester (AWWA Certified), certified to test and
repair backflow prevention devices. The results of each test including repairs shall be
reported on a form provided by the District. In the event that the device is found to be
defective, the customer shall cause necessary repairs and/or replacement to be made at
his expense. The owner shall have an acceptance test performed after repairs and/or
replacements have been made to confirm proper operation of the device. All annual
inspections, testing, acceptance tests after installation, repair and/or replacement shall be
at the expense of the owner.
3.09.231 Testing Procedures.
Testing by Approved Testers. Customers, after advising the District in writing,
may use an approved tester to inspect and test a backflow prevention device in
accordance with District established procedures. The test shall be performed and results
reported to District within 30 days of written notice by District.
Testing by District Personnel. District personnel may be used to inspect and
test backflow prevention devices at the customers request or shall be used if a customer
fails or refuses to test their device in a timely manner. Charges for inspection and testing
by District shall be set from time to time by District Board of Directors based on size and
type of device. Customers shall be notified of any test failures by District.
Devices which fail to pass inspection and/or testing by the District or approved testers
shall be repaired promptly at customer's expense. District reserves the right to require
more frequent testing or to perform additional testing by District personnel when the
District determines it to be in the public interest. Customer shall bear the cost of
additional tests if its device fails a test.
3.09.232 Procedures for Approval of Testers.
In order to ensure that
testing of backflow prevention devices is performed by technically competent individuals
who are personally responsible and, if other than self-employed, are employed by
persons and/or organizations which are also responsible, the General Manager is
authorized to establish and implement procedures consistent with these regulations for
the approval by District of backflow prevention testers.
The approval procedures shall require each prospective tester to submit an
application to the District providing such information as the General Manager may
determine to be reasonably necessary to establish the applicant's technical
competence and personal responsibility. At a minimum the applicant must
possess a curent valid Backflow Testing Certificate issued by the American Water
Works Association (AWWA).
The District shall review each application and may make such other investigation
of the applicant, and the applicant's employer, as the General Manager considers
appropriate to determine the responsibility of the applicant and the applicant's
employer, including, but not limited to, verifying information submitted by the
The General Manager shall compile, and update no less frequently than annually,
a list of the names, business addresses and telephone numbers of all approved
testers, and shall make the current version of such list available to District
The General Manager may require an approved tester to (1) demonstrate backflow
prevention device testing procedures in the field, and (2) provide advance notice to
District of scheduled backflow prevention device testing, installation or repair work
so that it may be observed by the District.
The General Manager may revoke approval of an individual tester and remove him
or her from the list of approved testers if the individual tester, or his/her employer,
fails or refuses to comply with District policies and procedures for testing of
devices, submits incorrect test reports, engages in dishonest business practices in
the District, fails to maintain a valid AWWA certificate, or installs, repairs or tests
the devices in a negligent manner.
No person shall perform tests of backflow prevention devices in the District unless
he or she has been approved to do so by the District. No person, firm, corporation
or other form of business organization shall permit an employee to perform tests of
backflow prevention devices in the District unless such employee has been
approved to do so by the District.
3.09.310 Access for Inspection.
Stinson Beach County Water District
personnel and representatives of any governmental health agency shall have the right of
ingress to and egress from the consumer's premises at all reasonable hours for the
purpose of investigating compliance with this regulation.
3.09.320 Noncompliance.
If a consumer fails to comply with this
regulation, the District shall have the right to discontinue water service and, if it deems
necessary, physically disconnect the consumer's piping from the District's distribution
Any person or persons, company, corporation or association, who willfully fails to install,
or permit to be installed, backflow prevention assemblies as required by these
regulations, or who willfully by-passes, alters or refuses to maintain a backflow prevention
assembly, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject
to a fine not exceeding $1,000 per day per violation or imprisonment in the County jail for
a period not exceeding six months, or both fine and imprisonment.
3.09.330 Liability.
The District shall not be liable for any injury to persons
or damage to property which may result directly or indirectly from the installation or testing
of any device to protect the District's public water supply from contamination.
3.09.410 Well/Water System Permit Application.
The well/water system permit
application and application review process shall be the same as provided for a
Construction/Repair Permit for a wastewater system, as generally provided in
Title 4 Wastewater Code Section 4.07.110 through
4.07.410. In addition to other required
information, the plans submitted shall provide sufficient information to determine whether
the standards of the
Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 74 will be met
and additionally shall indicate the approximate location of wastewater systems located
within 200 feet of the proposed well or water system. The person reviewing an
application on behalf of the District pursuant to
Section 4.07.220 may request additional
supporting data as needed.
3.09.420 Well/Water System Operation Permit.
Upon completion of the
construction of a well or water system in conformance with these regulations and final
inspection thereof by the District, an operation permit shall be issued therefore in a
manner similar to issuance of a discharge permit pursuant to
Title 4, Wastewater Policy,
Section 4.07.710. No well or water system shall be operated without a well/water system
permit pursuant hereto. No well or water system shall be cross-connected to the District's
water system.
3.09.430 Inspection and Testing.
Every well or water system which has a permit issued pursuant to these regulations shall
be inspected annually and a sample of the water therefrom tested for bacteriological
3.09.440 Revocation of Operation Permit.
If it has been determined that the
water from a well or water system fails to meet the standards listed below, the operation
permit shall be revoked in the same manner as provided in
Title 4, Wastewater Code,
Section 4.07.740 for revocation of discharge permits. If a well fails to meet the required
standards, and the permit is revoked, it must be abandoned according to techniques
specified in the
Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 74.
Food crop irrigation (for human consumption) | Not to exceed 2.2 M.P.N. |
Yard and ornamental plant irrigation (casual human contact exposure) | Not to exceed 23 M.P.N. |
Human Consumption | Regulated by State and County Agencies. |
3.09.510 Pool Construction Permit.
No person shall construct a swimming
pool, spa, or hot tub without a permit from the District.
3.09.520 Setbacks.
No swimming pool, spa, or hot tub which has any portion
located deeper than two feet (2') below ground shall be constructed within fifteen feet
(15') of any component of a wastewater system.
3.09.530 Discharge.
No person shall allow water from a swimming pool, spa, or
hot tub to be discharged into an onsite wastewater septic system, into a creek or stream,
or into storm drains. No person shall allow water from a swimming pool, spa, or hot tub to
be discharged, spilled, or otherwise disposed of onto or into the ground, or into a
subsurface drainage structure without a discharge permit issued by the District. For
purposes of this code, a swimming pool, spa, or hot tub which is designed to discharge
water onto or into the ground shall be considered an onsite wastewater disposal system.
3.09.540 Backflow Prevention.
No swimming pool, spa, or hot tub shall be
operated without a cross-connection protection device as prescribed by this District and
State Department of Health Services.