Return to Title IV Table of ContentsSections:
4.07.060 Septic Pumping Permits Required4.07.070 Chemical Toilet Permit
4.07.071 Chemical Toilets in Village Green Parks
4.07.090 New Construction Permit and Maintenance Permit Requirements
4.07.110 Application for a Construction Permit
4.07.112 Design Approval Permit Required
4.07.114 Discharge Permit Required
4.07.115 Valid Discharge Permit
4.07.118 Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act
4.07.130 Design Review Application
4.07.131 Designer's Inspection Schedule
4.07.133 Exemption from Design Review Application - Minor System Repair
4.07.135 Determination of Complete Design Review Application
4.07.215 Determination of Incomplete Design Review Application
4.07.220 Approval of Design Review Application and Plans; Issuance of Design Approval Permit
4.07.230 Notice to Agencies of Design Approval - New Construction
4.07.310 Revocation of Design Approval Permit
4.07.410 Retention of Plans
4.07.510 Licensed Contractor Required
4.07.610 Inspections
4.07.620 Certification by Designer
4.07.630 Certification of As-built Plans
4.07.710 Discharge Permit
4.07.720 Periodic Inspection
4.07.725 Accessibility for Periodic Inspection
4.07.730 Purpose of Periodic Inspection
4.07.732 Scope of Periodic Inspection
4.07.733 Notification of Completed Inspection
4.07.735 Change of Use
4.07.740 Revocation of Discharge Permit and Failed System Citation
4.07.745 Reissue of Discharge Permit
4.07.760 Grading Permit Application
4.07.770 Other Permits

4.07.060 Septic Pumping Permits Required
Septic pumping contractors and/or waste haulers performing any extraction or hauling of septic
waste or food waste or grease within the Stinson Beach County Water District boundaries shall be
required to make annual application for a Pumping Permit and shall pay the applicable permit fee.
All septic pumping contractors shall be licensed by the County of Marin pursuant to 25000 et seq.
of the Health and Safety Code and shall submit a copy of the current County permit to the District
prior to issuance of the Septic Pumping Permit.
4.07.070 Chemical Toilet Permit
Except as specifically provided herein, no person shall use a chemical toilet on any parcel within
the District. Such devices may be used temporarily in connection with the construction of a
building or other structure during the period of such construction or in connection with the repair of
a failed wastewater treatment system or upon application to the District for a private special event.
Upon filing of a temporary toilet permit application and payment of the prescribed fee, a permit for
such a device serving a temporary use may be issued provided that the device will be provided by
and pumped by a person licensed by the County of Marin pursuant to 25000 et seq. of the "Health
and Safety Code".
4.07.071 Chemical Toilets in Village Green Parks
Notwithstanding Section 4.07.070 above, chemical toilet(s) may be used in the Village Green
Parks. Each device shall be provided and pumped by a person licensed by the County of Marin
pursuant to sections 25000 et seq. of the California Health and Safety Code. Such devices(s)
shall be serviced and pumped twice a week during the period May 1st to September 30th. The
District shall have the discretion to require the non-operation or removal of the device(s) from
either or both parks if in the opinion of its General Manager the continued use of such devices will
create a health hazard or public nuisance. The Determination of the General Manager may be
appealed to the Board of Directors.
4.07.090 New Construction Permit, Repair or Replacement Permit, Maintenance Permit Required
No person shall engage in any of the following activities as specifically defined in this code without
having first obtained a permit from the District:
- New Construction (as defined in Section 4.03.252)
- Repair or Replacement (as defined in Section 4.03.264) of any treatment or dispersal component of the wastewater system
- Maintenance (as defined in Section 4.03.244) of any treatment or dispersal component of the wastewater system
A construction permit shall be valid for a period of two (2) years. A maintenance permit shall be valid for sixty (60) days.
4.07.110 Application for New Construction Permit
No person shall engage in the replacement or installation of a wastewater system or
treatment component without having first obtained a Construction Permit. To obtain a New
Construction Permit, the owner or designated agent of the property owner shall submit the
prescribed District permit application form and fee. New septic system designs require a
Design Approval Permit prior to the issuance of the New Construction Permit. If the
property to be served by a new wastewater treatment system is not currently provided
water service by the District, then an application for water service and payment of related
fees are required prior to issuance of a New Construction Permit.
4.07.112 Design Approval Permit
No person shall engage in the replacement or installation of a wastewater system without
having first obtained a Design Approval Permit. To obtain a Design Approval Permit, the
owner or designated agent of the property owner on which the proposed work is to be
conducted shall first file, along with the prescribed permit application fee, an application on
a District form. Every such application shall:
- Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made;
- Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by legal description, street address, and/or Marin County Assessor's parcel number;
- Describe in a similar manner all parcels which are, or will be, served by the wastewater treatment system involved in the work;
- Indicate the use or occupancy which the wastewater treatment system serves or will serve;
- Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations, specifications and other data as required in this code;
- If the application is for new construction, be accompanied by plans and specifications for the building(s) to be served by the new wastewater treatment system;
- Be signed by the owner, or by the authorized agent of the owner, and accompanied by a document signed by the owner authorizing the agent to act on the owner's behalf;
- If the property to be served by a new wastewater treatment system is not currently served by a District water service, be accompanied by an application for water service and payment of related fees;
- Give such other data and information as may be required by the General Manager.
- No person shall engage in the replacement or installation of a wastewater system without having first obtained a Construction Permit.
4.07.114 Discharge Permit Required
No person shall discharge into ground or surface waters located within the District, or the
contiguous water bodies of the District, any sewage, waste, or other polluted waters except where
suitable treatment has been provided and a discharge permit has been first issued by the District
in accordance with the provisions of this code. Where more than one wastewater system
(preexistent to this Code) is located on a parcel, which serves different buildings and/or units, or
separate uses, then a separate discharge permit for each wastewater system shall be issued and
a permit fee for each permit shall be collected. Where more than one wastewater system
(preexistent to this Code) is located on a parcel, which serves one building and/or one use, then a
single discharge permit shall be issued and one permit fee shall be collected.
4.07.115 Valid Discharge Permit
Notwithstanding any provisions contained therein, the last District discharge permit issued for a
wastewater system shall continue to be valid unless, and until, subsequently revoked pursuant to
Section 4.07.740.
4.07.118 Compliance with California Environmental Quality Act
Permits issued by the District pursuant to this code may be subject to the
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
The General Manager shall determine whether CEQA applies and what level
of analysis and documentation it requires, and will then notify the applicant of his determination.
The cost of the District's compliance with CEQA shall be borne by the applicant. The General
Manager shall estimate the cost and require the applicant to furnish an appropriate deposit, and to
agree to advance additional funds as required to complete the CEQA process. Failure to submit
the deposit, to agree to advance the remaining costs, or to actually make further payments when
required, shall constitute voluntary withdrawal of the application.
4.07.130 Design Review Application
Plans, engineering calculations, diagrams, and other data shall be submitted in three or more sets
along with one reduced (11"x17") plan, with a design review application and prescribed fee for
work defined as repair or replacement or work defined as new construction. If required, a
variance application and prescribed fee will be submitted with the design review application. Plans
and specifications shall be prepared and signed by a designer as defined in
Section 4.03.215.
Plans, specifications, soil profile, and percolation test logs, shall be drawn to scale upon
substantial paper and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the location, nature, and extent of the
work proposed, to indicate all existing water bodies, to indicate all relevant surface features, and
to show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this code and all relevant laws, ordinances,
rules, and regulations. Specifications shall include a designer's inspection schedule as required in
Section 4.07.131.
4.07.131 Designer's Inspection Schedule
The applicant's designer shall provide for such inspections during the performance of the work as
may be appropriate for the District Engineer to make the certification of completion as required in
this chapter. A schedule of planned inspections by the designer shall be submitted as required in
this code.
4.07.133 Exemption from Design Review Application - Minor System Repair
If it is determined that the nature of minor system repair work, which shall include repair or
replacement of system components exclusive of tanks or leach fields (not including subsurface
drip line), is such that plans and specifications need not be prepared by a designer, then the
General Manager may waive the requirement if otherwise not required by law. An application for
exemption from the design review application process shall be made at the time of submittal. If the
General Manager has waived the requirement for a complete design review application as
specified in Section 4.07.130, then the following may be submitted as alternatives:
- Plans indicating the proposed system layout including all major design features and monitoring features.
- Plans indicating the building envelope, detailing maximum size of the building, and showing maximum square footage.
4.07.135 Determination of Complete Design Review Application
No later than thirty days after receipt of all required application materials for Design Review, the
General Manager or District Engineer shall determine in writing whether they are complete and
will notify the designer and/or the applicant of that determination.
4.07.215 Determination of Incomplete Design Review Application
No later than thirty days after receipt of application materials for Design Review, if the General
Manager or District Engineer determines that the application is incomplete, a notice of incomplete
application shall be transmitted to the designer and/or the applicant.
4.07.220 Approval of Design Review Application and Plans; Issuance of Design Approval Permit
Following a determination of completeness, the design review application, including plans and
specifications, shall be reviewed for conformance to the requirements of this code and other
pertinent laws and regulations by the District Engineer. If the application is determined to so
conform, the District Engineer shall endorse said application, along with all plans and
specifications, as "APPROVED" and shall issue a Design Approval Permit. If the application
requires a Variance Hearing, then the District Engineer shall issue a Design Approval Permit and
endorse all plans and specifications, as "APPROVED" upon granting of the Variance request by
the Board of Directors. The Design Approval Permit shall be valid for a period of three years. No
extensions shall be granted.
4.07.230 Notice to Agencies of Design Approval - New Construction
Other governmental agencies require District approval of a proposed wastewater system to serve
proposed new construction prior to considering a permit application for development of a property.
In recognition of this prerequisite, the Design Approval Permit may be sent by the District
Engineer with the approval of the General Manager to other agencies when the proposed
wastewater treatment system plans and specifications have been approved pursuant to
Section 4.07.220. Said Design Approval Permit shall be conditioned upon final approval of the new
construction project by the County of Marin and shall automatically be void should processing by
the County of Marin of the application for the new construction project cease or the project
submittals be denied by the County.
4.07.310 Revocation of Design Approval Permit
The General Manager may revoke in writing a design approval permit whenever evidence exists
that the permit or approval may have been issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information
supplied in the application or in violation of this code or other law or regulation. Such revocation
shall require either prior or subsequent notice to the applicant by the District and an opportunity for
hearing before the District Board.
4.07.410 Retention of Plans
Four sets of approved plans and specifications shall be retained by the District to include three
standard sets of approved drawings and one reduced (11" x 17") reproducible drawing submitted
by the applicant or the applicant's Designer.
4.07.510 Licensed Contractor Required
All work done pursuant to a Design Approval Permit shall be done by, or under the supervision of,
a person holding an appropriate license as a contractor pursuant to state law. The owner may be
authorized to perform permitted maintenance or repair work of a minor nature which work will not
endanger the public health, nor violate any laws, ordinances, or regulations.
4.07.610 Inspections
The General Manager is authorized to set fees for failure to provide access for periodic
inspections. In addition to any inspections performed by the District Engineer, all work for which a
Design Approval Permit is required shall be subject to inspection by the General Manager or
deputy in order to determine if such work conforms to the approved application, plans and
specifications. All such work shall remain accessible and exposed for inspection purposes until
inspected and approved and it shall be the responsibility of the owner or authorized agent to
assure that required inspections are obtained. Should such work not be accessible for inspection,
neither the District nor its employees and officers shall be liable for the expense entailed in the
removal or replacement of any material required to allow inspection. A survey of the parcel may
be required to verify that the construction work is located in accordance with approved plans.
Approval as a result of an inspection shall not be construed to be an approval of a violation of the
provisions of this code or other laws, ordinances or regulations.
4.07.620 Certification by Designer
Upon completion of work performed pursuant to the Design Approval Permit, and prior to issuance
of a Discharge Permit, the designer shall certify that the work was performed pursuant to the
District approved plans and specifications, as specified in Section 4.07.220, in the form specified
I [name of designer, professional title, and state registration number] do hereby certify that based upon my inspections of the work performed on the wastewater treatment system pursuant to the repair/ construction permit issued on [date permit issued] conformed to the plans and specifications prepared by me as approved by the Stinson Beach County Water District.
This certification shall be dated and signed under penalty of perjury.
4.07.630 Certification of As-Built Plans
If the system was not installed as originally drawn, the designer shall submit as-built plans
indicating all variations approved by the District Engineer and shall certify those plans in
accordance with Section 4.07.620.
4.07.710 Discharge Permit
Upon completion and final inspection of work performed pursuant to a Design Approval Permit
and receipt of certification by the designer, a Discharge Permit shall be issued and recorded with
the Recorder of the County of Marin. Said Discharge Permit shall be conditioned upon the
maintenance of, and the continued proper operation of, the wastewater treatment system as
designed and constructed, upon payment of periodic permit fees and inspection fees, upon
periodic inspections of said wastewater treatment system, and upon continuation of the use for
which the system was designed. Every Discharge Permit shall indicate the design flows of the
4.07.720 Periodic Inspection
Every wastewater treatment system for which a Discharge Permit has been issued shall be
inspected by the General Manager or deputy approximately every two (2) years. Depending upon
the design and condition of the system, inspections may be more frequent or less frequent. The
frequency of inspection shall be specified on the current repair order.
4.07.725 Accessibility for Periodic Inspection
Upon notification from the District, owners are required to have all elements accessible for
inspection, including access to the septic tank, sump tank, diversion valves, sand filter, leach
field(s), alarms, panels, monitoring wells, and pumps. All riser lids shall weigh less than twenty-
five pounds. All gates shall be unlocked and padlocks on panels or lids shall be removed prior to
the inspector's arrival. All hatches must be easily removable. Deck hatches that weigh more than
twenty-five pounds must be removed. If screwed down, all screws shall be removed prior to the
inspection. Any obstructions, such as monuments and birdbaths that limit access must be
removed. Pets must be confined during the inspection.
4.07.730 Purpose of Periodic Inspection
The purpose of a periodic inspection as provided in Section 4.07.720 shall be to determine the
effectiveness of the wastewater treatment system in treating wastewater before it enters the
groundwater. Factors to be evaluated relate to the design of the system, the nature and quantity
of flow of wastewater entering the system, the condition and effectiveness of the components, the
quality and condition of the soils into which wastewater is discharged, and the quality and nature
of the groundwater receiving the discharge. Where found to be desirable, sampling wells may be
required to be installed in and around the wastewater treatment system. Evaluation of the system
shall be generally compared to the expected performance of the system as designed, compared
to the expected performance of a new system installed in conformance to requirements for a
replacement system, and related to the operation and maintenance requirements discussed in the
Minimum Guidelines and the Design Manual.
4.07.732 Scope of Periodic Inspection
The scope of a periodic inspection shall include, but is not limited to:
- Verification of system component locations
- Diversion valve operation, pump runs, float operation and valve operation
- Verification of installation of mosquito abatement equipment including screening of all waste vents and proper sealing of all septic tank risers
- Measurement of scum and sludge depth
- Inspection for possible ponding, standing water, breakout and noticeable odors
- Examination of tank structure, pumps, and floats
- Performance of hydraulic loading to verify the timing of leach field hydraulic acceptance
- Monitoring of pump timers
All necessary procedures shall be performed in order to determine to the satisfaction of the inspector that the septic system is operating within health and safety parameters.
4.07.733 Notification of Completed Inspection
Upon completion of a periodic inspection, the District shall issue a Notification of Completed
Inspection listing all required repair(s) and/or maintenance item(s), if any. The property owner(s)
shall comply with all conditions within the required timeframe.
4.07.735 Change of Use
If an owner proposes a change of use for a wastewater treatment system, the General Manager or
District Engineer may require the owner to demonstrate that the current system is adequate for
the proposed use change and that the new use will not hasten deterioration of the system and will
not degrade the surface or groundwater of the District. The General Manager or District Engineer
may require the owner to submit a study/review of the system by an appropriately licensed
designer so that the General Manager or District Designer can make an informed decision
regarding the possible effects of the proposed change of use. The General Manager or District
Engineer may require that the owner modify the system to provide an additional level of treatment
to adequately treat the wastewater prior to disposal.
4.07.740 Revocation of Discharge Permit and Failed System Citation
When it has been determined that a wastewater treatment system for which a Discharge Permit
has been issued is operating in violation of this code, operating in a manner not consistent with its
design (such as frequently exceeding the design average or maximum daily flow rate), or is
discharging wastewater in a manner which may result in the contamination of surface water,
ground water, or the contiguous water bodies of the District, or contains components that do not
conform to this code, or to which access for inspection has been denied, or which has not
complied with specified repair order items, the Discharge Permit may be revoked upon written
notice to the owner. If the owner, upon receipt of said notice revoking the Discharge Permit, does
not appeal as provided in Section 4.05.060 or if upon appeal, the Board of Directors determines
that the revocation shall be upheld, a failed system citation shall be issued to the owner and
recorded with the County of Marin thirty days from the date of permit revocation.
4.07.745 Re-issue of Discharge Permit
Upon completion of system repairs and determination by District staff that the system is no longer
in violation of this code, the Discharge Permit will be re-issued and recorded with the County of
Marin. Discharge Permits shall also be re-issued in cases of ownership change.
4.07.760 Grading Permit Application
Marin County Grading Permit applications are subject to the review and approval by both County
and District staff. The grading plans shall conform to Section 7006 (G) of the Uniform Building
Code and shall indicate the approximate location of wastewater system 200 feet of the proposed
grading improvements. When excavation is necessary for work to be performed pursuant to a
New Construction or Maintenance Permit, a County Grading permit is not applicable.
The person reviewing an application on behalf of the District may request additional supporting data as needed. Such supporting data may include materials and studies as provided in Section 7006 (D) of the Uniform Building Code and as suggested in the Design Manual.
4.07.770 Other Permits
Aside from an individual sewage treatment system discharge permit, additional permit(s) will be
required by the Marin County Building Inspection Department for electrical pump installations.