Saturday, June 18, 2022
President Morey Nelsen called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District
on Saturday, June 18, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with
Assembly Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
Temporary General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
Director Cross noted that a recent issue of the Association of California Water Agencies (ACWA) newsletter referenced California state
government grant money of $193 million available for desalination, wastewater and water conservation. She stated that the funds are being
distributed through the Department of Water Resources.
Allan Richards of Stetson Engineers, participating in the meeting, stated that he will investigate.
The agenda as presented was approved unanimously by the board.
Consider and reaffirm Resolution GB-2021-07 making findings pursuant to Assembly Bill 361 that the proclaimed state of
emergency continues to impact the ability to meet safely in person.
The board discussed the option of returning to in-person committee and board meetings. An informal poll revealed that two directors are in favor of in-person and three are not ready to do so. President Nelsen stated that the board will meet on Zoom for the July meeting. Director Baskin moved to reaffirm the resolution, which motion was seconded by Director Zell and unanimously approved by the board.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: the establishment of the Gann
Property Tax Appropriations Limit for the District for Fiscal Year 2021-2022.
An email dated June 15 from Nicole Witt of Hanson Bridgett, District counsel, was
distributed to the board on June 16. This email has been added to the record. Ms. Witt
joined the meeting via Zoom.
Temporary General Manager Schmidt introduced the item, reminding the board that the District solicits public feedback on its appropriations limit through an election every four years, and that 2022 is one such year. Generally, the limit increases annually, based on changes in local population and per capita personal income.
Attorney Witt elaborated that the state requires these regular updates, and clarified that the appropriations limit, including the election results, does not impact property tax rates.
It was agreed that the appropriations election would be featured in a District newsletter, and that Hanson Bridgett would prepare ballot arguments in favor of the proposal. The submission deadline is August 17, and the election is on November 8. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a draft resolution proposing an
election be held in its jurisdiction and requesting the Board of Supervisors to
consolidate with any other election conducted on said date, and requesting election
services by the Marin County Elections Department.
Two four-year District Board seats are scheduled for the County November 8 ballot, currently occupied by Vice President Zell and Director Baskin. The County has requested confirmation of current directors' names, residence addresses, and terms of office. Director Baskin noted an error in his information and requested correction.
Subject to the correction, Director Boucke motioned for approval, which Director Cross seconded and the Board approved unanimously.
Following the board meeting the error was corrected and the document submitted to the County Elections office.
Review and discussion of District variances granted in 2022, as requested at the
previous board meeting.
Temporary General Manager reminded the Board that this summary had been prepared by Wastewater Engineer Souza at the Board's instruction at its previous meeting.
Director Cross, chair of the Wastewater committee, provided an analysis of the variances, broken down by type and purpose, including the point that the majority of variances approved were for what are currently defined as alternative systems. She informed the Board that the committee's current review of the District's Title IV code includes consideration of eliminating the current definition of pre-treatment filters as alternative. This would, she noted, reduce dramatically the number of variance requests to the District. -
Update on the research project conducted by the Stanford University Department
of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Jessica Bullington, PhD candidate and member of the Stanford study team, joined the meeting via Zoom. She screen shared a series of slides entitled, "Stinson Beach Microbiome Project." The effort is funded by a three-year National Science Foundation grant.
Ms. Bullington informed the Board that this study, the second such Stanford project on the beaches of Stinson Beach, is itself very rare, given the particularly uncommon type of microbial bioclime found here.
The Board expressed its thanks for the presentation. -
Update on the Ranch tank replacement and new well research by Allan Richards.
Engineer Richards informed the Board that Stetson Engineers has 50% completed their designs for a 200,000 gallon Stinson Gulch (Ranch site) raw water storage tank. The tank replaces an existing 400,000 gallon tank and will hold the raw water pumped from the recently completed new Ranch well. Discussion revolved around the reduction in tank size as well as recent preliminary water quality test results from the new well.
The Board agreed with the recent Water Operations committee's meeting view that follow up water quality tests should be performed. Mr. Richards reminded the Board that the water quality tests are covered for reimbursement under the Small Community Drought Relief Program grant (SCDRP) -
Review and adoption of an Operations and Maintenance Budget and Capital
Improvement Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
This item was continued from the previous Board meeting on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Temporary General Manager Schmidt reviewed the budget, previously approved by the Finance and Personnel committees. He noted that the rolling capital improvements cash flow is in great shape, and that the budget shows a net bottom line of $250,000 better than expected, thanks to projected increased income and decreased expenses.
A motion to approve the budget was put forward by Director Boucke and seconded by Director Baskin. The board voted in favor unanimously. -
Review and adoption of a Draft Resolution Establishing an Employee Benefit
Program for the Fiscal Year 2022/2023.
This item was continued from the previous Board meeting on Saturday, May 21, 2022. Director Baskin motion for approval, which Director Boucke seconded. The Board approved the resolution unanimously. -
Discussion and direction to staff re: a possible lien on property located at 95
Buena Vista Avenue, for outstanding water and wastewater base fees. Karen
Pandolfi, owner. Account 3650.
An email providing a schedule of septic system planning was received from the customer and distributed to the board on June 16. This email has been added to the record. Mr. Schmidt reviewed the history of the customer's failed septic system and the customer's delay in paying accumulated water and wastewater base fees. The customer's spouse, James Pandolfi, joined the meeting by phone, reiterating the information provided in emails received from the customer. The Board continued the abatement hearing to its July meeting.
Approval of the minutes for the meeting of May 21, 2022.
Director Cross noted an error in the minutes regarding discussion of a request from AT&T to
install a mobile service tower on District property, specifically that the Board voted to deny
that request. Subject to that correction to the April minutes, Director Cross motioned for
approval of the minutes of the May 2022 meeting, which motion was seconded by Vice
President Zell and approved unanimously by the Board.
April 21 through May 20, 2022.
Director Baskin motioned for approval of the disbursements of April 21 through May 20,
2022, seconded by Director Boucke and approved unanimously by the Board.
Acting General Manager Schmidt's review of his June report included the following
* Mr. Schmidt attended three meetings over the two previous months regarding Senate
Bill 1383 reporting guidelines;
* The District received $5,692 more than budgeted in June property tax income;
* The District's lien against properties located on Calle del Mar owned by Christine
Airey has been updated per the Board's instructions, based on changes in the past
due amount owing;
* The District's water quality monitoring violation public notice was distributed with the
June newsletter and posted locally as required; and
* District staff will attend to the early July deadlines for the November Board seat
election. Candidates are responsible for their own candidacy filings.
Director Baskin shared a report on behalf of the ad hoc General Manager recruitment
committee composed of himself and Vice President Zell. Koff and Associates, the recruiting
firm hired to help with this process, received fifteen or sixteen applications and completed
written and oral interviews. This filtering process yielded six semi-finalist candidates, who
will be interviewed by the committee, Temporary General Manager Schmidt, and Frank
Rojas of Koff in a Zoom meeting on June 24.
The June interviews will yield three finalists who will be interviewed in-person by the full
Board in closed session on July 6 at the Stinson Beach Community Center. Mr. Rojas will
be present, and Koff's report on the six semi-finalists will be shared with the board.
Mr. Schmidt noted correspondence and gifts of garden plants from Christine Airey.
There being no further business, Director Cross moved to adjourn, which motion the Board
unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 11:08 a.m. The next regular meeting will
take place on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.