Saturday, December 18, 2021
President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, December 18, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held
via Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with
Assembly Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
Treasurer Stemen raised the news that Pacific Gas and Electric has proposed charging
solar power consumers a penalty fee of $57 per month on average. Following discussion,
District staff were directed to send a letter against this proposal, on behalf of District
There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.
Consider and reaffirm Resolution GB-2021-07 making findings pursuant to
Assembly 361 that the proclaimed state of emergency continues to impact the ability
to meet safely in person.
Following discussion, Director Baskin moved to reaffirm the resolution; the motion was seconded by Vice President Nelsen and approved unanimously by the board. -
Election of Stinson Beach County Water District Board President and Vice
President for Calendar Year 2022.
Director Baskin nominated as president Vice President Nelsen, and Director Zell as Vice President; these nominations were seconded by President Cross and Director Boucke. The board voted unanimously in favor. Director Boucke thanked outgoing President Cross for her spectacular work in 2021, which the board endorsed unanimously. -
Discussion re: District Committee Membership by the incoming Board President.
Incoming President Nelsen reviewed his committee assignments, as follows:
Standing committees:
* Finance - Vice President Zell, Director Boucke, Treasurer Stemen
* Legal - Director Cross, Director Baskin
* Personnel - President Nelsen, Director Baskin
* Wastewater - Director Cross, Director Boucke
* Water Operations - President Nelsen, Vice President Zell
Ad Hoc Desalination committee - Vice President Zell, Director Cross
Ad Hoc Recology Committee - President Nelsen, Director Boucke, Treasurer Stemen -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: leak reduction request, 140 Seadrift
Road. Janet Van Etten, owners' representative. Account 6210.
General Manager Schmidt reported that the customer had rescinded their water use reduction request. -
Update from Stetson Engineers re: new well research.
Allan Richards of Stetson Engineer reviewed the research completed so far on potential additional water sources, sharing a map of sites both new and previously used. The research indicates that the best existing well is located at the Bolinas-Stinson School, and the best new potential source is located behind the Stinson Beach Community Center. He stated that permitting could be relatively easy for the school site.
Allan mentioned geologic and surface land formations at both the school and community center, noting that the school is located at the lower end of an alluvial plain close to sandy soils, both good signs for water discovery. He also mentioned that the community center potential well site is located at the confluence of Fitzhenry and Black Rock creeks, not far from another sandy alluvial.
Allan reminded the board of the drought relief grant application for which the District has applied, and which if approved would provide monies for investigating and constructing new wells.
General Manager Schmidt raised consideration of California north coast stream regulations which could impact either of these well projects. It was agreed that District staff would move ahead with obtaining pump records and performing a new pump test at the school site, following outreach to relevant school personnel.
Mr. Richards was invited back to the January board meeting for a progress update. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to consider a request from Richard
Reasoner to publish a list of landscape providers on the District website.
Members of the District's Legal Committee outlined reasons why publishing such a list is beyond the purview of the District's mission. Additional discussion enumerated the pitfalls of District staff being drawn into inquiries regarding qualifications of and maintaining the proposed listing. It was agreed that the District must decline this request. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a donation request from the Stinson
Beach Volunteer Firefighters Association.
Following a review of prior years' giving it was agreed to donate $200 this year, in light of trying circumstances for fire district staff. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a donation request from the Stinson
Beach Village Association.
Following discussion, it was agreed to increase this year's donation to $200 this year, in light of a challenging year for the community center.
Approval of the Minutes for November 20, 2021.
Director Baskin moved for approval of the minutes of the board's November meeting, which
motion Vice President Zell seconded. The board agreed unanimously.
October 29 through November 17, 2021 and
November 18 through December 1, 2021.
Director Baskin moved for approval of the disbursements of October 29 through November
17, 2021 and November 18 through December 1, 2021 as presented, which motion Director
Cross seconded. The board agreed unanimously.
Highlights of General Manager's report included:
* Setting a date for a special board meeting and public discussion of Wastewater
Engineer Rich Souza's "Wastewater as a Resource" presentation at the American
Public Works Association conference in November;
* An improved cash flow reflecting recent county property tax income and Local
Agency Investment Fund (LAIF account) deposit;
* Nikki Burke of Recology will provide a timeline for the proposed 1.7% garbage
collection rate increase currently scheduled to take effect February 1, 2023;
* The District office's updated visitor notice in light of the state's recently reinstated
indoor mask mandate;
* A new cycle of Marin County LAFCo (Local Agency Formation Commission) inquiries
aimed at assessing special district consolidation. These reviews occur every five
years and another report will be likely received in six to eight months;
* Correspondence and discussions regarding the 21 Onda project. Director Baskin
provided the board with a recap of what has transpired thus far; and
* Potential new water conservation measures proposed by the California State Water
Resources Control Board, measures which Mr. Schmidt noted are already in place
within the District's jurisdiction.
A report from the Finance committee reviewed an outstanding long-term accounts payable
item and its relation to the current 2020-2021 audit in progress. The committee had
reviewed District policy on late payment penalties and calculated a reduced rate that
effectively lowered significantly one customer's outstanding debt.
President Cross suggested that in lieu of the annual staff appreciation party, and in light of
the gift cards distributed to staff last year, gift cards be provided staff again this year.
Director Boucke suggested that given the realities of inflation, the dollar amount of the gift
cards be increased from $100 to $150; the board agreed unanimously.
There being no further business, Director Cross moved to adjourn, which motion the Board
approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m. The next regular meeting will
take place on Saturday, January 15, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.