Saturday, June 20, 2015
President Baskin called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, June 20, 2015, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach
County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Sandra Cross, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Jim Zell, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Notice to Appear, review results of repair/replacement plan (failed septic system)
presented to the Wastewater Committee at their meeting on Wednesday, June 17, 2015
and possible continuation of the abatement process, 90 Calle del Ribera, Account
#0680, Giacomo A. Russo, Owner.
The onsite wastewater disposal system for 90 Calle del Ribera failed a routine inspection on January 22, 2015. On March 30, 2015, Mr. Russo was issued a Failed System Citation to repair the septic system. A repair was not feasible and Mr. Russo hired Noadiah Eckman, of Eckman Environmental, to design a new system.
Board members expressed concern about a potential health hazard due to the time delay in getting the new system constructed, and urged that construction be completed as quickly as possible. Vice President Cross moved to request that the septic plans be complete for review by the Wastewater Committee at its July 8, 2015 meeting, heard by the Board at its July 18, 2015 meeting, and that construction be completed by September 30, 2015. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for replacement of
an existing septic system with an alternative type system, 25 Lincoln Avenue, Account
#4800, Richard Howarth/Victoria Slaker, Owners.
In February 2005, a variance application for an alternative septic system was approved by the District for a single family residence with up to 1,955 square feet. Portions of an existing building were demolished without County or District approval, leaving a studio. The building was never constructed and the wastewater permit expired. Another variance for the alternative system for a single family residence up to 1,344 square feet of habitable space was approved in June 2011 and it also expired.
On May 6, 2015, the Wastewater Committee reviewed and discussed the newly proposed variance items requested by current owners, Richard Howarth and Victoria Slaker. To address the Committee's concern of a potential impact to groundwater because of the fast percolation rate, a 10-foot soil bore was excavated and reviewed by the system's designer and District staff. There was no groundwater within 3 feet of the bottom of the dispersal field. A recirculating textile filter and UV disinfection device are proposed to mitigate the loss of treatment from the fast percolating rocky soils.
The newly proposed variance will utilize the existing septic tanks, replace the drip dispersal fields, and allow for 1,893 square feet of habitable space on the 7,000 square foot lot. The system is designed to treat and disperse a maximum and average daily flow rate of 450 and 300 gallons, respectively.
President Baskin suggested changing finding No. 1, special circumstances and conditions, to reflect the verbs in present tense, rather than in past tense. Also, the 1,893 square of habitable space should be rounded up to 1,900 square feet.
With these suggested changes, Director Nelsen moved to adopt draft Resolution No. WW 2015-05, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Utilize an Alternative Wastewater System and to Reduce Downslope Property Line Setback Requirements to the Dispersal Field and Septic Tanks. Director Zell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell.
President Baskin emphasized that under the District's current Title IV, the Design Approval Permit and Resolution are valid for a 3 year period only and no extensions shall be granted. -
Review and adoption of an Operations and Maintenance Budget and Capital
Improvement Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/2016. This item is continued from
the last Board meeting on Saturday, May 16, 2015.
Salaries and Wages were increased by an additional $2,000 for Utility Operator Tomas (Sito) Krakauer's certification upgrade. Director Boucke moved to approve the Operations and Maintenance Budget and Capital Improvement Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2015/2016 as presented. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell.
The General Manager congratulated Sito, who appeared briefly at the meeting, and everyone gave Sito a round of applause. -
Review and adoption of a Resolution Establishing an Employee Benefit Program for
the Fiscal Year 2015/2016. This item is continued from the last Board meeting on
Saturday, May 16, 2015.
Director Boucke moved to adopt draft Resolution No. GB-2015-00 [subsequently numbered as GB-2015-01] as presented. Vice President Cross seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell.
Consideration of a request for a one year extension of a Design Approval Permit and
Variance for 4 Calle del Embarcadero, APN 195-132-03, Fabrizio Natale and Heidi
Hjorth, Owners.
The General Manager distributed a letter dated June 18, 2015, addressed to the Board, which was received by the District in the afternoon of June 19, 2015, from neighbors Kathleen Hurley and Erika Lowry. The Board reviewed the letter, and President Baskin stated that the issues raised therein were previously responded to at the Special Wastewater Committee meeting held on June 17, 2015. Both Ms. Hurley and Ms. Lowry had attended the Wastewater Committee meeting.
Director Nelsen made a motion to grant the applicants, Fabrizio Natale and Heidi Hjorth, a one year extension from September 17, 2015 to September 17, 2016 and that it would be the final extension allowable under the applicable portions of Title IV which were in effect at the time the application was made. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed 4-1. President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke and Nelsen voted "aye" and Director Zell voted "no." -
Discussion and possible approval of a Digital Utility Mapping System of the 708
Septic Systems within the District.
About two years ago, the Board discussed the numerous advantages of having a digital mapping system of its water system and customer septic system. It was decided to digitize the water system first and then digitize the septic system if the water system components ran satisfactorily. Since the District is satisfied with the water system product, it would like to proceed with digitizing the maps of the septic systems within the District.
Director Nelsen made a motion to approve the Digital Utility Mapping System to incorporate the wastewater data program as proposed by CSW/Stuber-Stroeh Engineering Group, Inc., for a price not to exceed $11,600. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell. -
Review information from a workshop titled "Desalination Update for the West" from
the California-Nevada Section of the American Water Works Association (AWWA), San
Jose, CA, May 21, 2015.
The General Manager briefly described the interesting desalination workshop he attended on May 21. A copy of the power point presentation was reviewed by the Board. The General Manager surveyed the area's ground water to determine the Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) levels, as was suggested by Sam Farag of Ampac USA at the May 16 Board meeting. Monitoring wells sampled at Dipsea Road, Seadrift Road, and the Calles ranged from 220 to 1500 milligrams per liter/TDS.
Several Board members support conducting a feasibility study to have desal capability on a short term emergency basis to supplement the District's water to supply the community's needs. The possibility of receiving a grant for a desalination feasibility study needs to be researched. Would the Park be a potential desal partner? The matter will be discussed again at the July 18 Board meeting. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to dispose of two (2) surplus District
pickup trucks to the highest bidder.
Director Nelsen moved to authorize the General Manager to proceed to advertise and sell the two surplus District vehicles to the highest bidder. Vice President Cross seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell.
Director Nelsen moved to approve the minutes of May 16, 2015. Vice President Cross
seconded the motion. The motion was approved by Directors Boucke and Nelsen and Vice
President Cross. President Baskin was not present at the May 16, 2015 Board meeting.
Director Zell left today's meeting before the motion was heard.
Director Boucke moved to approve the disbursements of May 19, 2015 and June 5, 2015.
Vice President Cross seconded the motion. The motion was approved by the four Directors
present: President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke and Nelsen.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He and Toby met with Lew Kious, the
newly elected alternate representative to the Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO).
Lynda Dubas, of Contractor Compliance and Monitoring, will be auditing the certified payrolls
for the work performed by Pacific Underground Services for the District's Patios pipeline
replacement project. The work is anticipated to be completed several days ahead of
Stetson Engineers is preparing an update of the report previously prepared by Boudreau in
1979 on the geology and groundwater conditions in the Stinson Beach area. This project is
part of the District's "Supplemental Groundwater Supplies" Prop. 84 Grant Project.
The General Manager drafted a "Water Line Relocation Application" for people who need to
relocate their own water line, generally required when a house is remodeled. The $1,250 fee
will cover the District's expense for reviewing the plans and specifications, working with the
contractor, as well as the disinfection and water quality sampling and testing.
A letter was received from the Old Republic Title Company in San Francisco, requesting
information on the availability of potable water to the apartment building located at 21 Calle
del Embarcadero in Stinson Beach. Paul Goldsmith, the owner, wants to change this 8 unit
building to be held as Tenants in Common. The District supplies potable water service to all
of its customers per its Water System Regulations Under Title 3. The septic system is
operating pursuant to the District's Onsite Wastewater Management Code, Title IV. If any
changes were contemplated, the owner would need to apply for a permit for a change in use.
The Board members reiterated their appreciation for the high quality of the monthly Drought
Newsletter prepared by the General Manager.
The Water Operations Committee reported that the process to
convert the District's financial accounting system to QuickBooks is progressing.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:42 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held on Saturday,
July 18, 2015, at 9:30 a.m.