Saturday, March 15, 2014


President Boucke called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, March 15, 2014, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, President
Lawrence Baskin, Vice President
Sandra Cross, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Directors absent:
Morey Nelsen, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.




Director Cross requested that the following two additional items be heard under D. Public Hearing: item 2, Possible amendment to Ordinance GB-2014- 02 and item 3, Address the proposed rules and regulations applicable to Ordinance GB-2014- 02. The Board unanimously approved these additions to the agenda.


  1. 1. Discussion and possible adoption of Ordinance No. GB-2014-02 that raises the water rationing limit to 125 gallons per residence per day, effective April 1, 2014, superseding and replacing prior Ordinance No. GB-2014-01 which established a rationing limit of 110 gallons per day. 2. Possible amendment to Ordinance GB- 2014-02. 3. Address the proposed rules and regulations applicable to Ordinance GB- 2014-02.
    The Board reviewed the General Manager's staff report of March 13, 2014 which summarized the Board's discussion of the Special Board Meeting of March 12.

    Director Cross suggested removing the enforcement provisions from Draft Ordinance GB- 2014-02 [Section 2] and placing them in a separate document titled "Rules and Regulations to Enforce Drought Rationing."

    Vice President Baskin made a motion to (1) amend Draft Ordinance No. GB-2014-02 to change the effective day from April 1, 2014 to May 1, 2014 and possibly further modify the effective day on a month-to-month basis as appropriate and (2) remove Section 2. Enforcement in its entirety. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by the Directors present (Baskin, Boucke, Cross, and Zell).

    The Board discussed and tentatively approved the following "Rules and Regulations to Enforce Drought Rationing:"

    As a result of the Water Shortage Emergency declared by the Stinson Beach County Water District at its regular meeting of February 24, 2014 and as authorized by the Water Rationing Implementation Ordinance No. GB-2014-02, the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District hereby establishes the following rules and regulations for implementation of rationing during the Water Shortage Emergency.


    The amount of water that can be used by each household, defined as a residence with a water meter, served by the Stinson Beach County Water District, is limited to a maximum daily average of 125 gallons per day.

    A. Additional Allotments for Large Households:

    Where four or more full time permanent residents occupy a single household, the maximum daily allowance may be increased to the amounts listed below:

    Four residents - 145 gallons per day
    Five residents - 160 gallons per day
    Six residents - 175 gallons per day
    Seven or more residents - 185 gallons per day maximum

    B. Procedure for Obtaining Additional Allotments:

    1. The applicant must fill out the required form that requests the name, age and statement of full time residency of each resident in the household for which the additional allotment is requested. The information on the application will be verified by an oath under penalty of perjury. The additional allotment request shall be submitted to the General Manager of the District, who will approve or disapprove the request within 10 business days of submission of a completed application. [Note: The definition of a full time resident will be determined by the next Board meeting.]

    2. If the application is disapproved, the General Manager will explain in writing the reason for the disapproval, and if the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the General Manager, the applicant may appeal the General Manager's decision to the District's Board of Directors. Such appeal shall be in writing and submitted within 10 days of receipt of the General Manager's decision.

    3. An appeal from the General Manager's decision must contain a copy of: (a) the original application, and (b) the written explanation of the General Manager's decision and (c) a written explanation of why the applicant believes the decision should be changed. The appeal will be heard at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting provided that, to permit the members of the Board to review the appeal before the meeting, the appeal is presented to the Board at least three full days before that meeting.

    C. Additional Allotments Where Two or More Households are Served by One Meter:

    1. Where the water use of two or more residences or apartments is measured by only one meter, the maximum amount of daily allowed water use will be the lesser of: (a) the amounts obtained by multiplying the number of residences or apartments by 125 gallons per day or: (b) by 80% of the average monthly amount of water measured by the meter in 2013.

    2. The members of the residences will be responsible for allocating the allowed use of water among them.

    D. Procedure for Obtaining Additional Allotments for Multi-Residential Users:

    Where two or more households are served by one meter, the owner of the meter, or at least one resident of the multiple residence (or one representative of each household) may apply for additional allotments as follows:

    1. Applicant must fill out the required form that lists the number of units served by the single meter, and proof of the legality of the multi-unit use of the residence served by the meter, i.e., building permits or approval of the multi-unit use. The additional allotment request will be submitted to the General Manager of the District, who will approve or disapprove the request within 10 business days of submission of a completed application. The application shall be submitted under penalty of perjury.

    2. If the application is disapproved, the General Manager will explain in writing the reason for the disapproval, and if the applicant is not satisfied with the decision of the General Manager, the applicant may appeal the General Manager's decision to the District's Board of Directors.

    3. An appeal from the General Manager's decision must contain a copy of: (a) the original application, and (b) the written explanation of the General Manager's decision and (c) a written explanation of why the applicant believes the decision should be changed. The appeal will be heard at the next regularly scheduled Board meeting provided that, to permit the members of the Board to review the appeal before the meeting, the appeal is presented to the Board at least three full days before that meeting.

    E. Additional Allotments for Special Needs:

    Where more water than allowed in Section 1 above is necessary to preserve the health or safety of a full time resident or his or her household, the General Manager may increase the allocation for the relevant residence during the period of need according to the needs of the applicant.

    The applicant or his or her representative may file a request for an additional allotment according to the application procedures set forth above in Section B, 1 through 3, and Section D, 1 through 3, except that the applicant shall state in a letter to the General Manager: (1) the amount of the requested allotment, and (2) the reasons for the requested allotment. Applicant shall provide a letter from a Doctor stating the need for additional water usage and projected duration of that need, if possible. If the applicant appeals the decision of the General Manager, the Board may, upon request by the applicant, meet in a closed session to consider the appeal.


    The General Manager has requested and will request that each commercial establishment whose business requires water use, voluntarily reduce their use of water each month by 20% of their usage for that month in 2013.

    [Note: Enforcement regulations and rental allotments will be discussed at the March 24, 2014 Special Board/workshop meeting.]

    The Board duly noted and appreciated the comments from the public.

    President Boucke requested that the District issues a brief newsletter with the next water bills, covering the provisions listed above.


  1. Presentation by Steve Devine, Program Manager, County of Marin, Waste Management Division re: Zero Waste Marin.
    Mr. Devine was unable to attend, but sent his presentation by e-mail. "Zero Waste is a goal that is ethical, economical, efficient and visionary, to guide people in changing their lifestyles and practices to emulate sustainable natural cycles, where all discarded materials are designed to become resources for others to use." For 2012 (the most recent reporting year), Marin County was at a 75% diversion rate, with 3.8 pounds per person per day going to landfill.
  2. Discussion and possible authorization for Stetson Engineers to assist the District with applying for State and Federal Study and Construction Grants.
    Six proposals from Stetson Engineers were discussed at the March 12 Water Operations Committee meeting. The Board approved that the General Manager proceed with an agreement for Stetson Engineers to begin coordinating grant applications ($8,210), assisting the District with evaluation of the Stinson Beach School well ($3,786) and assisting the District with the evaluation of a private well ($3,786), which will cost the District a total of $15,782.
  3. Discussion and possible approval to expedite replacement of the water lines in the Calles and Patios.
    The Water Operations Committee also discussed on March 12 an accelerated schedule for replacement of the aging water lines in the Calles and Patios. The Committee recommended that the Board direct staff to establish specifications and bid out the replacement of the undersized water lines in Calles Embarcadero, Onda, Pradero and Pinos. The estimated cost for the 4 streets is $100,000. President Boucke made a motion to authorize the General Manager to proceed with the bidding process and expedite the work on the Calles and Patios. Director Zell seconded the motion. All Board members present (Baskin, Boucke, Cross and Zell) approved the motion.


Vice President Baskin moved to approve the Minutes of February 15, 2014 and February 24, 2014. Director Zell seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.


Vice President Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of February 6, 2014 and February 19, 2014. Director Zell seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved unanimously.


The Board reviewed the General Manager's Report.





The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:36 a.m.

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