President Lawrence A. Baskin called the rescheduled Regular meeting of the Board of
Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, September 25,
2010, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785
Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Scott Tye, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Administrative Asst.
Richard Souza - District Engineer
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for installation of a
new septic system within 5 feet of a property line, vacant lot located at 189 Seadrift
Road, APN#195-131-27, Account #7560, property owner, Richard Volk.
District Engineer Richard Souza briefly described the project to be located on a vacant lot on the lagoon side of Seadrift Road. The proposed development consists of a 1,740 square foot new single family residence with a maximum habitable space of 1,900 square feet, offsite parking area and a floating dock. Wastewater will be treated and dispersed in a new, standard sand filter system. Since a portion of the leach field is within 5 feet of a property line, a variance to Stinson Beach County Water District Title IV of the Onsite Wastewater Management Code, Section 4.15.100 Site Criteria-Setbacks, is required.
The District has one of its monitoring wells physically located on the property. Since an easement was not reflected on the building plan submitted to the county, the District will ask for a nonexclusive access easement to be able to continue its sampling of the monitoring well. Draft Resolution No. WW 2010-05 lists the conditions under which Mr. Volk is granted a variance.
President Baskin stated that Mr. Volk needs to execute and cause the recordation of the grant of an easement for the existing monitoring well and access thereof. President Baskin suggested modifying condition (g) of the draft Resolution to state: "Prior to the issuance of a Construction Permit, submittal of a 5 foot wide nonexclusive access and utility easement along the easterly property line for sampling the existing monitoring well and lagoon."
Mr. Volk shall also provide the District with a $10,000 deposit fee for future water main relocation as well as the signed "Agreement for Relocation of Waterline."
Vice President Tye stated he does not agree with the special circumstances shown on Paul Tanner's Findings of Fact relating to the installation of the new bulkhead in Seadrift Lagoon: "When the new bulkhead was installed in Seadrift Lagoon it was located landward of the old bulkhead which resulted in decreasing the distance from the Lagoon to the proposed leach trenches." "In order to maintain the 100 foot setback to the Lagoon the variance is necessary to develop this lot as proposed."
Vice President Tye does not find that as a significant special circumstance. He believes that when an individual purchases a lot, they should have done due diligence by investigating how much of the buildable portion of the lot was reduced by the bulkhead. He is making the observation that because of the new bulkhead, some of the lots will be going to get narrower, perhaps 80 or 75 feet. Director Boucke disagrees; the lots out there are pretty much of a standard size.
Director Boucke moved to approve the Resolution, granting the variance request as modified. Vice President Tye seconded the motion. The Resolution as modified was approved.
Kris Skoot, the designer of the residence, stated that her client, Richard Volk, wanted to go over two versions of the septic plans prepared by Paul Tanner. One plan showed parking on either side of the leach field; the other plan showed tandem parking. He had wanted the first version.
Engineer Souza replied this would be a major change and would require another variance. The septic system would not fit on the lot, as the leach field would have to be wider. He has notified the county planners that that proposal would not work. If the design is going to be changed, it will have to be resubmitted. He is under the impression that this is the final design and that is what is being approved today. President Baskin stated the Board approval is for a side tandem parking situation only. He would be reluctant to grant another variance which places the project closer to the lagoon.
Director Boucke stated the Board is very strict on the amount of distance from the septic system to the waterway. Director Zell stated the importance of the District following up to make sure there are no changes made to the design approved today.
Director Boucke inquired if the Resolution is provided to the property owner. Engineer Souza replied that the owner is sent a Design Approval Permit along with a copy of the final Resolution.
Oath of Office for two Full Term Vacancies on the Board of Directors, Stinson Beach
County Water District, Lawrence A. Baskin, Incumbent, Jim Zell, Incumbent.
Candidates Lawrence A. Baskin and Jim Zell were appointed to the office of Director of the Stinson Beach County Water District for another four-year term by the Board of Supervisors in lieu of an election on August 24, 2010. Vice President Tye administered the Oath of Office. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Resolution Supporting the Bolinas-
Stinson Beach Resource Recovery Project Draft Negative Declaration of Environmental
On June 21, 1997, the Stinson Beach County Water District Board of Directors approved Resolution No. 1997-10, which supported the initiation of a composting project. The District contributed $1,000 and a truck toward the start-up of the project. Since then, the project continues to demonstrate environmentally sound processes for disposing of green waste that would otherwise have to be hauled to the county landfill.
Director Zell motioned to approve Stinson Beach County Water District Resolution No. GB- 2010-10, which supports the Proposed Bolinas-Stinson Beach Resource Recovery Project by recommending approval of the Draft Negative Declaration prepared by the County Planning Department. Director Boucke seconded the motion and the Resolution was approved unanimously. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Draft Report titled "Water Supply
Accomplishments and Challenges, a Report to our Customers."
In 2005, although not required to, the District prepared an Urban Water Management Plan. These plans are typically updated every five years. One of the recommendations of the District's Water Reliability and Sustainability Committee was the preparation of a water conservation report instead of updating the entire water management plan. Director Boucke stated that overall the report was excellent. A few modifications were suggested, including inserting the heading: "WATER USER, PLEASE READ." The revised report will be inserted with the next monthly water billing. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: The Marin County Community
Development Agency "Notice of Decision" for a Coastal Permit (CP 10-09) for a new well
at the District's Steep Ravine Tank Site.
The county public hearing took place on Thursday, September 16, 2010. There was no opposition expressed at the hearing. The appeal period ended on September 23, 2010. The drilling contract for the new well will go out to bid shortly. Director Boucke would like a list showing the various fees involved in obtaining the necessary permits. President Baskin noted that the construction site is close to a hairpin curve on Panoramic Highway, with limited shoulder parking. He suggested that the contractors park in the District lot and carpool to the construction site as much as possible.
President Baskin had recused himself from the portion of the public hearing concerning the
variance request by Suzanne Royce for installation of a new septic system using an alternative
type system for a vacant lot located at Calle Del Embarcadero because he owns property
within 500 feet of the applicant's project. When he subsequently read the Minutes of August
21, President Baskin stated he had a procedural question for variance applications generally,
and asked if the staff report is usually sent to the applicant prior to the public hearing. Staff
stated that it was an oversight that the applicant did not receive a copy of the staff report prior
to the public hearing on August 21. President Baskin stated that the Board is user friendly to
its customers. Director Boucke requested that the President's remarks be shown in the
minutes. She firmly agrees and reiterated that the Board is here to protect health and safety
as well as being user friendly. The minutes of August 21, 2010 were then approved by
unanimous vote.
Director Boucke moved to approve the disbursements for August 24 and September 8, 2010.
Director Zell seconded the motion. The disbursements were approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. Terry Krieg is finishing the audited
financial statements and Report to the State Controller for the fiscal year ending June 30,
2010. A conference call is coming up regarding Verizon's application for a use permit for a cell
tower at the Steep Ravine Tank Site. Verizon underestimated the height of the tower.
GGNRA may not give approval for the Steep Ravine Site. An alternative site being explored is
at the top of the Highlands Water Tanks.
The new septic design system for the Park is moving forward. It is anticipated this report can
be put on the agenda for the next Wastewater Committee Meeting on October 18. The Board
will tour the District's new treatment plant and water tanks to review the Emergency Response
Plan instructions.
The Board did not comment on the correspondence in the Board packet.
The motion to adjourn the meeting was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was
adjourned at 10:40 a.m.