President Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order on Saturday, October 18, 2008 at 9:35 a.m., at the District Office located at 3785
Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Scott Tye, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Chris Harrington commented on the proposed Verizon Cell Tower installation, and asked the Board if a
proposal was submitted by Verizon and if so, did the District intend to publish it prior to the meeting of
November 8th? The General Manager stated that the plans will be posted on the District website in the
near future. The agreement is still being drafted and not ready for distribution.
Vice President Boucke moved to adopt the agenda as outlined, Director Tye seconded the motion. The
motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Director Tye moved to approve the minutes of September 20, 2008, Vice President Boucke seconded
the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Vice President Boucke moved to approve the disbursements of October 8th and September 23rd,
Director Tye seconded, and the motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager requested the Board approve Director Tye's attendance at the OES meeting at
the Civic Center. There was not time to get full board approval in advance of the meeting. President
Zell was consulted before the meeting attendance. Vice President Boucke validated the decision for
Director Tye to attend the meeting, President Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by
unanimous vote.
- Discussion and possible action regarding: 17 Calle Del Embarcadero, Account #0890, Scott & Kathleen Mitic, Septic System remains out of compliance, failed routine inspection, "off" float in septic tank not operating. The General Manager reviewed the details of the problem with the system, and recommended that the District draft a resolution telling them they have 15 days to abate the nuisance or we will shut the water off. President Zell made the motion that the General Manager proceed with abatement measures, Vice President Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
- Discussion and possible action regarding; September 11, 2008 DZA Hearing; Sutton Negative Declaration of Environmental Impact and Coastal Permit/Use Permit/Design Review. President Zell left the meeting at 9:45 a.m. The General Manager gave the Board an update on the County Hearing held on Thursday October 16th. The outcome of the hearing was that Johanna Patri, AICP, Deputy Zoning Administrator approved the Sutton Project with several new and revised conditions. Vice President Boucke requested the General Manager get in writing the conditions required by the County. Discussion followed. There were no decisions or action taken at this meeting. President Zell returned to the meeting at 10:18 a.m.
- Discussion and possible action regarding: a letter from Mr. Morton Lippman, requesting an increase of $100 per month (from $250 per month to $350 per month), for picking up trash bags at the Village Green Parks. The General Manager introduced an unsigned Letter of Agreement dated, July, 1 1994, where Mr. Lippman will receive $250.00 for contractor services. He presented Mr. Lippman's letter dated October 8th asking the Board for a $100.00 per month increase. Vice President Boucke asked for clarification regarding the scope of Mr. Lippman's job duties. Director Tye explained that Mr. Lippman takes care of community based trash cans down town. The Board requested that the General Manager invite Mr. Lippman to the November Board Meeting. Vice President Boucke made the motion to conduct further research regarding this topic and to continue this item on the November agenda. Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
- Discussion and possible action regarding: SBCWD Onsite Wastewater Management Program, Annual Report, to the Regional Water Quality Control Board, June 30, 2007 through July 1, 2008. The General Manager informed the Board that this was the first Annual Report. In the past, the requirement has been for a semi-annual report, but now we are allowed to publish one report per year. The report consists of copies of lab tests, public notices, and resolutions for new systems. The General Manager stated that in addition to Rich Souza's involvement in the publication process, staff members Chris Kelly and Denise Badstubner were involved in the publication process this year. Vice President Boucke and the General Manager congratulated staff on a job well done. The Board requested that a copy of the report be sent to Blair Alan and Nick de Sieyes of Stanford University.
- Discussion and possible action regarding: acceptance of the Districts Basic Financial Statements (Financial Audit). Vice President Boucke made the motion to accept formally the Financial Audit of 2007-2008. President Zell seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote. Vice President Boucke requested that a copy of the Financial Audit be mailed to the Village Association, the Library, and posted to the Web Site.
- Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding: the return of FEMA money back to the office of Emergency Services. The General Manager explained; two (2) years ago, the District accepted $5,988 for the Office of Emergency Services (OES) for partial payment on replacing the Aldergrove Culvert. The District also received $12,038 from OES for the replacement of the Stinson Gulch Culvert. The money received from OES is only about 1/2 of what it would cost to replace the culverts. The District would need to match these funds to replace the culverts. The Water Operations Committee has reviewed both sites and determined that neither culvert is worth replacing. The Water Operations Committee recommends returning the money back to the Office of Emergency Services. Vice President Boucke stated that the culvert project has been reviewed and discussed by the Water Operations Committee. President Zell made the motion to return FEMA monies, Director Tye seconded the motion. The motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The General Manager referred to a summary report submitted by Chris Kelly of all inspections recently
made, and commented on a job well done. The General Manager discussed the recent concrete
foundation that was poured at the Laurel Water Treatment Plant Site. The purpose of the large
concrete pour was to form a foundation for two backwash tanks that are part of the new treatment plant
being constructed. The tanks themselves will be arriving from southern California in about 2 weeks.
District employees Toby Bisson, Buck Meyer, Chris Kelly and Donnie Melendy dug the hole,
constructed the foundation forms and installed all of the steel rebar re-enforcement themselves. They
even leveled out the concrete without any contractor help. This work probably saved the district
customers 10 to 20k. Almost all of the treatment plant is being built by the district's own employees.
The General Manager reported the Stinson Beach Community Center is reserved for the District on
Saturday, November 8th, 2008 for the Public Hearing on the Cell Tower Site. Agendas have been
posted and the General Manager has invited County Planning to send a representative.
The General Manager also discussed the E-Waste collection event which is scheduled for Saturday,
October 25, 2008. Redwood Empire Disposal (RED) has mailed out a flyer to all of their customers.
RED has agreed to the "Hold Harmless Agreement" written by District Counsel, Ray McDevitt, so they
will be using our parking lot for the event.
The General Manager reported that RED is requesting a rate increase o 6.98%. A "NOTICE OF
HEARINGS", has been mailed to all of our customers. And RED is sending out notification to all their
customers. The Public Hearing dates are; November 15th and December 20th at the SBCWD Board
Director Tye stated that the Village Association on November 1st will be holding a special meeting on
Flood Control Mitigation at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Center.
Director Tye made the motion to adjourn the meeting, President Zell seconded the motion. The motion
was approved by unanimous vote. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 a.m.
The next meeting will be held on November 15, 2008, at 9:30 a.m.