Director Zell called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on
Saturday, March 15, 2008, at 9:30a.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach,
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Scott Tye, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Christine Casper
Director Tye announced that March 22 is International Water Day.
Steve McCaffrey, of Redwood Empire Disposal, commented that he stayed at the Sandpiper Hotel the previous
night, and that he was impressed by the number of water conservation signs on the property.
Motion to approve the agenda with the modification that "General Business" item #1 is
moved to before "Approval of Minutes" made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.
Motion to approve minutes for Saturday, February 16, 2008 made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director
Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote with the following amendment: on page 4, line 32; the sentence shall
be edited to end with the word "providing"
Motion to approve disbursements for February 21, March 5 and March 6, 2008 made by Director Baskin,
seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.
Mr. Schmidt reported that the District is 17% over on revenue (almost $150,000) due to excess property tax
revenue and an increase in the interest rate. The District is still under on expenses, but is approaching the
budgeted amount for several reasons. The District had numerous leaks in December and January for which
supplies had to be bought. In addition, the District purchased a $1,000 permit for the PG&E easement and two
permits from the County for the Water Treatment Plant. A new phone system was also purchased and a
significant amount of money was spent on the maintenance of District vehicles. Mr. Schmidt added that it cost
$2,000 for the new fire-proof file cabinet for the Historical Water Use project.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the District is replacing its infrastructure with cash and that all the supplies for the valve-
raising project (on Calle Del Arroyo) were bought with cash. Director Sapanai asked what the District is doing
with the old valves. Mr. Schmidt replied that they are probably being stored at the barn. Director Sapanai
suggested that the District sell the metal, and Mr. Schmidt replied that he will look into doing so.
Director Tye referred to the Operating Report and commented that the $14,583 for Legal Counsel does not
include the disbursement that was just approved for $14,821. Director Tye noted that there are still three and a
half months of billables for the year that have not been received yet, and the increased cost of Legal Counsel is
anticipated to continue for the remainder of the year. Director Tye commented that the recent trend in Legal
Counsel Expenses should be taken into account in formulating the budget for next year, and Director Boucke
replied that the Finance committee has already made a note of it.
Director Boucke referred to a trade publication article that indicates the District can anticipate receiving less ERAF
revenue for next year. Director Baskin stated that the District is going to have to find creative ways to fund
operations and maintenance and the new plant. Director Baskin reported on behalf of the Finance Committee
that Janice seems to have settled into the routine, the reports are being generated with greater accuracy, there
have been fewer glitches' with the computer system, and the software and the cash flow are good.
Presentation by Steve McCaffrey of Redwood Empire Disposal Regarding Planning of a Stinson Beach
Clean-Up Day. Steve McCaffrey stated that Redwood Empire Disposal is a family-owned business that
processes about 18,000 tons of recycling per month. Mr. McCaffrey stated that the transition from Waste
Management to redwood Empire Disposal in Stinson Beach has been smooth, in large part because they
have kept the same drivers, trucks, and routes as Waste Management. Mr. McCaffrey said that he spent
twelve years with Waste Management, which is; a Texas-based, landfill-orientated, stockholder-driven
company. When Waste Management did the annual clean-up for the Stinson Beach community, they did
it from a landfill point of view; customers were invited to drive over the hill and dump waste for free, but
not too many people took advantage of it. Instead, Redwood Empire Disposal offers picking up the bulky
waste from customers, transporting it to their facility in Santa Rosa, and recovering/recycling all reusable
Mr. McCaffrey said that their company offers (for one week per year) to pick-up three cubic yards of material from anybody's house (not businesses/institutions) for free. Anything is allowed except for appliances, which can b e picked up for a fee. Construction materials can only be included if they are bundled and do not contain any hazardous waste. Mr. McCaffrey stated that notification of the Clean-Up day will be sent via customer billing. Board members requested that the notification also be done via door hanger, to which Mr. McCaffrey acceded.
Mr. McCaffrey pronounced that Redwood Empire Disposal is very interested in public education, and that they are currently developing a newsletter for Marin that will be distributed to customers. Mr. McCaffrey explained that the green Waste Management dumpsters throughout Stinson Beach now belong to Redwood Empire Disposal, and that they are going to change the name and company logo on them soon.
Director Tye stated that several houses are being demolished in Stinson Beach and that he is concerned about the disposal method for demolition materials. Mr. McCaffrey replied that demolition materials are brought to their Petaluma yard, and a Stockton-based company with whom they have contracted sorts them and recovers any reusable materials (approximately sixty percent is recycled). Director Tye expressed that e-waste is becoming a big problem, and that it would be helpful if they offered a local, site- specific e-waste collection. Mr. McCaffrey proposed coordinating an e-waste pick-up in conjunction with Clean-Up Day.
Director Tye suggested that in the future, spring might be better that fall, for the Clean-Up Day. Mr. McCaffrey replied that the particulars of Clean-Up Day could be included in the upcoming contract renewal, and that the contract may even include two events per year, one in the spring and one in the fall. Mr. McCaffrey asked for a "wish list" of other items that the District would like included in the next contract. Director Zell referred to Mr. McCaffrey's materials in the board packet and asked if households will have to make and appointment to participate in the Clean-Up Day. Mr. McCaffrey replied "yes", because it aids in avoiding illegal dumping.
Mr. McCaffrey stated that he will work with Mr. Schmidt to develop a letter of understanding for this year's services and for improving them for next year. Mr. Schmidt requested that Mr. McCaffrey send him a price list for hauling refuse from Stinson Beach.
Mr. Schmidt stated that one of the big projects this time of year is the budget analysis, comparing what we spent
last year versus projected spending for next year. Mr. Schmidt stated that the budget process was started a week
and a half ago when he began updating the Capital Improvement Program project list with Toby and Allan
Richards, and drafting the Operations & Maintenance budget with Toby and Janice. At the end of March or
beginning of April, the draft CIP projects list and Operations & Maintenance budgets will got to the Water
Operations Committee for approval. The plan is for the draft budget to come before the Board for public hearing
on May 17, then for the public hearing to be re-opened at the June board meeting.
Mr. Schmidt said that Jeremy Terjirian sent hem correspondence announcing that the public hearing for the Water
Treatment Plant Replacement Project will be April 17, Mr. Terjirian confirmed that he reviewed the environmental
report and that the Coastal Commission does not have any issues with the project. Mr. Schmidt added that he
wants to schedule the bird study so that it finishes within thirty days of the start of construction, and that the
District has already begun ordering supplies for 30-35% of the project that will be completed in-house.
Mr. Schmidt stated that he is waiting to hear back from Ray McDevitt regarding setting a date to fine-tune the
Records Retention Policy.
Mr. Schmidt reported that March 25 at 5:00 has been confirmed for the Ethics Training and Kurt Franklin has
started the review of Title II.
Mr. Schmidt reported that he, Chris Kelley and John Washington met with representatives from Orenco and that
Mr. Washington is working with Orenco to set up an account. Director Boucke asked if Mr. Washington is the
only service provider (for the Orenco systems) in town, and Director Sapanai replied that he is the only person in
Stinson Beach who completed the Orenco training.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the District should be hearing soon on the grant applications.
Mr. Schmidt stated that water production is down and the District did not have any leaks last month.
Mr. Schmidt said that staff is preparing the Annual Operating Report that is due at the end of next month, and that
he will forward a copy of it to the board members.
Mr. Schmidt reported that staff completed training on confined space entry.
Mr. Schmidt stated that a full conference and exhibition schedule for the May ACWA meeting in Monterey is
attached to the Manager's Report, as requested at the last board meeting. Director Boucke commented that the
ACWA conference appears to offer some courses from which the District could benefit. The Board approved
Director Tye's application to attend the conference.
Mr. Schmidt said that the Manager's Report also includes a copy of the class outline for the wastewater class that
some of the board members will be taking, and that the class schedule will be set-up once the manuals are
received. Christine Casper stated that she has sent an application to CSUS for Chris Kelley to be an instructor for
the course; if approved, the District can purchase an instructor's manual with a complete set of quiz/test answers.
Mr. Schmidt stated that Chris Kelley has included a Wastewater report in the board packet and that he has gone
on several inspections with Mr. Kelley, Mr. Schmidt said that today is the end of the thirty day time limit for the
owner of 12 Marine Way to comply with the concrete removal, that a maintenance permit has not been purchased
for that property, and that he will follow-up with the homeowner on Monday. The board members agreed that the
water should be shut off for that property if the owner does not remove the concrete covering the leach fields or
show that the leach fields are in a different location. An official notification of the water shut-off should be sent via
certified mail and door hanger. The Board directed Mr. Schmidt to draft a notification letter and forward it to the
legal Committee.
Mr. Schmidt reported that he accompanied Mr. Kelley on an inspection of 65 Buena Vista, where six cottages
share a septic system and water meter. Mr. Kelley conducted a dye test for the outdoor shower and concluded
that the shower is now hooked up to the septic system. Mr. Schmidt reported that the owners of the cottages
complained about a problem with a new deck that a neighbor had built. The deck has three posts that are within
the five foot setback to the septic tank. Mr. Schmidt said he wrote a letter to the property owner giving him sixty
days to remove the posts.
Mr. Schmidt referred to the LAFCO staff report in the board packet, and noted that it largely reflects the comments
from the Board regarding merging the Stinson Beach County Water District and the Stinson Beach Fire Protection
District. A sixty-day comment period is in effect until the next LAFCO meeting in May.
Mr. Schmidt stated that the February 5 election results for Measure C are attached to the letter from the Marin
County Registrar of voters. Of the 477 registered voters in Stinson Beach, 378 voted (almost 80%) and Measure
C passed with 79% of the votes.
The board met in closed session pursuant to
Government Code Section 54957
to discuss assessment of Personnel.
Motion to adjourn the meeting approved by unanimous vote.