Director Sapanai called a meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 5:00p.m., at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Scott Tye, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Toby Bisson
Christine Casper




Motion to adopt the agenda with the following amendment made by Director Tye, and approved by unanimous vote: move item number six to after number one, making it number two.


Ed Schmidt referenced a letter in the board packet from Jeremy Tejirian of the Marin County Community Development Agency regarding the fence at 16 Calle Del Mar. Mr. Schmidt reported that Mr. Tejirian determined the fence to be a legal structure, so the county cannot do anything about it. Mr. Tejirian did make several phone calls to the property owner, asking them to make modifications to the fence. Director Tye said that the fence was built with a "conditioned use permit"; when the conditions of the permit expired, the fence was supposed to be removed. Director Tye stated that he will present documentation regarding the conditioned use permit to Mr. Tejirian.


  1. Presentation of Results of Stanford University Experiments on the Dynamics and Effects of Groundwater Discharging Directly to the Ocean at Stinson Beach, by Nick De Sieyes of Stanford University. Ed Schmidt introduced Nick and his advisor, Alexandria Boehm. Ms. Boehm introduced herself as a professor of Environmental Engineering at Stanford whose research group works on coastal water quality. Ms. Boehm stated that the project they will be presenting is funded by the California Sea Grant. Ms. Boehm thanked the board and staff for their help with the project, and announced that continued research is planned for the Stinson Beach area.

    Mr. De Sieyes stated that the process studied in Stinson Beach is called submarine groundwater discharge, defined as any and all flow of water from the sea bed to the ocean, regardless of fluid composition or driving force. Groundwater includes the fresh water run-off and the salty groundwater driven by tides and waves; groundwater has a different chemistry from surface water, and it can provide many nutrients that drive the ecosystem.

    Mr. De Sieyes stated that the project objectives included looking for natural tracers that are in groundwater but not In surface waters, then studying those tracers [with the understanding of the physics of groundwater flow] to quantify the amount of water that is discharged through the coastal margin. Tracers include radium, radon, methane, silicate and salinity; this presentation focused on the silicate and salinity results. Silicate and salinity were measured in the groundwater and then measured in the surf zone to estimate flow characteristics.

    Mr. De Sieyes stated that the study revealed a mixing of high-nutrient freshwaters with low-nutrient salt waters at the beach face, which extends offshore. The results showed more fresh discharge, but less saline discharge at neap tide; at spring tide, it is the opposite, which indicates mostly recirculated sea water in the surf zone. The water table elevations show that the grading switches; in neap tide, the water is flowing the fresh water out to the interface, and at springtime it is flowing more inland, recharging saltwater backwards. Mr. De Sieyes stated that his team plans to create a model that shows a physical simulation of the flow and chemistry results. The only other reported location where this same effect is occurring is in South Africa.

    Director Tye asked if the geomorphic activities of the area are considered as a variable in the study. Mr. De Sieyes stated that he would like to do more characterization of hydrogeology and above ground physics. Perhaps in the future, such studies will be funded. Director Tye stated that for the last five years, the county has been doing microbial beach testing at the federal park and the end of Calle del Resaca, and suggested that Mr. De Sieyes contact them to share findings.
  2. Consideration of a Request by Waste Management to Assign the Garbage Collection Franchise to North Bay Corporation. Tom Ridder of Waste Management announced that the company was sold to North Bay Corporation. Jim Salyers of North Bay, Corp. confirmed that his company will use the same four drivers, and that during a transitional period operations will remain the same. The name appearing on customers' bills will be "Redwood Empire Disposal Company". Pam Davis, Outreach Coordinator for North Bay Corp., handed out a sample of their company newsletter and explained that their company website is in-progress and will be a valuable source of information on waste and recycling-related programs. Ms. Davis stated that she plans to send an introductory letter to the local Stinson Beach businesses and that she has created a welcome package for new customers.

    Mr. Salyers confirmed that the waste will be taken to Redwood Landfill.

    Motion to approve the request by Waste Management to assign the garbage franchise collection to Redwood Empire Disposal Company made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.
  3. Consideration/Adoption of a Contract with Stetson Engineering for Creek Flow Monitoring. Director Baskin made a motion to approve the contract, seconded by Director Zell and approved by unanimous vote.
  4. Consideration/Adoption of a Contract with Stetson Engineering for Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project, Phase I. Director Baskin made a motion to approve the contract, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.
  5. Consideration/Adoption of a draft Resolution Establishing a Budget for 2007-2008. Motion to approve made by Director Tye and seconded by Director Baskin. Board members fielded some budget-related questions from Stinson Beach resident, John Topham, who was provided a copy of all the board packet documents. Budget approved by unanimous vote.
  6. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Establishing an Employee Benefit Program for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008. Motion to approve the resolution made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.


Director Tye reported that the Water Operations Committee met on July 2. The task lists for Phase I of the Water Treatment Plant Replacement Project were updated. Ed Schmidt stated that he, Toby Bisson and Allan Richards of Stetson Engineering plan to perform some measurements at the site. Director Tye stated that Phase I of the project shall include prepping the site; phase II will be construction. Toby Bisson reported that he is working his way down the task list items in order to prepare the site for construction.

Director Baskin reported that the Finance Committee is meeting next week.

Director Tye reported that the Wastewater Committee meeting is set for July 20.

Director Sapanai distributed a catering quote for the reception planned for July 21st and reported that she has ordered the oysters. Toby Bisson stated that he will bring some tables from the Community Center. Director Baskin will purchase the drinks, and Director Sapanai will bring the paper products.


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Director Baskin, seconded by Director Tye and approved by unanimous vote.

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