President Scott Tye called a Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water
District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 21, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline
Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Barbara Boucke
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer/Secretary present:
Larry Baskin
Staff present:
Toby Bisson
Director Zell reminded every member in the audience to identify themselves by name and position as much as
possible for the new recording secretary.
Motion to adopt the agenda as presented made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit.
Motion made by Director Sapanai to approve the minutes of September 4 meeting, seconded by Director Veit,
and approved by unanimous vote.
Director Sapanai identified some problems with the minutes for September 23; most importantly, individuals
making motions and seconds were not recorded. Director Sapanai continued that under General Business,
number eight, the motion was not unanimously denied, the motion to deny was unanimously granted. Director
Sapanai stated that someone needs to use the tape to completely redo those minutes; Director Veit agreed.
Director Sapanai also stated that the current transcriber should be discontinued from producing the minutes.
Director Veit moved that for the minutes for September 23 and September 26, each board member make
corrections and then send them back to the drawing board for total redrafting, seconded by Director Sapanai and
approved by unanimous vote.
Director Sapanai suggested that whoever does the minutes generate a task list immediately following the
Director Sapanai made a motion to approve disbursements for both September 13 and September 29, seconded
by Director Veit and approved by unanimous vote. Director Sapanai asked if anyone knows specifics on the last
item to Orenco Systems for annual fees; question went unanswered. Director Sapanai commented that the
$6,425.13 to Krieger & Stewart should be noted for future discussions on the plant documents.
Consideration/Adoption of Draft Resolution Granting a Variance for Property Located at 221 Seadrift Road,
AP# 195-331-35, Thomas and Maggie Chan. Director Sapanai asked where the comment from the Regional
Water Quality Board is; Director Tye stated that it has not yet been received. Director Sapanai stated that she is
disinclined to make a decision on this item until feedback from Regional is reviewed.
Director Sapanai asked Paul Tanner, RCE if we could stay within the 100 ft. setback by having a smaller house which would require a smaller leach field. Mr. Tanner replied that with a smaller house a variance would still be required because there would still not be enough distance from the wastewater system to the lagoon. Director Sapanai stated that the map shows 125 ft. as the property line, which obviously goes well into the lagoon. Mr. Tanner and Director Sapanai reviewed the map and noted that the front property line to the bulk head is 110.3ft. Mr. Tanner declared that a smaller system could not change the depth of the leach trenches; they would still require the same distance from each other and from the property line to the road. Mr. Tanner stated as a solution granting a variance to the front yard set back. Director Sapanai made a motion to grant approval of the variance with the following change: it will not be a variance to the water (lagoon); it will be a variance to the front yard set back for the trenches, conditional upon comments from Regional. Director Veit seconded the motion; approved by unanimous vote. -
Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Waiver for Property Located at 136 Buena Vista
Avenue, AP# 195-174-13 Nancy Olin, Owner. Director Sapanai made a motion to approve the waiver, seconded
by Director Veit, with the following conditions: A discharge permit be granted if 1) it includes a contract for
maintenance to monitor the system quarterly, and 2) installation of the telemetry panel be completed once the
District provides the applicant's engineer with the appropriate information.
Director Veit expressed concern that the two substandard-sized tanks recirculating into a very small area would be dependent upon continuous power. Board members discussed the capacity of the tank; total capacity is determined to be 740 gallons. Director Sapanai asked why a standard-sized tank could not be used. The property owner replied that there is only about 4 feet between the house and the front property line and standard tanks are 5 feet wide.
Director Sapanai stated that if the Board is to grant the waiver, then it needs to make findings of fact on all of the conditions: 1) that conditions exist on the property which prevent the repair or the construction of a replacement system pursuant to a design which conforms to District code, 2) that those conditions are natural conditions which cannot be altered, or are conditions which cannot reasonably be modified, such as insufficient space on the parcel which can only be corrected by significantly altering the building which was constructed pursuant to a permit issued by the County of Marin, 3) that the design represents the least deviation from the design standards reasonably possible, and 4) that the design incorporates measures to mitigate possible reduced effectiveness of treatment.
Waiver with amendments approved by unanimous vote.
- Consideration of a Water use Charge Reduction Request For Property Located at 175 Seadrift Road, AP#195- 031-41, Robert J. Schweitzer C/O Chris Schweitzer-Ruppe, Trustee. Director Sapanai made a motion to reduce the bill by fifty-percent, seconded by Director Veit. Director Sapanai stated that the application asks for an eighty percent reduction and claims that the water bills for the last year remained static; Director Sapanai disagreed, stating the bills from that year fluctuated, and adding that reductions are not granted in excess of fifty-percent. Director Zell said he would deny the request based upon insufficient information; the documentation provided is unclear and there is no representative for the owner present to explain. Motion denied by unanimous vote. Director Tye stated that staff will notify the owner of the Board's action, and that the owner may have the opportunity to reapply and present the Board with more rational and detail.
- Consideration of a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Property Located at 420 Calle Del Mar, AP#195- 151-22, James R. and Suzanne C. Ritchie, Owners. Motion made by Director Sapanai to reduce the bill by fifty percent, seconded by Director Zell. Director Sapanai noted that it appears the leak began in the period before the billing cycle in the request (billing cycle ending June 21), since that bill was significantly higher than any bill prior. Director Sapanai asked the owner if he would like to amend his request to include both of the billing cycles; owner answered affirmatively. Director Sapanai amended the motion to include both billing cycles, seconded by Director Zell, and approved by unanimous vote. Director Sapanai suggested that the owner consider installing a digital monitor. Board confirmed that the owner will receive a revised bill.
- Review of the Finalized 2005 Urban Water Management Plan (dated September 2006). Item moved to a November workshop for discussion; an approval date to be set at a later business meeting.
Director Tye stated that he spoke to Director Boucke about quarterly financials; she relayed that they would
probably not be ready for today's meeting. Although quarterly financial reports for the months of July, August and
September are usually reviewed in October, Director Boucke recommended holding them over until November.
Director Tye stated that monthly financial reports should also be made ready for November's meeting.
Director Zell asked the board for direction regarding the training or termination of the temporary transcriber.
Director Sapanai suggested that she be asked to redo the minutes that she has already transcribed.
Director Zell stated that he and Director Veit met with applicant Kyra Ingermansson and explained briefly what the
Board is looking for in a temporary office assistant. Director Zell asked the board for recommendations regarding
hourly rate and benefits for that position. Director Sapanai suggested that the job be offered as a three month
temporary job, that it not pay benefits until the job becomes permanent, that the hourly rate be based upon an
annual salary of $40,000, and that it be full-time, eight hours a day. Board discussed salary and job description for
that position; Director Tye stated that a list for the temporary job description needs to be refined. Board discussed
hiring Kyra on a temporary basis.
Director Zell stated that Director Boucke spoke to Raven Schauf about the severance package previously
discussed by the Board; Raven was amenable to it. Director Sapanai asked the Board to email her with feedback
regarding contract duration and content so that she can send a draft to legal counsel. Director Veit stated that the
contract must start and be extended from the time the contract is signed and her contact information (i.e. fax,
telephone number, email, etc.) is ascertained. Board discussed appointing one person to be Raven's contact.
Director Sapanai stated that as part of the agreement, Raven would need to agree to be available via word and
Director Zell stated that the service with whom the Personnel Committee contracted for finding an interim and
permanent General Manager has sent several applications. Director Zell asked the Board if they are still
interested in an interim position. Director Sapanai expressed the importance of having an interim manager while
the search for a permanent general manager is continued; she also suggested extending the application deadline
to November 30. Director Tye stated that he thought the decision was made that the entire Board would be
involved in the hiring of a general manager. Director Sapanai disagreed, and suggested creating an ad hoc
committee that has a specified purpose and specified duration for hiring a general manager. Director Sapanai
added that she would like Toby Bisson to be involved in the interview process. Director Tye asked for an update
on the faxing of the General Manager's job description to other water districts. Director Zell stated that Toby
Bisson provided him a list of California water agencies, and promised to make copies of it for all the board
Director Tye stated that he and Toby Bisson met with engineering on Friday, October 13th. Director Tye reported
that the District has two forms out of three that need to be completed and sent back to OES-FEMA; the Board
needs to designate an agent to sign the forms. For the third project, Toby Bisson stated that he met with a
subcontractor from FEMA a month ago who verified the need for environmental review of the lagoon area.
Wetlands Research Association is no longer needed because the Army Corps of Engineers has jurisdiction over
the lagoon; those who are red flagged within 500ft. of the lagoon are not covered under the blanket studies for all
the FEMA damage. Army Corps of Engineers may possibly do the permitting as well. Director Tye stated that the
Board will review with Elizabeth and legal counsel the appropriate person to be designated for signing and
sending the forms.
Toby Bisson reported that with Stetson the District is up to date except for a balance of $3,100.00 for a report that
needs to be finalized. Once that report is finalized, Stetson will make revisions and then do a presentation for the
Board. Director Tye and Foreman Bisson related that Stetson is supposed to get back to the District regarding
whether they have someone on their staff who is qualified to do the engineering on the project; if so, then
engineering costs need to be estimated.
Director Tye stated that a total reassessment of the water treatment plant documents revealed that geological site
preparation is not addressed in any of the proposals. Director Tye added that while no definitive cost has been yet
determined, site geological preparation can be expensive. Toby Bisson added that the engineer's estimation of
the site preparation and construction costs are inflated.
Board discussed advantages of proceeding with construction of the new plant. Toby Bisson explained that
changes in the laws would require modifications to the existing plant, extensive water testing, and increased
monitoring; he recommends constructing the new plant, especially since we have the funding. Toby stated that
we need to get some estimates from Krieger & Stewart for running the projects. Director Tye stated that the
engineering committee should be constantly reviewing and refining the project, and costs should be presented at
each board meeting.
Toby Bisson related that for the past 2-3 years the District has been promising State Health that we are going to
totally replace the plant; if the new plant project does not ensue soon, State Health will require a retrofit and
modifications to the existing plant. Toby recommended that we come up with a plan and timeline. Director Zell
stated that the sooner the District initiates the process of plant construction, the better it will be for the District.
Director Veit stated that the new water treatment plant is the one project that has had no oversight for years; the
Board was relying on the General Manager alone, which should never be done again.
Discussion ensued about new plant site. Toby Bisson explained that engineering has been so expensive on this
project because it requires that two plants coexist; the old plant needs to remain in operation until DHS approves
the new plant. Foreman Bisson stated that having to work around the old plant makes it a cumbersome project.
Director Sapanai asked if there was any other site that could be easily modified. The option of building a plant on
other District-owned sites was discussed; it was determined that we should stay the course with the original plan
since the project is already so far underway. Director Veit suggested that a workshop date be set to have the
board visit the site and review the plans. November 1 was determined to be the next workshop date. Director Zell
suggested that we begin site preparation.
Toby Bisson stated that both Puente Rizal project and the Lincoln Line Extension project are completed except for
the paving; a paver is coming in Wednesday at 10:00 to give an estimate.
Director Sapanai expressed concern over computer media policy; she suggested that it be the District's policy that
nobody introduces any form of outside media into District computers without getting prior consent from the Board.
(i.e. CDs, screensavers, programs, etc.)
A workshop was set for November 1st at 3:00pm. The next regular meeting of the Board was set for Saturday,
November 18th at 9:30am.
Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Zell, meeting adjourned by
12:30 p.m., by unanimous vote.