President Scott Tye called a the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, September 23, 2006, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Scott Tye, President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Vice President
Joe Veit, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Rich Souza, Wastewater Engineer




Director Sapanai made a motion to approve the agenda as presented with the amendment of moving number two below number four under F. PUBLIC HEARING; motion approved by unanimous vote.


Director Sapanai made a motion to approve August 9th, 2006 minutes, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.

Director Sapanai made a motion to approve August 19th regular meeting minutes, seconded by Director Veit. Director Tye made the following amendment: on page 2, line 21 "it was dependent upon the load on the system that the SAS had increased..." the word had should be replaced with would. Minutes with Director Tye's amendment approved by unanimous vote.

Director Zell made a motion to approve August 19th special meeting minutes, seconded by Director Sapanai, and approved by unanimous vote.

Director Sapanai made a motion to approve August 30th minutes, seconded by Director Zell, and approved by unanimous vote.


Board discussed check number 15299 (mileage to Costco). Director Boucke stated that she has directed staff to have office supplies delivered in the future; any other necessary supplies must be purchased locally.

Director Veit made a motion to approve August 24 check run, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.

Director Sapanai made a motion to approve August 3 check run, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.

Director Veit made a motion to approve Board Compensation Requests, seconded by Director Sapanai, and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration/Adoption of Draft Resolution Granting a Variance for Property Located at 193 Seadrift Road, AP#195-031-25, Lewis and Sheana Butler, Owners: Director Sapanai moved approval of the variance, seconded by Director Veit.

    Rich Souza gave an overview of the property, stating that the lot is vacant and that the proposal is for a single family residential wastewater system with 150 gallons maximum flow and 100 gallons average daily flow. Proposed design includes a sand filter pretreatment device and a raised bed leach field (dual system). The variance is necessary because portions of one of the leach fields will be located under the driveway (typically there is a five foot setback requirement from the leach field to the driveway). Mr. Souza concluded that the design includes relocation of the water line which requires a $10,000 deposit, and that a resolution specifying the $10,000 deposit should be signed by the property owner before the variance is granted.

    Director Boucke asked why the water main has to be moved; Director Tye replied it is because state water code dictates that drinking water cannot be within a standard setback to the wastewater system. Variance was approved by unanimous vote.
  2. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Waiver for Property Located at 23 Calle Del Sierra, AP #195-163-15, Ren'ee Jordon, Owner: Director Sapanai made a motion to grant the waiver, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.
  3. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Directing the Immediate Abatement of a Nuisance for Property Located at 85 Buena Vista, AP #195-193-17, Claus Hirth, Owner: Rich Souza stated that the property has a failed system and that effluent is surfacing on the neighbor's property. Mr. Souza explained that the leach field extends onto two neighboring properties; a neighbor did some excavation and hit the line, causing the system to leak. The owner intends to sell the property and disclose the problem with the septic system. Mr. Souza concluded that the only option at this point is to replace the entire system. Director Sapanai made a motion to approve the abatement, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.
  4. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Granting a Waiver for Property Located at 90 Buena Vista, AP# 195-175-11, Eileen Johnson, Owner: Director Sapanai made a motion to grant the waiver, seconded by Director Zell, and approved by unanimous vote.
  5. Consideration/Adoption of a Draft Resolution Appointing a Director to Fill a Vacancy on the Board of Directors: Director Tye stated that the District has received six applications: Don Anderson, Larry Baskin, Barbara Boucke, Marty Cline, Michael Garsva and Barbara Scott. Director Sapanai commented that since the staff is currently in great transition, it is important that the new board member be someone who is current with District issues; thus, Director Sapanai nominated Barbara Boucke, who has been Treasurer for the past four years. Director Sapanai also suggested that the Board take Larry Baskin up on his offer to be Treasurer. Director Veit seconded Barbara Boucke's nomination; approved by unanimous vote. Director Boucke to be sworn in on Monday morning by Director Tye.
  6. Consideration/Adoption of Draft Resolution Approving a Contract Agreement with Janice Payne to Perform Bookkeeping Services: Motion to adopt draft resolution made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.
  7. Adoption of Draft Resolution Approving a Contract Amendment with WRA, Inc. in the Amount of $6,000 for Services Related to OES and FEMA Projects: Director Zell made a motion to continue this item to the next special or regular meeting, seconded by Director Sapanai and approved by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration of a Water Use Charge Reduction Request for Property Located at 186 Seadrift Road, AP# 195- 031-06, Garrett Sutton, John Sutton, and Mike Puccinelli, Owners: Director Sapanai stated that it is unclear if the leak was on the main line, which is a requirement for reductions. In addition, Director Sapanai noted that last year for the same period water use was 7,400 gallons; this year with the leak, use was 8,600 gallons (only a 1200 gallon difference). Thus, it is impossible to determine how much of that difference is attributed to a leak.

    Director Zell made a motion to deny the request as presented due to lack of information, seconded by Director Veit and approved by unanimous vote. The board concluded that the owner can appeal the decision and provide additional documentation.
  2. Review/Consider WFI/Cingular Letter of Intent Submittal and Cell Phone Tower Proposal: Director Tye stated that the issue before the board is reviewing the letter of intent, "Authorized Owner agreement"; the letter of intent is simply to allow WFI/Cingular to test. The board discussed the role of the Telecommunications Committee of the Stinson Beach Village Association with regards to the project. Director Veit related that it is his understanding from a meeting he attended in early September that the Village Association wants to review the document and comment on it before the Board signs it. Director Tye asked the Board members to decide whether they want to have the Telecommunications Committee approve the WFI/Cingular document before they approve it, whether they want to approve it without input, or whether they want to continue the topic to a future board meeting. Director Sapanai suggested that Chris Harrington forward the document to Sandy Cross at the Village Association and that the topic be continued to a subsequent board meeting; board approved Director Sapanai's suggestion.
  3. District Communications Procedures / Transitional Plan Proposal from Ms. Raven Schauf: The board discussed the necessity of hiring an interim general manager and office assistant. The possibility of redefining job responsibilities of current staff to cover interim needs was discussed.

    The proposal from Raven Schauf was discussed; Raven's increased hourly rate and flex time was debated. Director Sapanai stated that a contract with Raven should include as requirements that Raven create an employee manual of her job tasks and that she train her replacement. Director Boucke stated that if the board increases Raven's pay for additional interim tasks, then Toby Bisson's rate should also be increased. Director Zell reported that Toby Bisson, as a representative for the office staff, voiced concerns over extending a contract to Raven, and asked to meet with the Personnel Committee to discuss. Director Sapanai suggested that the hourly rate for both Raven and Toby be increased to $42.00 an hour; Toby's rate increase to be effective until a general manager is hired.

    Director Sapanai made a motion pay Toby $42.00/hour for additional interim duties and to pay Raven $42.00/hour (including benefits) for the 260 hours on the schedule she has proposed. Motion seconded by Director Veit and approved by unanimous vote. Board confirmed that Raven would be allowed to work flex-time with careful documentation of hours. Director Veit and Director Zell to relate the offer to Raven.

    The interim general manager position was discussed. The board determined that it should be an independent contractor position, three hours a day up to twenty hours a week with an hourly rate of $50. It would be helpful but not mandatory for the interim general manager have some knowledge of running a public agency or non-profit. The board decided to post the job description throughout Stinson Beach and on
  4. Review of the January - June, 2006 Semi-Annual Wastewater Report: Director Sapanai made a motion that this item be put over to the next regular meeting, seconded by Director Veit, and approved by unanimous vote.


Director Boucke reported that she and Raven made some changes to the audit for Mr. Kreig to correct.

Board discussed requisition procedure; all requisitions should go through Toby Bisson.

Vet clinic opening soon in Stinson Beach was discussed; board members raised concern over its impact on the creek. Director Sapanai stated that the District should get a plan from the owners regarding how they intend to dispose of hazardous materials and medical waste. Toby Bisson recommended reviewing the onsite wastewater system for the vet clinic in Point Reyes to see if they have any special provisions (they are also on a creek); board decided to have Chris Kelley contact the vet clinic in Point Reyes to ascertain waste disposal information.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Sapanai, seconded by Director Zell. Meeting adjourned before noon by unanimous vote.

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