President Elizabeth Sapanai called a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, June 4, 2003, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Elizabeth Sapanai, President
Joe Veit, Vice President
Scott Tye, Director

Directors absent:
Charles Dutkin, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer Present:
Barbara Boucke

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager


Mr. Joe Viet, as a member of the public, suggested that the District review the recent information regarding the Patriot Act. The Board directed the General Manger to add the Patriot Act as an agenda item at the next meeting.


Motion to approve the agenda made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye, agenda adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Adoption of Resolution WW-2003-10, Granting a Variance at Property Located at 6 Puenta Rizal, AP# 195- 064-11: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report, stating that the previous Variance had expired and recommending adoption of the Resolution. The Board discussed historical aspects of the lot, the property parameters and drainage, slope, plans, "penalty of perjury" statement requirements on the notification letter, plumbing specs in the garage area, use of an experimental system, installation by the owner of an irrigation system meter to track usage, and deed restrictions on the garage/second unit. Mr. D'Ambra agreed to a deed restriction prohibiting the use of the garage as a second unit. Motion to adopt the Variance Resolution, subject to the receipt of a notification letter from the designer including the term "under the penalty of perjury", made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye, Variance Resolution adopted by unanimous vote.
  2. Adoption of Resolution WW-2003-11, Granting a Variance at Property Located at 205 Seadrift, AP# 195-331- 43: Mr. Richard Dinges summarized the Manager's Report recommending adoption of the Resolution. The Board discussed setbacks, replacement of the Seadrift bulkhead, and square footage reduction. Motion to adopt the Variance Resolution made by Director Veit, seconded by Director Tye, Variance Resolution adopted by unanimous vote.


  1. Review of Draft Urban Water Management Plan: Director Sapanai suggested that further revisions be made to parts of the plan including turf requirements and the preamble. Director Tye suggested that the GGNRA trailhead sanitation issue be reviewed.
  2. Review of Draft Fiscal 2003-2004 Budget: Mr. Dinges summarized the current draft Budget including the proposed capital expenditures. The Board discussed future intensified water treatment requirements and the subsequent affect on the budget, projected increased use of reserves, and various tables, figures and projections.
  3. Review of Shakespeare at Stinson: Mr. Dinges summarized the results of his most recent inspection of SAS and stated that the bathroom top concrete slab had been removed, that the foundation had not been removed, and that the removed concrete had been deposited in the creek. Mr. Dinges further stated that there were conflicting reports on whether or not SAS had utilized the un-plumbed bathrooms, which are currently not permitted for use. The Board questioned the existence of a document from the County allowing the opening and/or extension of SAS and directed the General Manager to get a copy of the County letter with specifics regarding extensions, requirements and restrictions. The Board further commented on the extraordinary amount of time contributed by many agencies in regulating SAS.




Mr. Dinges stated that he had a meeting scheduled with the Community Center Board to discuss the SBCC wastewater system and associated funding and that the dedication of Ranch Booster Station would be scheduled in July.


Motion to adjourn made by Director Tye, seconded by Director Veit, meeting adjourned at 6:30 p.m. by unanimous vote.

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