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5.15.010  Mandatory Collection
5.15.020  Collection Intervals
5.15.030  Collection by Franchisee
5.15.040  Collection by Others

5.15.010  Mandatory Collection:
It shall be mandatory for the owner, occupant or both of any business place, private dwelling or residence to contract with the District's exclusive franchisee for collection of garbage.

5.15.020  Collection Intervals:
All garbage accumulated at any business place, private dwelling or residence shall be collected at regular intervals, weekly.

5.15.030  Collection by Franchisee:
The aforesaid required collection shall be by District's franchisee. Collection and the cost of collection of such garbage shall be the responsibility of the owner, occupant, or both of any occupied premises.

5.15.040  Collection by Others:
It shall be unlawful for any person to collect or carry garbage of others upon the public streets within this District without first having secured a franchise from this District.

However, nothing herein shall prevent an occupant or owner of any business place, private dwelling or residence, from lawfully collecting and hauling garbage accumulated on his premises. It shall be unlawful for other than the owner or occupant of the premises on which said garbage is accumulated or District's franchisee to remove the garbage of another. (Amd Ord GB 90-01 and 92-01)