Return to Title V Table of ContentsSections:
5.05.100 General5.05.105 Garbage
5.05.110 Rubbish
5.05.115 Refuse
5.05.120 Person
5.05.100 General:
As used in this regulation, unless a different meaning
is apparent from the context or specified elsewhere in this regulation, the following terms
shall have the following meanings:
5.05.105 Garbage:
Putrescible animal and vegetable wastes resulting
from the handling, preparation, cooking, and consumption of food; dead animals, and
putrescible market and industrial wastes.
5.05.110 Rubbish:
Non-putrescible solid waste consisting of materials
such as paper, cardboard, tin cans, wood, glass, bedding, crockery, similar materials,
discarded metal, auto parts, appliances and all other materials included under the term
garbage excluding therefrom earth, discarded building materials and garden waste
consisting of leaves, grass and garden clippings.
5.05.115 Refuse:
Garbage and/or rubbish or any mixture thereof.
5.05.120 Person:
Includes natural person, corporation, company, firm,
association, organization, or combination acting as a unit, and officer, agent, employee
and servant of any of the foregoing.