Return to Title V Table of ContentsSections:
5.01.010 Purpose5.01.100 Title, Citation and Reference
5.01.200 Application
5.01.204 Title, Citation and Reference
5.01.300 Violation of Regulations Prohibited
5.01.400 Penalties; Abatement
5.01.900 Severability
5.01.010 Purpose:
The purpose of these regulations is to implement
the provisions of
9, Chapter 1, Part 5, Division 12 of the Water Code of the State of
California (Sections 31135 et seq.) authorizing the District to acquire, construct, and
operate facilities for, or to contract with others for, the collection and disposal of garbage,
waste, and trash of the District and its inhabitants; and further, to regulate sanitation
services and to regulate the placement of disposal of waste materials in order to prevent
the contamination or pollution of the surface waters of the District. (California Water Code §
5.01.100 Title, Citation and Reference:
These regulations shall be known
as the "Garbage Regulations of Stinson Beach County Water District," may be cited as
"Garbage Regulations" and will be referred to herein as "these regulations."
5.01.200 Scope:
These regulations establish the terms and conditions for
the accumulation, collections, and disposition of refuse in the Stinson Beach County
Water District.
5.01.204 Exemptions
These regulations shall not be applicable to the
Government of the United States, State of California, or any instrumentality or political
subdivision thereof.
5.01.300 Penalties:
Any person violating any of the provisions of these
Regulations shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be
punished by imprisonment in the County Jail for not exceeding 30 days, or by a fine not
exceeding three hundred ($300.00) dollars, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
5.01.400 Citations:
Citations for violation of these Regulations may be
issued by Deputy Sheriffs of the County of Marin, members of the California Highway
Patrol, County Health Officers and Officers and Employees of the Stinson Beach County
Water District in lieu of arrest as provided in Sections
853.7 and
of the California Penal Code as it may be hereinafter amended.
5.01.990 Severability:
Severability. If any section, subsection, paragraph, sentence,
clause or phrase of these regulations is for any reason held to be invalid or
unconstitutional, such invalidity or constitutionality of the remaining portions of these
Regulations, it being hereby expressly declared that these Regulations and each section,
subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause and phrase thereof would have been adopted
irrespective of the fact that any one or more other section, subsection, paragraph,
sentence, clause or phrase be declared invalid or unconstitutional.