Return to Title 3 Table of ContentsSections:
3.15.010 Purpose3.15.100 Stage I Alert
3.15.200 Stage II Alert
3.15.300 Stage III Alert
3.15.010 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to describe a series of actions
that the District will take to respond to temporary reductions in supply. These reductions may be
caused by one or a combination of the following conditions or events: below normal rainfall;
warm weather; increased diversions from local creeks by private parties (riparian users);
mechanical failure of wells, pumps or treatment plant equipment; or extended interruptions in
electric power.
3.15.100 Stage I Alert.
Condition: The condition is associated with reductions in creek flow of 15% to 30% below
Response: The District will notify customers of the condition and request them to voluntarily
reduce water use.
3.15.200 Stage II Alert.
Condition: The condition is associated with reductions in creek flows of 30% to 50% below
normal, causing the District's ability to replenish its water in storage to be less than normal.
Response: Customers will be notified of the condition and notices requesting residents' renters
and visitors to reduce watering of garden areas by 50% will be posted in strategic locations and
mailed to customers. District crews will be instructed to observe compliance with water waste
prohibitions. Individuals violating the prohibitions will be given written warnings to comply.
3.15.300 Stage III Alert.
Condition: The condition is associated with reductions in creek flows of 50% or more below
normal, causing the District to be unable to replenish water storage within a reasonable time and
creating difficulty in meeting customer demand.
Response: Press and broadcast media will be notified of the condition and requested to inform the
public of the urgent need to conserve water. Notices will be posted in strategic locations and
mailed to all customers, prohibiting all outside irrigation and ordering reductions in inside use.
The District Board will consider adoption of emergency water restrictions under Water Code
Section 31026-31028, making use of water in violation of the restrictions punishable by fines
and/or imprisonment.