Return to Title 3 Table of ContentsSections:
3.14.010 Purpose3.14.100 Prohibitions
3.14.200 Limitation
3.14.300 Exceptions
3.14.400 Enforcement
3.14.100 Purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to conserve the limited supply of water
available to the District in order to meet the health and safety needs of the community and preserve
local streams as suitable aquatic habitat.
3.14.200 Prohibitions.
The following uses of water are deemed to constitute waste and are
- Use of water through any meter when the customer has been given 72 hours notice by the District to repair broken or defective plumbing, sprinkler, water or irrigation systems on the customer's premises and has failed or refused to make such repairs.
- Use of water for irrigation which results in flooding or runoff in gutters or streets.
- Use of water for washing cars, buses, boats, trailers or other vehicles, unless the customer uses a hand-held hose equipped with a nozzle with a positive shut-off valve.
- Use of water through a hand-held hose for washing sidewalks, driveways, patios, parking lots, tennis courts or other hard-surfaced areas, except as necessary to properly dispose of flammable or other dangerous liquids or substances, wash away spills that present a hazard to pedestrians, or eliminate other materials dangerous to public health and safety.
- Use of water in decorative fountains and ponds, unless they are equipped with recirculating pumps and such pumps are in operation.
3.14.300 Limitation.
The prohibitions in Section 3.14.200 apply only to water furnished by the
District. The use of recycled water is not regulated.
3.14.400 Exceptions.
Application for an exception may be made in writing to the General Manager.
The General Manager may grant an exception for use of water otherwise prohibited if he finds that
to fail to do so would cause an emergency condition adversely affecting the health, sanitation or
safety of the customer or the public or would cause an unnecessary and undue hardship to the
customer or the public.
The General Manager may condition the exception upon the customer's adopting specified water
conservation measures, such as the installation of low-flow faucets, shower heads, or toilets.
3.14.500 Enforcement.
The District will normally attempt to contact the customer by telephone
or in person to inform the customer about the violation of water waste prohibitions and provide a
period of time to correct the violation. If these efforts to contact the customer are unsuccessful, the
District will send a written notice to the customer, with a date by which the violation is to be
corrected. If the violation is not corrected or if the waste of water is repeated, the District may
install a flow restrictor in the customer's service line. The District may terminate water service
upon continued or persistent violations.