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(Ordinance No. OR-2003-01)

The District has specific requirements for water conservation as set forth below, however; any significant conservation efforts require a philosophical commitment by the residents and property owners of Stinson Beach to maintain a consistent consciousness of household water use. In order to promote a community commitment of conservation efforts, the Stinson Beach County Water District believes that education is a key component of any water conservation plan. The District has provided, and will continue to provide, educational materials and community programs devoted to encouraging better use of water resources. A water conservation policy should be one that is continually evolving; therefore, the District Board of Directors will review the conservation segment of Title III annually, and make changes as necessary.


3.13.010  Purpose
3.13.100  Indoor Plumbing Fixtures
3.13.200  Limitations on Irrigated Turf and Other High Water Use Landscaping
3.13.300  Landscape Irrigation Systems
3.13.400  Other Water Conservation Measures

3.13.010  Purpose.
Periodic droughts are an inescapable fact of life in California, emphasizing the reality that water is a limited natural resource. It must be used efficiently and economically to insure that the health and safety needs of the community are met and that our local streams are preserved as suitable aquatic habitat. This chapter incorporates water conservation as an integral part of the District's total water management program.

3.13.100  Indoor Plumbing Fixtures.
All applications for water service for new construction or remodel construction shall meet the following requirements:

  1. Toilets and associated flush valves shall be rated at not more than 1.6 gallons per flush.
  2. Urinals and associated flush valves shall be rated at not more than 1.0 gallon per flush.
  3. Showerheads shall have a rated flow of 2.5 gallons per minute or less.
  4. Lavatory faucets shall have aerators or laminar flow devices with flow control inserts, orifices or other devices that restrict flow to a maximum of approximately 2.2 gallons per minute.
  5. Laundry facility washing machines shall be front-loading, horizontal-axis type.

3.13.200  Limitations on Irrigated Turf and Other High Water Use Landscaping.
All applications for new water service that include turf and other high water use landscaping shall be limited in size as follows:

  1. Single family detached residence and duplex, limited to 400 square feet per dwelling unit.
  2. Townhouse/condominiums, triplexes and fourplexes limited to 200 square feet per dwelling unit.
  3. Apartments (five units or more) and mobile homes, limited to 50 square feet per dwelling unit.
  4. Low-flow kitchen and lavatory faucets. and shower heads.
  5. Commercial, industrial and government projects limited to 250 square feet.
  6. Prior to installing the turf, soil shall be thoroughly tilled and amended with at least four cubic yards of organic material (such as nitrolized redwood sawdust) per 1000 square feet.

3.13.300  Landscape Irrigation Systems.
Failed irrigation systems are the single greatest cause of excessive water waste and create an onerous financial burden to the consumer. Failed irrigation systems are not eligible for financial relief under the District Water Use Charge Reduction Policy. The Stinson Beach County Water District does not endorse the utilization or installation of landscape irrigation systems, and recommends hand-watering as an alternative. However, if the owner chooses to install an irrigation system, it is recommended that extra care be taken when installing and purchasing the system components and when selecting a qualified installer. Further informational material is available at the District Office or on the District website.

3.13.400  Other Water Conservation Measures

  1. General Requirements
    1. If normal system pressure exceeds 75 PSI, a pressure reducing valve shall be installed on the water line, on the customer's side of the meter, which reduces household pressure to 65 PSI or less.
    2. All hot water pipes and hot water circulating systems shall be insulated.
  2. New Construction or Remodel Project Requirements
    1. The Applicant shall submit to the District all proposed water-saving methods included in the development.
    2. The District may require the use of reclaimed or other suitable non-potable water for outdoor irrigation when such water is available at reasonable cost.
    3. The District may require the use of other recycling or water saving devices as practicality and technology permits.
    4. The District may require either or both of the following:
      1. An irrigation piping system that is separate from domestic piping to facilitate the transfer of the irrigation system to a reclaimed water supply; and
      2. A suitable connection in the irrigation piping system to install a meter to monitor usage of water for irrigation.