Return to Title 3 Table of ContentsSections:
3.11.100 General (Reserved)3.11.101 PRIVATELY OWNED FACILITIES
3.11.110 Installation and Maintenance
3.11.120 Connection to Meters
3.11.125 Customer Shut Off Valve
3.11.130 Pressure Devices
3.11.140 Ground Wire Attachments Liability
3.11.150 District's Non-Responsibility
3.11.200 USE OF WATER
3.11.210 Responsibility of Control
3.11.220 Place of Use
3.11.230 Resale of Water Prohibited
3.11.240 Change of Use
3.11.110 Installation and Maintenance.
The consumer shall, at his risk,
furnish, install, maintain, repair and retain ownership and control over the pipes and water
receiving equipment leading from the outlet of the District's water meter, provided,
however, that if the consumer's pipes or equipment cause damage, nuisance or
inconvenience to the District or its other consumers, the District shall have the right to
compel the owner or user of such pipes or equipment to adjust, repair or replace the
same or to discontinue use of water from the District.
3.11.120 Connection to Meter.
The consumer shall be responsible for
connecting his pipeline to the District's meter. However, except for private fire protection
services, the District will make the necessary connection if the consumer's pipeline is
properly placed before the meter is installed.
3.11.125 Customer Shut Off Valve.
The customer shall be responsible for
the installation of water shut off valve. The shut off valve shall be located to the rear of
the meter out side the meter box. The valve type shall be a gate valve rated at 125 psi.
minimum and enclosed in a concrete box or 6"-diameter PVC riser with lid for ease of
access. The shut-off valve allows the owner to shut off the water service lateral during
emergencies or for customer repairs to the onsite plumbing without utilizing the meter
shut off.
3.11.130 Pressure Devices.
Where it is desired to reduce or increase the
pressure under which water is supplied by the District, the consumer shall be responsible
for installing and maintaining the necessary regulators, pumps, or relief valves. In such
cases, the equipment shall be installed on the consumer's side of the meter and at his
own risk and expense. Pressure reducers shall be required where the water pressure
exceeds 75 psi (pounds per square inch) at the meter.
3.11.140 Ground Wire Attachments Liability.
The District is not
responsible for providing an electrical ground through water service equipment.
Accordingly, consumers are cautioned not to attach any ground wiring to plumbing which
is or may be connected to District service equipment. The District may hold the consumer
liable for any injury to its personnel resulting from a ground wire attachment.
3.11.150 Non-responsibility of District.
The District shall not be
responsible for any loss or damage caused by a negligent or wrongful act or omission of a
consumer or any of his tenants, agents, employees, contractors, licensees, or permittees
in installing, maintaining, using, operating or interfering with any water receiving
equipment. The District shall not be responsible for damage caused by faucets, valves,
and other equipment which may be open at any time that water is turned on at the meter.
3.11.210 Responsibility of Control.
The risk of loss, and full responsibility
for the carriage, handling, storage, disposal and use of water delivered by the District
shall pass from the District to the consumer at the outlet of the District's meters.
3.11.220 Place of Use.
The consumer shall not use, or permit the use of
any water furnished him by the District on any premises other than those specified in his
application for service.
3.11.230 Resale of Water Prohibited.
No water received from the District
may be resold without the specific approval and authorization of the District.
3.11.240 Change of Use.
No substantial change in the character of water
use through an existing connection shall be made except by the filing and processing of a
new service application, The District shall determine what constitutes a substantial
change in the character of water use which shall include, but is not limited to, change
from single-family dwelling service to multiple dwelling service or from residential use to
commercial or industrial use.