Return to Title 3 Table of ContentsSections:
3.03.100 General3.03.210 Applicant
3.03.211 Board
3.03.212 Connection
3.03.213 Cost
3.03.214 County
3.03.215 Customer
3.03.216 Customer Service Valve
3.03.217 Cross-connection
3.03.218 District
3.03.219 Developer
3.03.220 General Manager
3.03.221 Governing Body
3.03.222 Inspector
3.03.223 Main or Watermain
3.03.224 Owner
3.03.225 Permit
3.03.226 Person
3.03.227 Premises
3.03.228 Private Fire Service
3.03.229 Regular Water Service
3.03.230 Residential
3.03.231 Secretary
3.03.232 Temporary Water Service
3.03.290 Unimproved Land
3.03.100 General:
For the purpose of these regulations, certain terms, phrases,
words and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this chapter. Words used in the
singular include the plural, and the plural, the singular. Words used in the masculine gender
include the feminine, and the feminine, the masculine.
3.03.210 Applicant:
A person applying to the District for service.
3.03.211 Board:
The Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District.
3.03.212 Connection:
The pipeline and appurtenant facilities such as
the curb stop, meter and meter box, used to extend water service from the main to the premises
including the laying thereof and the tapping of the main.
3.03.213 Cost:
The cost of labor, materials, transportation,
supervision, engineering and overhead expenses incurred by District in providing service.
3.03.214 County:
The County of Marin, California, as applicable.
3.03.215 Customer:
Any person supplied with water service by the
District, also referred to as "Consumer".
3.03.216 Customer Service Valve:
A valve independent of the
District's facilities located in the customer's piping as close to the meter as practicable, the
operation of which will control the entire water supply from the meter.
3.03.217 Cross-connection:
Any physical connection between the
piping system from the District service and that of any other water supply that is not, or cannot be,
approved as safe and potable for human consumption, whereby water from the unapproved source
may be forced or drawn into the District's water distribution mains.
3.03.218 District:
The Stinson Beach County Water District.
3.03.219 Developer:
Any person who constructs or develops any
property which may require water service from the District.
3.03.220 General Manager:
The General Manager of the District.
3.03.221 Governing Body:
The Board of Directors of the District.
3.03.222 Inspector:
The person who performs the work of inspecting
water facilities under the jurisdiction or control of the District.
3.03.223 Main or Water Main:
A water pipe in a street, highway, or
easement used for public and private fire protection and for general distribution of water.
3.03.224 Owner:
The person owning fee title to property for
her/himself, or as executor, administrator, guardian or trustee.
3.03.225 Permit:
Any written authorization required pursuant to
this or any other regulation of the District.
3.03.226 Person:
Any person, individual, firm, company
partnership, association, private, public or municipal corporation, the United States of America,
the State of California, a district and any political subdivision or any governmental agency.
3.03.227 Premises:
Real property to which water service is provided
or for which the applicant has requested service.
3.03.228 Private Fire Protection Service:
Water service and facilities
for building sprinkler systems, hydrants, hose reels and other facilities installed on private
property for fire protection and the water available therefor.
3.03.229 Regular Water Service:
Water service and facilities
rendered for normal domestic, commercial and industrial purposes on a permanent basis, and the
water available therefor.
3.03.230 Residential:
Any single family unit, any duplex or triple family
unit not requiring licensing for occupancy and operation.
3.03.231 Secretary:
The Secretary to the District Board.
3.03.232 Temporary Water Service:
Water services and facilities
rendered for construction work and other uses of limited duration, and the water available
3.03.290 Unimproved Land:
Land on which no improvements exist
or land which, although improved to a degree, is being further improved, such and said further
improvement being is the cause for augmented water service and requiring one or more land use