DECEMBER 1, 1999
Vice-President Robert Oliver called a workshop meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson
Beach County Water District to order at 4:10 p.m. on Wednesday, December 1,1999, at the
District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.
Directors present:
Robert Oliver, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Directors absent:
Charles Dutkin, Director
Jim Zell, President
Treasurer absent:
Richard Gamble
Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary
No public expression
The agenda was adopted as presented.
- Variance Request for 16 Dipsea Road, AP# 195-090-44/45, Lot 1, Parcel "C",
Woodard/Lowrey, owners, Nelson, applicant: - Richard Dinges summarized the Staff Report.
Troy Pearce, SBCWD Wastewater Engineer, outlined the situation concerning the property
and stated that there were still alternative septic system options that had not been explored
by the applicant.
Richard Kamieniecki, of the Seadrift Association, stated that the Association had concerns regarding the size of the leachfield and the possibility of an alternative system as well as the onerous aspect of the Variance.
Peter Sandman, of the Seadrift Association, stated that the Association would like to see the project succeed but not with the currently proposed septic system. He added that there may be five additional feet for the setback and that there should be more extensive investigation of the alternatives.
Elizabeth Sapanai stated that there may be existing alternatives but a conclusion could not be drawn considering there were no submitted test results indicating depth to ground water covering the entire property and that there was no submitted evidence that the applicant had done everything possible to site the septic system on the property. She stated that she had concerns in protecting and monitoring an above ground leachfield that was some distance from the residence as well as concerns regarding the setback requirement. She further stated the applicant had not demonstrated that "special circumstances and conditions exist on the property that make strict compliance with the regulation inappropriate" in order to make the finding.
Mr. Marius Nelson, of Cupertino, California, submitted documentation to the Board concerning the easement, summarized the history of the property and stated that he felt he had met the findings requirements.
Richard Abdel, of the Cupertino area, California, stated that he felt it was unfair for the Seadrift Association to raise objections two days prior to the hearing because it does not allow enough time for Mr. Nelson to respond.
No action was taken. The Board requested that Mr. Marius exhaust all on-site alternatives for a wastewater system before the Board would consider the Variance as submitted.
- Consideration of Lot Line Adjustment at 125 Laurel Avenue, AP# 195-141-18, Ernest Schenk, Owner - Richard Dinges summarized the Staff report. The Board directed the District Manager to meet with Ray McDevitt, District counsel, and Peter Sandman, counsel for the potential buyer, in order to work out an acceptable solution which would take into consideration the value of the property.
Elizabeth Sapanai reported on the Endangered Species Act Meeting and the ACWA
Joint Powers Insurance Authority Board of Directors Meeting held in San Diego. The
SBCWD was commended at the JPIA meeting for achieving a low claim ratio. Ms.
Sapanai noted that all pending formal agreements concerning habitat restoration and
endangered species need to be carefully considered.
J. Projects
Richard Dinges stated that 800 feet of pipeline has been installed up in the Highlands,
cla-val has been installed at the pressure reducing station, that project should be completed
soon. The Highlands tank is 99% complete; Steep Ravine tank is fully operational.
Motion to adjourn made by Joe Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, meeting adjourned at
5:30 p.m. by unanimous vote.