NOVEMBER 20, 1999


President Jim Zell called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, November 20, 1999, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Charles Dutkin, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Robert Oliver, Vice President

Treasurer Present:
Richard Gamble

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Richard Gamble, of 93 Dipsea Road, commended Robert Oliver, Web Otis and the Bolinas- Stinson Resource Recovery Project for their recently distributed flyer.


The Agenda was adopted as presented.


Motion to approve October 6, 1999 minutes made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote. Motion to approve October 30, 1999 minutes made by Joe Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the October, 1999 disbursements made by Charles Dutkin, seconded by Robert Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


October, 1999 Financial Statements were received by the Board.


  1. Consideration of Variance Request for 16 Dipsea Road, AP# 195-090-44/45, Lot 1, Parcel "C", Woodard/Lowrey, owners, Nelson, applicant: Peter Sandman, of the Seadrift Association, stated that the Association had submitted a letter requesting a continuance of the hearing because they had just received copy of the plans within the week and the Association was meeting this morning.
    Richard Dinges responded that Mr. Kamieniecki of the Seadrift Association had been to the District office to discuss the plans 5 days ago.
    Mr. Marius Nelson, of Cupertino, potential buyer, stated that he had notified the Seadrift Association on September 27, 1999 and that Mr. Sandman had received a letter in August of 1996 from Questa Engineering regarding the impact of the property.
    Troy Pearce, SBCWD Wastewater Engineer, summarized the Staff Report.
    Jim Zell stated that due to the scope and scale of the project as well as the potential visual impact he was inclined to defer the hearing.
    Joe Veit stated that he would be willing to postpone the hearing to the next workshop meeting.
    Elizabeth Sapanai stated that she felt a two-week continuance would be reasonable.
    Mr. Nelson stated that postponement would be problematic due to a December 8th, 1999 deadline.
    Andrea di Marco, of the Bolinas-Stinson Technical Advisory Committee, stated that there exists a cross-culvert across Lot "C" and that the Bolinas Lagoon restoration plan includes an eventual increase in tidal flow. This further complicates crossing the culvert, which already exists as a tidal gate, with a sewage line. Ms. Di Marco requested that the applicant supply plans to Ron Miska, the Open Space District Planner.
    Elizabeth Sapanai asked staff if crossing of a culvert requires a Variance, similar to a creek or water flow.
    Troy Pearce responded that he did not believe so because it is not specifically stated in the Code.
    Charles Dutkin stated in view of the fact that the matter had been pending for some time, that the Seadrift Association had knowledge of this parcel's situation previous to this Variance application and that the applicant's associates had traveled here to comment, the Board should proceed with the hearing.
    Elizabeth Sapanai stated that the application is dated September 21, 1999.
    Motion made by Joe Veit to defer the Variance hearing to the next Workshop Meeting to be held on December 1, 1999, seconded by Robert Oliver. Elizabeth Sapanai stated during the motion discussion that she agrees with deferment because there still exists unanswered questions regarding the application including the Lagoon culvert crossing, and that the timely or untimely notification of the Seadrift Association did not affect her decision. Motion passed by unanimous vote.


  1. Consideration of Draft Resolution to Accept the Fiscal 1998-1999 Financial Audit: Mr. Terry Krieg, CPA, District Auditor was unable to attend the meeting. Motion made by Joe Veit to defer acceptance of the 1998-99 Financial Statements and the Report on Internal Control Structure and Compliance Matters until the next Regular Meeting, seconded by Robert Oliver, passed by unanimous vote.
  2. Receipt of the January - June 1999 Semi-Annual Wastewater Report: Troy Pearce summarized the Semi-Annual Report for the Board.


Elizabeth Sapanai, on behalf of the Legal Committee, submitted a letter regarding the fair political practices act outlining Board member rights and responsibilities.
Robert Oliver reported that the he met with the County Environmental group in order to discuss financial assistance for development of a West Marin Resource Recovery Project.
Jim Zell reported that he attended the November SBVA meeting.

J.    Projects

Richard Dinges stated that the new Highlands and Steep Ravine tanks were constructed to meet Seismic Four earthquake requirements and that the other tanks will eventually be retrofitted. SBCWD staff will work with two outside contract workers in order to begin pipe replacement in the Calles/Patio area within the next few weeks. Staff is currently becoming licensed to operate the dump truck. Joe Veit was appointed to attend the December SBVA meeting.


Motion to adjourn made by Joe Veit, seconded by Bob Oliver, meeting adjourned at 10:45 a.m. by unanimous vote.

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