OCTOBER 30, 1999


President Jim Zell called a regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order at 9:30 a.m. on Saturday, October 30, 1999, at the District Office located at 3785 Shoreline Highway in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Charles Dutkin, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director

Director's absent:
Robert Oliver, Vice President

Treasurer Present:
Richard Gamble

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Tom Lambert, fisheries biologist of 55 Belvedere, summarized his concerns, previously expressed on October 18, 1997, regarding the steelhead trout/Easkoot Creek project, the problem of lack of water, fish mortality, fish and game code 5937, and the endangered species act. He requested that the Board adopt "best water management" practices.
Jim Zell responded that the response at the 1997 meeting was in agreement to keep the streams wet.
Rudy Ferris, of 71 Marine Way, Bolinas, suggested that the SBCWD include in a staff position job description the responsibility to help with water management.


The Agenda was adopted as presented.


Motion to approve the September 10, 1999 minutes made by Joe Veit, seconded by Charles Dutkin. Approved by majority vote, Veit, Dutkin, Zell approved, Sapanai abstained.


Motion to approve the September, 1999 disbursements made by Charles Dutkin, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.


September, 1999 Financial Statements were received by the Board.


  1. Introduction of the Revised Title IV Wastewater Code - Jim Zell directed that the Wastewater Code be made available to interested parties.

  2. Adoption of Resolution WW-1999-11, a Variance for 15 Calle del Mar, Request for Additional Portable Toilets - Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. Robert Epstein, on behalf of Shakespeare at Stinson and the applicant, summarized current and historic aspects regarding the wastewater/portable toilet situation. Andrea di Marco, of 23 Calle del Pinos, reminded the Board that the current septic system is experimental utilizing An asphalt covered leachfield. Motion to adopt Resolution WW 1999-11 granting two additional toilets (6 total) and an additional two year extension from the permit expiration date of May, 2000 made by Joe Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, adopted by majority vote, Veit, Sapanai and Dutkin in favor, Zell opposed.


  1. Discussion Concerning Steelhead Trout Habitat and Related Water Issues - Mr. Tony Lewis,of 85 Horseshoe Hill, Bolinas, summarized current conditions and flows within various District streams as well as a recent dry creek incident which resulted in the loss of fish. Mr. Lewis requested that a formal Water Management Plan be established. Mr. Darren Fong, GGNRA Aquatic Ecologist, stated that a Water Management Plan would be appropriate in order to maintain community water needs while maximizing protection of endangered species as well as other species which rely on the riparian habitat. The Board consensus was that the SBCWD is in full support of habitat restoration and recommended that a water management committee would be established at the next Workshop meeting.

  2. Discussion Regarding Backflow Prevention Device Use - Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. The Board concluded that customers currently required to install Backflow Prevention Devices due to the existence of a spa (hot tub) or pool would be notified that they may install a vacuum breaker at the hose bib while a temporary stay is in effect.
The Board moved item six ahead of item five on the agenda.
  1. Lot Line Adjustment, 125 Laurel Avenue - Richard Dinges summarized the property lines involved. Peter Sandman, of 117 Dipsea, stated that presently he is addressing the Board for informational purposes only and eventually plans to formally request approval for a lot line adjustment. No action taken.

  2. Adoption of Resolution GB-1999-12, Purchase of Replacement Dump Truck - Richard Dinges summarized the Projects. Motion to lease a new dump truck over a five year period made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, adopted by unanimous vote.

  3. Appointment of Board Member to attend the Next SBVA Meeting - Jim Zell was appointed to attend the November 6, 1999 Stinson Beach Village Association meeting.


No Committee Reports

J.    Projects

Richard Dinges submitted a Current Projects Report to the Board. Mr. Dinges stated that the pressure reducing station is currently being installed at Buena Vista and Lincoln and that 1,000 feet of pipe on Lincoln is being replaced.


"Gail Bennett" motion to adjourn made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Charles Dutkin, meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. by unanimous vote.

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