MAY 15, 1999


A regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District was called to order by President Zell at 9:40 a.m. on Saturday, May 15, 1999, at the District Office at 3785 Shoreline Highway, in Stinson Beach, California.

Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Robert Oliver, Vice President
Elizabeth Sapanai, Director
Joe Veit, Director
Charles Dutkin, Director

Staff present:
Richard Dinges, General Manager
Troy Pearce, Wastewater Engineer
Raven Schauf, Recording Secretary


Owen Von Kugelgen, of 28 Calle del Onda, asked for help form the Board regarding 28 Calle del Onda specifically to expedite changes in the code in order to allow holding tanks in this type of situation. He also requested that the Board consider the submittal of a separate Variance Application for a holding tank without withdrawing the current application for a sand filtration system. Elizabeth Sapanai responded that a Variance Application may be submitted and that the Wastewater Code will be reviewed at the next regular meeting.


Motion to adopt the agenda made by Robert Oliver, seconded by Joe Veit, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the April 7, 1999 minutes made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded Robert Oliver, approved by unanimous vote. A motion to approve the April 17, 1999 minutes made by Robert Oliver, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote.


Motion to approve the April,1999 disbursements made by Joe Veit, seconded by Elizabeth Sapanai, approved by unanimous vote.


Discussion concerning alternative depositories for $976,000 in bonds currently held at the Union Bank resulted in agreement that alternatives should be investigated. Discussion concerning the application of accrued depreciation as a non-cash account and the lack of a capital improvement reserve account resulted in agreement that depreciation is not applicable and that the State would not allow revenue reserve accounts.


1.  Waiver Request - 55 Buena Vista, owner Robert Roush: Mr. Roush requested approval of installation of an experimental "fast system". Staff suggested that regular monitoring be required. Elizabeth Sapanai stated that installation of this type of system would allow the District the opportunity to test its effectiveness but would not like to see systems of this type come regularly before the Board. Ms. Sapanai expressed concerns and requested frequent monitoring and the utilization of a specialized "tamper-proof" alarm which would require District notification before it could be shut off. Troy Pearce advised that this system is appropriate for properties with limited access although the overall integrity is sub-standard to what would be required in the case of new construction. Motion to approve the Waiver with inspections to be made at the discretion of the General Manager and Wastewater Engineer and to include staff recommendations made by Joe Veit, seconded by Robert Oliver, approved by unanimous vote.


2.  1999-2000 Draft Operating Budget: Richard Dinges reported that this was the first draft of the Fiscal 1999-2000 Draft Budget, non inclusive of debt service. Richard Gamble requested a definition of the District Treasurer's responsibilities and stated that he will be tracing some of the accounts for clarification purposes. Mr. Gamble suggested that the Board look closely at the major costs of the total budget, that the checks show what account they are credited to and that he would meet with the auditor with Board approval. The Board responded that the Treasurer could act on the discussed items at his discretion and that a more precise definition of the job would be written. Discussion concerning the renewal of the auditor contract resulted in the agreement that the District would continue with the current auditor.

3.  Draft Resolution GB 1999-03 - Adoption of the Emergency Disaster Response Plan as Part of the SBCWD Code: Discussion concerning possible liability implications clarified that the Disaster Plan is an outline of how to proceed during an emergency situation. Maps will be included as they are available. Motion to adopt Resolution GB 1999-03 made by Joe Veit, seconded by Robert Oliver, adopted by unanimous vote.



J.    Projects

Richard Dinges reported that both Steep Ravine and Highland Tanks are currently about 40% to 45% complete. Meter and Hydrant projects are near completion, Alder Grove well has a cracked casing and needs to be replaced, Old Town Pipeline Project will probably be contracted out. All of the Calles and Patios lines are scheduled to be replaced this summer utilizing District Staff. A tour of the District will be offered on June 9th . Replacement of the Treatment Plant is scheduled for 2003.


"Gail Bennett" motion to adjourn made by Elizabeth Sapanai, seconded by Joe Veit, meeting adjourned by unanimous vote at 11:12 a.m..

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