Saturday, August 20, 2022


President Morey Nelsen called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, August 20, 2022, at 9:33 a.m., held at the District office, 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach.

Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director

Director on telephone:
Jim Zell, Vice President

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Executive Assistant




The agenda as presented was approved unanimously by the Board.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: use of an alternative wastewater system design at 7 Jose Patio, Stinson Sand Piper LLC, owner. Account 1430.
    In the absence of the Wastewater Engineer, Wastewater committee chair Director Cross noted the single variance on this project, namely, the use of an alternative Advantex system. She mentioned that these systems will soon be considered routine, under the Title IV regulations currently being updated by the committee. Directors Cross and Boucke, both members of the committee, affirmed approval.

    Director Baskin motioned for board approval, Director Boucke seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously in favor.


  1. Update on the Ranch Well and new well negotiations.
    Allan Richards of Stetson Engineers provided an update on the ongoing correspondence with the County of Marin Planning department's Megan Alton regarding the County's assertion that replacement of the Ranch well is not a replacement but a new well. The District and Stetson do not agree with this assertion and have provided the County with materials, including a brief technical report, in support of the replacement well perspective. Included in these materials is evidence that the replacement well is protected from vertical flow, including incoming creek flow.

    Mr. Richards informed the board that earlier in the week Ms. Alton had emailed the District, stating, "Upon further consideration there may be the possibility that I can make the necessary findings for the well if you provide us an analysis regarding the cone of depression associated with the new well." Mr. Richards considers that this development could be a potential workaround, and that it is generally positive.

    Mr. Richards will speak with his geologist about the cone of depression analysis; he estimates that the cost for such a report would be between $3,000 and $5,000. This expense would be reimbursable under the community drought grant awarded by the California Department of Water Resources. The board instructed Mr. Richards to proceed.

    The board touched briefly on the draft agreement for a proposed new well to be located at the Stinson Beach Community Center, with Director Cross noting that she had several comments. The board instructed that the Legal committee review that draft before it comes before the full board.
  2. Discussion and direction to staff re: proposal for updating Eye on Water endpoint communicator technology.
    Acting General Manager Ed Schmidt presented a request for approval of up to $32,5000 for the purchase of 500 new 5G-network endpoint communicators, as part of a District effort to update the wireless technology, known as Eye on Water, which provides both staff and customers with water monitoring and leak alerts. Eye on Water has been very helpful to District staff, particularly in tracking and responding to customer water leaks as well as with overall water use. The app is equally popular with rate payers, for the same reasons.

    Mr. Schmidt informed the board that Utility Worker Robert Scott has been coordinating the District's endpoint communicator update project, and the board unanimously expressed its appreciation to Mr. Scott.

    Following discussion and the raising of several questions which Mr. Schmidt will answer at a later date, Director Boucke moved for approval of the requisition, which motion was seconded by Director Baskin. The board approved unanimously.


Approval of the Minutes for July 16, 2022. Director Boucke motioned to approve, seconded by Director Cross, and the board agreed unanimously.


June 22 through July 14, 2022. Director Cross motioned to approve, seconded by Director Baskin, and the board agreed unanimously


Acting General Manager Schmidt related the following highlights from his August report:
* During a recent Zoom meeting with CalRecycle to review the District's progress in meeting its Senate Bill 1383 obligations, i.e., diversion of food waste from landfill into compostables, the agency expressed appreciation for our work.
* The month's committee and other Zoom meetings included a meeting convened by Jennifer Blackman, General Manager of the Bolinas Public Utility District, to discuss the potential for transferring to the county the SB 1383 reporting obligations currently borne by individual districts. A subcommittee was formed to review the proposal.
* Following the board's unanimous July resolution to shut off water service to 3255 Shoreline Highway, property owned by Eric Layton, Mr. Layton submitted a request for water service. The request was reviewed, and rejected, by the Wastewater committee at its August meeting, following which a follow up letter was sent to Mr. Layton by the General Manager, confirming that water service will remain suspended until a wastewater system has been installed.
* The owner of properties located on Calle del Mar, against which the District holds a lien for unpaid water bills currently totaling $10,300, has taken out an escrow. This could signal settlement of the unpaid debt and subsequent release of the lien.
* The proposed Recology waste management contract update has a new start date of February 1, 2023; previously the start date was January 1. Nathan Metcalf of Hansen Bridgett is reviewing the document, which will come before the September board meeting for approval.
* The District's water storage remains at 85% to 90% of capacity.
* The District's 2022-2023 appropriations limit is up for a vote this November, as occurs every four years; the item is Measure Q on the County's November 8th ballot.
* Pacific Gas & Electric has approached the District about erecting a temporary emergency services center in the District parking lot, in the event of power outages. A board member noted that a previous such service had been mounted at the Community Center and wondered whether PG&E had approached that location; Mr. Schmidt will inquire.
* The previously mentioned community drought grant will eventually provide up to $760,000 in reimbursement of District time and expenses for the Ranch well replacement and new well projects. At present, the Department of Water Resources is reviewing a draft grant agreement, which the District has not yet seen; once finalized and executed, the agreement will facilitate reimbursement of costs dating from March 4, 2022 forward.
* The Board affirmed a recommendation from the Personnel committee to grant a 5% wage increase for Robert Scott in light of his ongoing professional certifications.


Members of the Board may report on their respective committees. President Nelsen informed the board and staff that he will be out of the country from August 30 through September 25.




The board adjourned to close door session at 10:15 a.m., pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957, public employee recruitment for the General Manager position.


The meeting reconvened in open session at 1:05 p.m. The reportable action taken during the closed door session consisted of the announcement that Kent Nelson had been offered and had accepted the position of General Manager, subject to a positive background check, as of October 3, 2022. The salary shall be $195,000 per year; benefits include CalPERS healthcare and retirement; one day per week telecommute; and a starting vacation benefit of four weeks per year.


There being no further business, Director Baskin motioned for adjournment, seconded by Director Cross, and approved unanimously by the board. The meeting adjourned at 1:08 p.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, September 17, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.

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