Saturday, July 16, 2022
President Morey Nelsen called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, July 16, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., held via
Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Assembly
Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Temporary General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
The agenda as presented was approved unanimously by the Board.
Consider and reaffirm Resolution GB-2021-07 making findings pursuant to
Assembly Bill 361 that the proclaimed state of emergency continues to impact the
ability to meet safely in person.
Director Baskin moved to reaffirm the resolution, which motion was seconded by Vice President Zell and unanimously approved by the Board.
Abatement hearing re: 3255 Shoreline Highway, Eric Layton, owner. Account 4095.
Temporary General Manager Ed Schmidt outlined the District's history with the previous owners of this property, including the determination that the site not be utilized for public events given the lack of a wastewater treatment system. It appears that the current owner is using the site for such events, moreover, that a sewage connection between the site and an adjoining property's wastewater treatment system is being used by the owner of 3255 Shoreline Highway, adversely impacting the system at 3265 Shoreline.
Mr. Schmidt informed the Board that in an email received from Mr. Layton shortly before the board meeting, the latter advised that Noadiah Eckman of Eckman Environmental had been hired to design a septic system for 3255 Shoreline and that Mr. Eckman would represent Mr. Layton at the Board meeting.
Attending the meeting, Mr. Eckman confirmed that he has been hired by Mr. Layton to design a new septic system for a new house on the property.
Following Board discussion citing the past agreement with the previous owners as well as the failure of the current owner to abide by that agreement to cease holding public events onsite, Vice President Zell moved to approve a resolution directing that water service be terminated effective immediately, which motion Director Baskin seconded. Director Cross recommended referencing Marin County code prohibiting events in such venues, i.e., without approved septic or wastewater systems; she offered to forward that ordinance.
The Board voted unanimously to approve a resolution shutting off water service to 3255 Shoreline Highway, effective Monday, July 18, 2022.
Update on the Ranch Well replacement.
Supervising Engineer Allan Richards of Stetson Engineers joined the meeting and discussed progress with the County of Marin's Planning Department regarding replacement of an existing well at the Ranch site.
He reminded the Board that costs of this replacement well are reimbursable under the $765,000 community drought relief grant approved through the California Department of Water Resources (DWR), for costs and expenses incurred on and after March 4, 2022. Mr. Richards pointed out that while Stetson and the District together have been recording those figures, there is as yet no formal grant agreement in place with DWR.
Mr. Schmidt informed the board that he, Mr. Richards, and District and Stetson staff met recently with the DWR project manager, James Briggs, a scientist temporarily assigned to grant funding due to DWR staff shortages. Mr. Schmidt noted that while Mr. Briggs is unfamiliar with grant management, both he and Mr. Richards have extensive experience in this area. Mr. Richards advised that all of the documentation requested by Mr. Briggs at the initial meeting has now been submitted. It was agreed that a follow up meeting may help to move the process forward.
Mr. Richards articulated the work that WRA Associates, working with Stetson, has completed in providing the County Planning Department with requested additional information towards a standard coastal development permit (CDP), which the County is requiring following last year's approval of an emergency CDP. A delay has arisen due to the County planner's determination that the Ranch project is not a replacement well but a new well, thus the additional work.
Board discussion revolved around what this means and how best to resolve what is an inaccurate determination by the County, from the perspective of the District and Mr. Richards. It was agreed that the requested standard CDP new well application information should be provided to County Planning along with a letter to Tom Lai, Director of Marin County's Community Development Agency, expressing the District's perspective. Mr. Richards will draft the letter and Director Baskin will review it.
Lastly, Mr. Richards informed the Board of his research into the $193 million in Department of Water Resources funding available for desalination, wastewater and conservation, as requested at the June Board meeting. Funding is available for community outreach, planning, and modeling on a 50% matching basis. Two deadlines have been announced, the first being August 19, 2022, and the second being February 1, 2023. Mr. Richards recommended a cost estimate be drawn up for the February deadline, a proposal to which the Board agreed by consensus. -
Discussion and direction to staff re: a possible lien on property located at 95
Buena Vista Avenue, for outstanding water and wastewater base fees. Karen
Pandolfi, owner. Account 3650.
Temporary General Manager Ed Schmidt reviewed the customer's progress in paying off their accrued debt of unpaid monthly base fees, reminding the Board that the customer's water service was shut off a decade ago. He also noted communication from the customer received at the June Board meeting on efforts made towards a new septic system. The Board agreed by consensus to accept these steps as good faith effort on the part of the property owner. A lien was not discussed.
Approval of the Minutes for June 18 and July 6, 2022.
Director Cross requested clarification of the May Board meeting minutes, in that reference to
the Board's April action on a request from AT&T for a cellular service tower on District
property specify that the Board had denied the request.
The minutes of the May and June meetings have been clarified accordingly. Director Cross
moved to approve the corrected minutes of June 18, 2022, which motion was seconded by
Directors Baskin and Boucke, and approved unanimously by the board.
The minutes of the Board's special meeting on July 6 were motioned for approval by
Director Boucke, seconded by Director Baskin, and approved unanimously by the Board.
May 21 through June 21, 2022.
Director Boucke motioned for approval of the disbursements of May 21 through June 21,
2022, which motion Director Cross seconded and the Board approved unanimously.
Acting General Manager Schmidt's review of his July report included the following
* Note of the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) documentation that will be
part of the forthcoming community drought grant agreement referenced above and in
his report;
* A reminder that the draft Recology contract to take effect next year will be on the
agenda of the August Board meeting;
* The letter provided to Mr. James Gillam, owner of 3337 Shoreline Highway, regarding
alleged property damage;
* Current water storage figures for the period October 2021 through June 2022, which
evidence water availability throughout that time of 85% to 90% of storage capacity.
* Inclusion of the tiered usage report per the request of the Finance committee; and
* The availability of sufficient cash for current projects as shown on the capital
improvements budget cash flow.
The meeting was adjourned to closed door session at 11:08 a.m., pursuant to California
Government Code Section 54957, public employee recruitment for the General Manager
The meeting reconvened in open session at 11:45 a.m. No reportable action was taken
during the closed door session.