Saturday, March 19, 2022
President Morey Nelsen called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at 9:30 a.m., held via
Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Assembly
Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
Director Baskin acknowledged Treasurer Stemen's notice of resignation effective June 30
and suggested a social gathering to honor her for a date in July.
General Manager Schmidt introduced Utility Worker Robert Scott and informed the board of
Mr. Scott's recent completion of his Water Treatment Operator, Water Distribution Operator,
and Water Distribution Maintenance certifications. The board and Mr. Schmidt congratulated
Mr. Scott.
President Nelsen acknowledged General Manager Schmidt's notice of retirement effective
April 30 and wished Mr. Schmidt all the best. Director Baskin suggested that the board hold
a social gathering in Stinson Beach to honor the outgoing General Manager on a date prior
to his retirement.
The board thanked both outgoing Treasurer Stemen and outgoing General Manager
Schmidt for their service.
President Nelsen stated that an advisory committee has been named to assist the board in
its search for the next general manager. The members of that committee are Directors
Baskin and Zell, and a meeting was scheduled with Mr. Schmidt for Monday afternoon,
March 21.
Representing a wastewater variance request from Bolinas Community Land Trust, approved
at the March committee meeting and which comes before the April board meeting, Mr. Chris
Harrington responded to concerns raised by District counsel about the definitions of
"affordable housing". Mr. Harrington advised the board that he is available to provide most
of counsel's recommended documentation.
There being no modifications, the agenda was unanimously adopted as set by the board.
Consider and reaffirm Resolution GB-2021-07 making findings pursuant to
Assembly Bill 361 that the proclaimed state of emergency continues to impact the
ability to meet safely in person.
Director Baskin moved to reaffirm the resolution. The motion was seconded by Director Zell and unanimously approved by the board.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Resolution WW 2022-06, variance
requests to replace a failed system at 141 Calle del Arroyo, Tanya Naouri, owner.
Account 1420.
Wastewater Engineer Souza initiated the conversation regarding the four variance requests under consideration, outlining that the proposed variances do not involve any increases in habitable space or wastewater flow. Three of the variances are related to site setbacks and the fourth to installation of an alternative system.
Speaking for the Wastewater committee, Director Cross affirmed the committee's approval and noted the inclusion in section "f" of conditions, "The current and all future property owners shall join in a shared wastewater system in perpetuity, if approved by community." She informed the board that all appropriate future wastewater resolutions will include this condition.
President Nelsen requested that all future variance requests involving reduction of setbacks include a topographical survey of structures on neighboring properties. Managing Geologist Noadiah Eckman, system designer for this project, informed the board that they already include surveys of neighboring structures in their work, and both they and Engineer Souza affirmed that such surveys will be included in future requests.
Director Baskin moved for approval, which Director Zell seconded and the board agreed unanimously. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Resolution WW 2022-07, variance
requests to replace a failed system at 125 Laurel Avenue, Brad Coy, owner. Account
Engineer Souza led a brief discussion of the request, and Director Cross noted the inclusion of an alternative system. Director Boucke moved for approval, which Director Cross seconded and the board agreed unanimously.
Update on the Ranch Well replacement and new well research by Allan Richards.
Stetson Engineers' Allan Richards screen shared photographs of the drilling of the new well at the Stinson Gulch Ranch site, describing how the initial work on March 17th reached a depth of twenty feet. The crew inserted a length of steel pipe to secure the hole and continued on March 18th another twenty feet; the progress was hampered by hard, fractured rock. The drill crew hopes to reach a total depth of two hundred feet by March 23rd. Following that work, the crew will begin electrical log (or e-log) tests to identify water-bearing rock formations.
The old well was also two-hundred feet in depth.
General Manager Schmidt informed the board that once the remaining coastal development permit issues are resolved - identified in the February 25th letter from Planner Megan Alton with the County of Marin's Community Development Agency, Planning Division - a 30-day notification will be distributed to local agencies. Assuming no objections, the District will then be free to begin using the new well.
Engineer Richards informed the board that he has been in touch with Leslie Lazarotti of WRA Associates regarding these remaining coastal development permit issues, and that they will respond to the county by the March 25th deadline. The District will be copied on that response. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: draft franchise agreement with
Recology as required by Senate Bill 1383.
General Manager Schmidt reminded the board that the District has responsibility for nine tasks, and Recology, the local waste management vendor, has seven tasks, for enforcement of the new garbage, organics and recyclables regulations required under Senate Bill 1383. One of the District's responsibilities is securing an agreement with the vendor around these responsibilities.
However, Recology has now stated that it wants to wait until February 2023 before completing such an agreement.
Another of the District's SB 1383 responsibilities is public education, which was initiated in the District's March newsletter. The District will continue educating customers of the new regulations, including enforcement by the District.
Mr. Schmidt informed the board that the first quarterly report to the lead agency, CalRecycle, is due this fall. -
Discussion and possible approval of Ordinance 2022-01, establishing regulations
for garbage, organics and recyclable material (Senate Bill 1383), carried over from
last month's meeting.
Following discussion, which included a recommendation from Director Cross that the ordinance and regulations be shared with the community, Director Baskin moved for approval, which Director Boucke seconded and the board agreed unanimously. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: 2021 financial audit.
Auditor John Cropper of Cropper Accountancy screen shared slides outlining the audited financial statements as of June 30, 2021.
Following discussion of the patterns and ramifications of long-term pension and other postemployment benefit liabilities, Director Boucke motioned for acceptance of the final audit as presented, which motion Director Baskin seconded. The board agreed unanimously. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Living Shoreline Feasibility Study
from Steve and Breeze Kinsey.
General Manager Schmidt introduced the item and Mr. Breeze Kinsey of CivicKnit, describing the study as a restoration project sited along the Dipsea Road side of Bolinas Lagoon. Mr. Kinsey elaborated, noting that the proposed eighteen-month project is led by the Greater Farallones Association for habitat and ecological considerations.
Mr. Kinsey referred to the County of Marin's ARC project - the Stinson Beach Adaptation and Resilience Collaboration - which has for some months been proposing a public meeting in the community. A project leadership change has now further postponed that meeting.
Following discussion, it was the consensus of the board that the organizers of the Living Shoreline Feasibility study may reach out to, and keep the District informed of developments.
During the discussions, President Nelsen asked after the collaborative project between CivicKnit and the District's wastewater engineer to assess the feasibility of a community- wide septic effluent treatment and relocation plan. Engineer Souza and Mr. Kinsey related that it has been over a year since a request was first made to the National Park Service's Golden Gate National Recreation Area to expand the area of digging testing holes on GGNRA land in the Steep Ravine area.
Mr. Souza noted that the area, approximately seven or eight acres in total, is currently undergoing Park Service restoration and that the test hole drilling request has been referred to higher levels of NPS administration. He also reminded the board that such requests frequently take anywhere from nine months to two years to completion. -
Discussion and direction to staff re: a possible lien on property located at 95
Buena Vista Avenue, for outstanding water and wastewater base fees. Karen
Pandolfi, owner. Account 3650.
General Manager Schmidt outlined the situation, noting that water service had been discontinued several years ago following repeated failed wastewater system citations. Following discussion, including review of written correspondence received from the customer the day before the board meeting, while it was agreed that a property lien should move forward it was also agreed that first the District will make one more attempt to work with the customer. The matter was continued to the next board meeting.
Approval of the Minutes for February 19, 2022.
Director Cross moved, Director Boucke seconded, and the board unanimously approved the
minutes of the February 19 meeting.
February 8 through March 10, 2022.
Director Cross moved, Director Boucke seconded, and the board unanimously approved the
disbursements of February 8 through March 10, 2022.
General Manager Schmidt's review of his March report covered the following items:
* The District's cash flow report reflects considerable balances in both the LAIF
account and checking account, assuring the District's really good position to
complete its current and projected projects;
* Confirmation of the board's commitment to the state Water Board's $765,809 Small
Community Drought Relief grant, which will trigger the agency assigning a field
auditor to work with the district;
* No matching funds are needed for the Small Community Drought Relief grant;
* The District's property tax income has increased again;
* Water storage levels continue to hover in the 90% of capacity range;
* As described above, Utility Worker Robert Scott has been certified for multiple
operations and maintenance duties;
* The District is keeping up with compliance with state record retention rules by
reviewing and shredding old paper records such as vendor files, bank statements,
etc., but not project files.
* Revenue is down due to lower water sales, expenses are down due to reduced water
production costs, and personnel expenses are down due to the departures of Helma
and Buck, and the move of Marc's services from outside contract worker to
* AT&T has requested the addition of a telecommunications site location within the
vicinity of the District office. Discussion ranged from "No" to learning more about the
request. The board consensus was to request more information.
The District received a Thank You from the Stinson Beach Volunteer Firefighters'
Association for the District's recent donation, and a customer's response to a "high users"
There being no further business, Director Baskin moved to adjourn, which motion Director
Boucke seconded and the Board unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 12:05
p.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, April 16, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.