Saturday, January 15, 2021


President Morey Nelsen called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, January 15, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Assembly Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.

Directors present:
Morey Nelsen, President
Jim Zell, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Sandra Cross, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant




There being no modifications, a motion to adopt the agenda as set was made by Director Cross, seconded by Director Baskin and President Nelsen, and unanimously approved by the board.


  1. Consider and reaffirm Resolution GB-2021-07 making findings pursuant to Assembly 361 that the proclaimed state of emergency continues to impact the ability to meet safely in person.
    Director Baskin moved to reaffirm the resolution; the motion was seconded by Director Boucke and unanimously approved by the board.


  1. Variance request for installation of a new alternative wastewater system at 116 Seadrift Road, Gale and Jon Love, Owner. Account 6090.
    Engineer Souza introduced the discussion, noting just a single variance, for an alternative wastewater system, before deferring to the Wastewater committee. Speaking for that committee, Director Cross affirmed approval, and initiated a brief review with the project engineer, Troy Pearce of AYS Engineering, of methodologies applied for recording groundwater depths.

    Director Baskin moved for approval, which Director Cross seconded and the board unanimously approved.


  1. Quarterly financial reports for the period ended December 31, 2021. General Manager Schmidt led the discussion, noting that actual income is up $65,000 over budget, and expenses are down, $96,000 below budget, for a net status of $161,000 better than budgeted. He also pointed out improved legal expense figures, only 20% of budget, which he attributed to a more effective communication technique of District counsel for short, to-the-point emails and phone calls.

    Mr. Schmidt also noted water revenue comparisons of November 2020 to November 2021, with the recent figure being 30% to 40% less than it was the prior year.
  2. Review of adjustments to the June 2021 financials, including entries to reduce accounts receivables.
    General Manager Schmidt and members of the Finance committee affirmed the decrease in accumulated late payment penalties on a major customer account from $180,000 to $1,500, thanks to the committee's recent review and adjustment of District late penalty policy. Director Boucke thanked District staff and bookkeeper for a job well done in executing the committee's directive. District staff will adjust the related lien filed with the County on a quarterly basis, in order to meet ongoing customer account balances. (It was noted that the board's 2018 resolution establishing the lien affirms the customer's responsibility for ongoing charges.)


Approval of the Minutes for December 18, 2021. Director Boucke moved, Director Baskin seconded, and the board unanimously approved the minutes of the December 18 meeting.


December 2, 2021 through December 23, 2021. General Manager Schmidt noted the annual State Water Resources Control Board permit fee of $3,700 and the $7,000 payment for the services of the District's wastewater engineer.

Director Baskin moved, Director Boucke seconded, and the board unanimously approved the disbursements of December 2 through 23.


General Manager Schmidt's review of his January report touched on the following items:
* The special board meeting scheduled for January 24, a viewing and discussion of Engineer Souza's presentation on Sea Level Rise and Resilient Wastewater Treatment in Stinson Beach. District customers have been invited through the January newsletter and the District's Zoom teleconferencing capacity has been expanded to accommodate 750 attendees.
* The current cash flow report reflects the District's ability to meet all current capital projects and to end 2022 with a cash balance of $780,000.
* The new Ranch well project is facing a number of hurdles, including a $9,200 invoice submitted by the County. Mr. Schmidt contacted local county supervisor Dennis Rodoni and has subsequently received a number of positive responses that may lead to a reduction in that amount. A thank you will be sent to Mr. Rodoni once the issue is resolved.
* The District office is operating in accord with current pandemic masking requirements. Three staff have tested positive for COVID-19 since the pandemic began.
* A discussion of swimming pool guidelines led to a directive to bring this matter before the Wastewater committee, where District recommendations would be formulated before being forwarded on to County Planning and Supervisor Rodoni for inclusion in future county approval of swimming pool applications.






There being no further business, Director Boucke moved to adjourn, which motion Directors Baskin and Cross seconded and the Board unanimously approved. The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, February 19, 2022, at 9:30 a.m.

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