Saturday, November 20, 2021
President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, November 20, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held
via Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with
Assembly Bill 361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a presentation from Stanford
University on their groundwater project in Stinson Beach.
General Manager Schmidt introduced Alexandria B. Boehm, PhD, Professor with the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Stanford University. Dr. Boehm is heading a follow up study at Stinson Beach on microorganisms in the beach microbiome. She walked the board through nine explanatory slides outlining the project, which she will share with the District.
Following discussion and questions, Director Baskin moved that the board agree to cooperate with the Stanford study, appointing General Manager Schmidt as the District contact, providing access to appropriate District wells, and requesting progress updates as well as the final report. Vice President Nelsen seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously in favor. Dr. Boehm offered to provide quarterly reports at the District board meetings. -
Discussion and possible approval of Resolution No. GB 2021-7, Making findings
that the proclaimed State of Emergency continues to impact the ability to meet safely
in person.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the advice of counsel regarding the ongoing California COVID-19 pandemic state of emergency. He reminded the board that at its October meeting the board approved Resolution GB 2021-6 to continue meeting remotely through the end of 2021 and to reconsider findings at its December meeting.
Following discussion, Director Baskin moved to approve Resolution GB 2021-7 on the basis of superseding Resolution GB 2021-6. President Cross seconded the motion, and the board voted in favor unanimously.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Variance request for installation of a
repair/replacement system at 17 Calle del Sierra. Elinor MacKinnon, Owner. Account
Wastewater Engineer Souza introduced the item, noting the age of the 1970s seepage pit system which failed a routine inspection and is now beyond repair. The three requested variances comprise installation of a new alternative system, a variance for soil depth, and a site setback.
Following discussion and comments by the Wastewater Committee, Vice President Nelsen moved for approval, which was seconded by Director Boucke and approved unanimously by the board.
Discussion and update of septic relocation project and report on American Public
Works Association conference presentation.
General Manager Schmidt introduced the discussion, complimenting Engineer Souza for his exemplary conference presentation, and suggesting that the board hold a special meeting to view the one-hour video recording. Engineer Souza thanked Mr. Schmidt for his outstanding conference introduction. Director Baskin, in turn, thanked Engineer Souza for his professionalism and thoroughness.
Following discussion, it was agreed that the board would hold a special meeting and that the public be invited. General Manager Schmidt will propose some potential dates for the board's consideration, noting that the event could be an opportunity for Engineer Souza to field questions from the public.
Public comment on this item came from Mr. Breeze Kinsey of CivicKnit, who noted that the county planning department's first public "Stinson ARC: Adaptation and Resilience Collaboration" community outreach event will likely be held in January or February. -
Discussion and possible approval of Recology contract amendment #3.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the chronology of the District garbage collection contract, noting that on advise of counsel the District had applied state Proposition 218 procedures to both last year's contract amendment and the proposed 2021 amendment. Following that determination, the vendor has chosen to delay any further rate increases this year. The net result is that amendment #3 extends by one year - May 2021 through April 2022 - the existing contract and rates.
Director Boucke moved to approve the amendment, which motion both Vice President Nelsen and Director Baskin seconded; the board approved unanimously, directing staff to include the current rate sheet in the District's contract records. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a donation request from the Stinson
Beach Village Association.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the history of previous donations to the Village Association, the most recent being $100 in 2017. Director Baskin moved for a donation of $100 this year, and the board agreed unanimously.
Approval of the Minutes for October 16, 2021.
Director Zell moved for approval of the minutes of the board's October meeting, which
motion Director Baskin seconded. The board agreed unanimously.
September 19 through October 28, 2021.
Director Zell moved for approval of the disbursements of September 19 through October 28,
which motion Director Boucke seconded. The board agreed unanimously.
Highlights of General Manager's report included:
* Discussion of a meeting of Marin County water managers, including the proposed
Richmond Bride water pipeline, due for approval in January and installation by July
* Regional use of aquifer storage and recovery, involving pumping water underground
into appropriate rock formations, a technique useful for the right geology although not
adaptable to the sandy terrain of Stinson Beach.
* A review of the District's committee meetings held since the October board meeting.
* An update on the ongoing Ranch well emergency coastal development permit
application, now in its eighth month.
* A recommendation, and the board's agreement, to move forward on the new Ranch
tank project, budgeted at $935,000. This project had been held back in order to not
cause confusion at the county level with the Ranch well application.
* An update on the ACWA JPIA "Commitment to Excellence" program, through which
the District could potentially receive up to $10,000 for efforts made in reducing liability
* Review of county property tax income, including projected December distributions
from both property tax and ERAF funds.
Treasurer Stemen reported from the Finance committee on significant accrued late
penalties assessed on a customer's three water bill accounts. The District holds a lien on
both of the customer's two properties. The total balance of $185,000 presents an
accounting issue for the annual audit, an issue previously discussed with the auditors.
Following board discussion, it was agreed that the matter be referred back to the Finance
committee for a recommendation on revision of District late penalty rates, which are
currently 10% per month, compounded.
Discussion of a recent social media post in which a customer posted a list of other
customers whose wastewater systems had failed inspection. The individual joined the
discussion and responded to questions.
There being no further business, Director Nelsen moved to adjourn, which motion Director
Boucke seconded and which the Board approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at
11:10 a.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, December 18, 2021, at
9:30 a.m.