President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held via
Zoom teleconferencing due to the COVID-19 pandemic and in accordance with Assembly Bill
361, which modifies government code 54953.
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
General Manager Schmidt discussed the ongoing Ranch well replacement project, and
introduced Leslie Lazarotti, Principal with WRA, Inc., managing consultants on the project.
Ms. Lazarotti informed the Board that her firm had been advised by the County of Marin
Planning Department that the project did not qualify for a state coastal development permit
However, at a pre-submittal meeting with the county tentatively scheduled for Tuesday,
September 21, it is WRA's intention to apply for a drought emergency exemption based on
drought declarations made by Governor Newsom and the County of Marin.
Next, General Manager Schmidt reviewed the state's Department of Water Resources small
community drought relief program grant program, which could support the new Ranch well
replacement project. The grant procedures require a board resolution affirming the District's
authority to enter into the program. It was the consensus of the board that such a resolution
be approved as soon as possible, in order to move the grant application process forward.
The board agreed to meet in special session on Tuesday, September 21 at 3:30pm.
There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for installation of
a new alternative wastewater system on Laurel Avenue, Stinson Beach. Peter
Grossman, Owner. Parcel 195-175-30.
District Wastewater Engineer Rich Souza led the discussion, noting that the two variance requests are for an alternative system and for reduced setbacks. Following discussion regarding the variances and site plans, Director Zell moved that the request be approved subject to the addition of board comments, which motion was seconded by Director Boucke. The remaining board members, excluding Director Baskin who had left the meeting, agreed and the motion was approved unanimously.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: proposed National Park Service
parking fees in Stinson Beach.
General Manager Schmidt introduced the item, reviewing the draft letter produced by the Stinson Beach Fire Protection District which the District's board had been invite to sign, along with other community organizations, opposing proposed parking fees by the National Park Service at its Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) Stinson Beach park.
Discussion touched on where income from the proposed fees would be invested - retained by GGNRA and not passed along to Stinson Beach - and whether the District should join the fire department's letter and/or send its own letter. Points of opposition to the fees included worsened vehicular accessibility by District staff to address leaks and other emergencies as well as routine field work, caused by increased numbers of visitors parking outside of the park and blocking neighborhood roads, and the challenges of navigating District trucks along narrow roads affected by this increase.
The board agreed that it would both sign the fire department's letter and send its own letter.
Approval of the Minutes for August 21, 2021.
Director Nelsen moved for approval of the August 21, 2021 Board minutes as presented,
which motion Director Boucke seconded. The motion was approved unanimously.
July 10, 2021 through August 10, 2021.
Director Nelsen moved and Director Boucke seconded a motion to approve the
disbursements as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
General Manager Schmidt highlighted several points covered in his report:
- The five board committee meetings held since the August board meeting;
- The ongoing water storage figures continuing to hold in the 85% to 90% capacity range;
- This month's "Top Ten" residential accounts;
- The arsenic monitoring violation notice and response process;
- The third and last Post Performance Report, a requirement of the District's million dollar Proposition 84 Integrated Regional Water Management grant; and
- Good news on the endpoint communication "Eye on Water" project.
Engineer Souza offered an update on the District's sea level rise study, recounting several productive multi-agency County of Marin meetings, focused on resource agencies and attended by himself and the District's co-consultant, CivicKnit.
He informed the board that the county's C-Smart program - Collaboration: Sea-level Marin Adaptation Response Team - predicts that beach dunes will begin moving inland and that the beach as currently configured will disappear. The county's remediation proposal is to install horizontal levees, using treated community wastewater to irrigate these new dunes.
Throughout these discussions, Mr. Souza continued, the approach to wastewater as a resource, not a pollutant, has been an ongoing communication challenge. He reviewed current methodologies of community effluent projects, both from a high-energy use pumping perspective and from the potential for energy generation produced by running effluent through a small power-generation facility.
Lastly, of three systems of community wastewater collection presently in use, Mr. Souza believes that the system most appropriate to Stinson Beach is the step system as recently installed in Marshall, California.
Director Boucke, on behalf of the Finance committee, informed the board that at its recent
meeting the committee discussed with John Cropper, the District's auditor, the ongoing
long-term asset of a lien against a property for unpaid water bills. She relayed that the
committee endorses the addition of a footnote to the auditor's report related to this item.
Received correspondence was not discussed.
There being no further business, Director Nelsen moved to adjourn, which motion Director
Boucke seconded and which the Board approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at
11:08 a.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, October 16, 2021, at 9:30