Saturday, August 21, 2021


President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to COVID-19 in accordance with the Governor's Executive Orders.

Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer absent:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant


Mr. Richard Reasoner invited the public to a West Marin climate action event on August 26 and referenced the social media site "Next Door" for event details.


There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: District Resolution GB 2021-02, honoring Buck Meyer for his service.
    President Cross introduced the resolution and General Manager Schmidt reminded the Board that during his 21 years of service to the District Mr. Meyer has been involved in every aspect of operations. Director Baskin provided editorial refinements to the resolution which have been incorporated.

    Director Nelsen moved, which motion Director Boucke second, to approve the resolution. The resolution was approved unanimously.

    In discussion, the Board reviewed possible plans for the annual employee recognition event, raising an option to hold the event - if it occurs this year, due to the pandemic - outside of the winter holiday season.
  2. Introducing Utility Worker Robert Scott.
    President Cross introduced incoming District employee Robert Scott to the Board, mentioning that Mr. Scott begins work on Monday, August 23. General Manager Schmidt reviewed the recruitment process which led to Mr. Scott's hiring, including his marine biology degree, and chemistry and technical report writing skills, each of which will benefit the District's exploration of desalination and new well projects. He complimented Mr. Scott's communication skills and recommended him for the position. The Board enthusiastically welcomed Mr. Scott.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: SBCWD Ordinance No. GB-2021-02 Water Rationing Ordinance.
    President Cross introduced the item and provided some editorial refinements to the ordinance which have been incorporated. General Manager Schmidt read into the record the two letters received in objection to the proposed ordinance. Director Baskin stated that the water rationing ordinance is something that needs to be done and moved that the Board approve the ordinance. Director Boucke seconded that motion, with the editorial refinements included.

    Prior to a Board vote, members of the public raised questions about the ordinance's "triggering point" as compared to current water storage numbers. The ordinance defines that trigger as, "The seventh day in a row during which the average of all storage tanks have failed to refill to 70% of their capacity." Other public comment touched on the Eye on Water app - covered later in the meeting under item H. Manager's Report - and a request by one of the parties in objection to rescind her objection.

    Following public comment, the Board voted unanimously in favor of the ordinance.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: proposed Wastewater Resolution 2021-09, a Variance Request for installation of a new alternative wastewater system for a property located at 283 Seadrift Road, Sea Q, LLC, Owner. Parcel 195-320-29.
    Director Boucke recused herself from this item due to her property being in proximity to the subject address. Engineer Souza introduced the item, providing an overview of the requested variances and detailing four edits to the proposed resolution. Director Nelsen moved that the resolution be approved, subject to the edits mentioned, which motion Director Baskin seconded. The four Board members present approved the resolution.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: proposed Wastewater Resolution 2021-10, a Variance Hearing for installation of a new alternative wastewater system for a property located at 187 Dipsea Road, Stinson Beach. Wendell Lim and Karen Earle-Lim, Owners. Account #8110.
    Director Boucke recused herself from this item due to her property being in proximity to the subject address. Engineer Souza introduced the item and following brief discussion Director Nelsen moved that the resolution be approved, which motion Director Zell seconded. The four Board members present approved the resolution.


Approval of Minutes for July 17, 2021. Director Zell moved for approval of the July 17, 2021 Board meeting as presented, which motion Director Nelsen seconded, subject to a spelling correction which has been incorporated into the minutes. The motion was approved unanimously.


June 11, 2021 through July 9, 2021. Director Baskin moved and Director Boucke seconded a motion to approve the disbursements as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.


General Manager Schmidt reviewed his report, highlighting the District's monthly water storage capacity data and the District's efforts working with Badger Meter on the ongoing endpoint communicator problems. Referring to notes of the meeting with Badger included in his report, Mr. Schmidt itemized specific endpoint communicator functionality issues - inadequate cellular coverage in certain areas, concrete water meter lids which while protective also inhibit data transmission, the corrosive effects of salt water and sand, mishandling by customers of delicate endpoint communicator-to-meter connector plugs, and the known estimate of 50 or so locations that may never work due to topography and cellular coverage.

On the bright side, the vendor states that a new model of endpoint communicator offers seven times as strong a cellular transmission signal as the LTEMS model currently in use in Stinson Beach. The vendor has promised a report and has 130 new communicators on back order to supplement the 24 communicators currently on hand at the District; approximately 150 communicators are presently non-functioning.

Director Baskin expressed a strong desire that the District be more proactive with Badger Meter in getting to the bottom of why each of the non-functioning units are not working. Director Boucke recommended that Mr. Schmidt contact North Marin Water District, on whose recommendation the District originally signed with Badger Meter, to ascertain North Marin's experience with this vendor.

A number of customers attending the meeting spoke about their frustrations with Eye on Water, questioning not only the cellular technology and app efficacy but the accuracy of the water meters.

General Manager Schmidt assured the Board that he will continue to pursue answers and results from the vendor.

Mr. Schmidt brought to the Board's attention the addition to the cash flow of a $19,000 new well site exploration project. He reminded the Board that a pending coastal development permit for the redrilling of the Ranch well, also known as Stinson Gulch well, contracted with WRA Associates and originally estimated to take a month, has now taken three months with no approval. Mr. Schmidt will contact the County of Marin directly about this permit.




Aside from two letters objecting to the drought ordinance (one of which was subsequently rescinded,) the Board had been provided with two complimentary letters - one regarding the usefulness of Eye on Water and the other thanking the District for 30 years of "great, top- quality service with kindness and respect". These were not discussed.


There being no further business, Director Baskin moved to adjourn, which motion Director Nelsen seconded and which the Board approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:35 a.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, September 18, 2021, at 9:30 a.m.

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