Saturday, July 17, 2021


President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, July 17, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to COVID-19 in accordance with the Governor's Executive Orders.

Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Directors absent:
Morey Nelsen, Vice President

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant




There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: SBCWD Ordinance No. GB-2021-02 Water Rationing Ordinance.
    General Manager Schmidt introduced the item, reminding the Board that they were reviewing, not voting on, the ordinance and that the item would be continued to the public hearing at the Board meeting on August 21st. If the Board approves the proposed ordinance at that meeting, implementation would not occur until the defined trigger point is reached, namely seven consecutive days in which the District's water storage tanks do not reach 70% capacity. The district's storage is currently at 85% of capacity.

    Reviewing the terms of the proposed ordinance, Mr. Schmidt highlighted the following points:

    1. An excess water usage charge would be imposed of $100 per 100 cubic feet of usage over the 125 gallons per day allotment;
    2. Customers would be able to request additional water usage by application to the District;
    3. Commercial customers would be required to reduce usage by 20% of the same month in year 2019;
    4. Excess water usage fines would be assessed as follows:

      1. After the first month of excess usage, a warning letter;
      2. After the second non-consecutive month, a $100 fine; and
      3. After each subsequent non-consecutive months, a $500 fine.

    Mr. Schmidt outlined that the Board began working on a water rationing ordinance in 2013, and that the prior ordinance had been reviewed by committee a dozen times and by the Board five times. Requirements imposed by Proposition 218 mandate a 45-day customer notification - which the District provided on July 1st - and a ten-day notice in newspapers and local postings prior to the public meeting.

    Mr. Schmidt informed the Board that the District office has received a number of customer messages in response to the public notice, wishing to inform the District of the number of residents in their households.

    Mr. Richard Reasoner suggested a change in District verbiage that "cubic feet" be scrapped in favor of "gallons". For example, the excess water usage charge of $100 per 100 cubic feet would be re-defined as $100 per 748 gallons. The Board agreed.

    The Board continued this item to the August 21st meeting.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Variance Hearing for the installation of a new alternative wastewater system for a property located at 183 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. Anne Kerr and Matthew L'Heureux, Owners. Account #7575.
    Following brief discussion and compliments from the Board to the applicant and his team, Director Baskin moved, which motion Director Boucke seconded, that the Board approve the application. The Board voted unanimously in favor.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for installation of a new alternative wastewater system at 490 Calle del Mar, Stinson Beach. Jeremy Bataillou, Owner. Account #4950.
    Representing the owner, Chris Balanesi of Adobe Associates, Inc. introduced the application, explaining that a site with a 13 to 15 degree slope makes an above-ground wastewater system a big improvement on the existing in-ground system.

    As an aside, the property will include a swimming pool, the filling of which became a topic of some conversation. The Board agreed to bring a potential swimming pool moratorium to the next Water Operations committee meeting.

    There being no further discussion, Director Baskin moved, which motion Director Zell seconded, to approve the application. The Board voted unanimously in favor.


  1. Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) public restrooms.
    As a courtesy to the Board's guest, Mia Monroe of the National Park Service at Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA), the Board discussed this item first.

    Ms. Monroe thanked the Board for the invitation to this and previous meetings, and detailed updates to the Stinson Beach park. The park has shut off the showers at the south and north ends, and limited shower-type facilities to a foot bath at the central facilities. The Park Service is in process of upgrading the foot bath and other water outlets with low-flow devices. There are no plans at present to replace the bathrooms with portable toilets.

    She thanked District staff for providing access to the Eye on Water app and for periodic leak alert phone calls.

    Ms. Monroe shared that NPS has formed an inter-divisional review team and that Stinson Beach park has been moved into a high-attention category across all GGNRA divisions. As part of this team review, NPS is educating park visitors on several fronts, including encouraging visitors to bring their own water and to consider reducing the length of their visits.

    Lastly, she affirmed that the District would continue to see more action on the part of GGNRA.


Approval of Minutes for June 19, 2021. Director Boucke moved for, and Director Zell seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the June 19, 2021 Board meeting as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.


May 27, 2021 through June 10, 2021. Director Baskin moved and Directors Boucke and Zell seconded a motion to approve the disbursements as presented. The Board voted in favor unanimously.


General Manager Schmidt reviewed the contents of his report, touching upon the following:
* The entry-level utility worker job opening has generated two applications which will be forwarded to the Personnel committee.
* The quarterly financial report, including the last month of fiscal year 2020-2021, shows a 15% water production decrease yet increased income due to a number of customers increasing their water usage into the higher-priced rate tiers.
* The District's cash flow shows sufficient funds on hand to complete current projects.
* With expenses lower and income higher than budgeted, the District shows a draft net income for FY 20-21 of $391,000.
* Replacement of the Ranch tank, once the coastal development permit process is completed, will require $930,000 over one year. Work will begin this December.
* An article in the Marin IJ discussing water use restrictions imposed by Marin Municipal Water District (MMWD).
* Notes from the July 8th Water Operations committee meeting regarding ongoing conversations with Golden Gate National Recreation Area.
* Review of the Tiered Usage reports sparked conversation about how to strengthen enforcement of residential high user accounts. General Manager Schmidt volunteered to call the accounts on the July list.
* Notice from the County that MMWD had instituted assigned landscape watering days. The Board requested that the District's existing two-day Wednesdays and Sundays watering schedule be mentioned again in the next newsletter.
Other points covered include an email from Richard Reasoner providing input on the District's proposed water rationing ordinance and materials created by WRA, Inc. for the Ranch well coastal development permit exemption application.






There being no further business, Director Baskin moved to adjourn, which motion Director Boucke seconded and which the Board approved unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 10:50 a.m. The next regular meeting will take place on Saturday, August 21, 2021, at 9:30 a.m.

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