Saturday, April 17, 2021
President Sandra Cross called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the
Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, April 17, 2021, at 9:30 a.m., held via
Zoom teleconferencing due to COVID-19 in accordance with the Governor's Executive
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant
There being no modifications, the agenda was adopted as set.
A Public Hearing regarding a request from Recology to raise solid waste collection
rates, to be effective on May 1, 2021.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the five months of work by the board and committee on this proposal, culminating in a mailing of 825 letters to property owners and other ratepayers as well as advertising in the Marin Independent Journal and Point Reyes Light. Those outreach efforts, shaped by Proposition 218 guidelines, promoted today's public hearing. Outlined in these communications were the reasons for the proposed rate changes, including Recology employee and transportation costs, and changes in the recycling industry.
Mr. Schmidt referred to rate comparisons with local Recology service areas, noting that even with approval of higher rates, rates in Stinson Beach will continue to be lower than surrounding communities.
Discussion including responding to the letters received by the District in opposition to the proposal; the role of the National Park Service (Golden Gate National Recreation Area) in Stinson Beach trash accumulation and collection; and the responsibility of property owners to secure their waste bins from visitors who leave behind their trash. Discussion touched on past actions taken to limit visitation trash accumulation and what might be done to limit it in the future.
Participating in the discussion were Fred Stemmler, General Manager of Recology Sonoma Marin, and Nikki Burke, Senior Rate Analyst. Mr. Stemmler outlined the benefits of waste diversion, i.e., recycling, green waste composting, and the like, as well as the implication by effective diversion practices on customer rates. (Effective diversion practices reduce costs to the vendor, which in turn keep rates lower than if diversion is not practiced.) Mr. Stemmler provided the Recology Sonoma Marin webpage for these practices,
Mr. Stemmler also noted the availability of the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) discount available to qualified waste management customer accounts and managed by Pacific Gas and Electric.
There being no further discussion, Director Baskin moved that the board approve the proposed rates, Vice President Nelsen seconded the motion, and the board voted unanimously to approve. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a
new alternative wastewater system at 45 Buena Vista Avenue, Stinson Beach. Joanne
Cronin, owner. Account #3620.
Wastewater Engineer Rich Souza introduced the item, noting a June 2020 failed inspection and subsequent proposal for a new alternative system. The project includes the addition of a new accessory dwelling unit (ADU). Vice President Nelsen confirmed that the application had been reviewed by the Wastewater Committee, and subject to certain clarifications being made to the resolution, moved that the board approve. Director Baskin seconded the motion, and Directors Boucke and Zell joined to approve. President Cross recused herself due to her property's proximity to the subject address. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application for a new
alternative wastewater system at 43 Dipsea Road, Stinson Beach. Danielle Jensen,
owner. Account #7825.
Wastewater Engineer Rich Souza outlined the application, referencing new construction and proximity to Bolinas Lagoon. Subject to a clarification in the accompanying resolution, Vice President Nelsen moved for approval; Director Boucke seconded and the board approved unanimously. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: re: a Variance Application for a new
alternative wastewater system at 279 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. Clyde Charlton,
Owner. Account #7340.
Engineer Souza noted a failed inspection, Bolinas Lagoon proximity, an absence of any structural changes, and the presence of three requested variances. He emphasized that this project is a repair to the wastewater system, and not new construction.
Discussion ensued regarding lagoon setback policy and practices regarding variance applications, and regarding location and movement of water main locations. Following these discussions, Director Baskin moved for approval of the variance, which Vice President Nelsen seconded. President Cross voted, Yes; Director Zell voted, No; and Director Boucke recused herself due to her property's proximity to the subject address. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application for a new
alternative wastewater system at 310 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. Dana Le, Owner.
Account #6930.
Engineer Souza introduced the item and following a brief discussion Director Baskin moved for approval, seconded by Director Zell. The Board voted unanimously for approval. -
Changes to routine wastewater inspections in view of water conservation
President Cross introduced the item, explaining that wastewater inspections routinely include "shock loading" which involves flushing water through the system equivalent to one- third of the total capacity of that particular wastewater system. This amount can range from 15 gallons to 400 gallons, depending on the type and size of the system.
Engineer Souza continued, reviewing his staff report which proposed that, in the event of water restrictions, this hydraulic testing be temporarily eliminated as a step towards conserving water. The proposal leaves the discretion of performing this test to the wastewater inspector on site, particularly in cases of potential systemic failure.
The concluding sense of the Board was to affirm the proposed temporary suspension of hydraulic or shock load testing for spring, summer and fall seasons of 2021. The Board recommended notifying rate payers of this District's water-saving measure in a future issue of the District newsletter.
Review of financial statements, July 1, 2020 - March 31, 2021.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the good work of the Finance Committee, and noted the increase in revenue and decrease in expenses. Following discussion, it was agreed that a footnote accompany the outstanding Lien Receivable of $94,000. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff to purchase a new backhoe.
Following brief discussion of the ageing vehicle and advantages of a new one, the purchase was approved.
Approval of Minutes for March 20, 2021. Director Baskin moved and Vice President Nelsen seconded a motion to approve the
minutes of the March 20, 2021 Board meeting as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.
February 26, 2021 through March 10, 2021 and March 11 through March 29, 2021.
Vice President Nelsen moved, Director Boucke seconded, and the Board adopted
unanimously a motion to approve the disbursements as presented.
General Manager Schmidt reviewed the failure of the Ranch Well, given the reduction of
water production at that location to 25 or fewer gallons per minute. He noted the critical role
of that source in this drought year, particularly given the looming impact of September and
October, the two biggest water usage months in the District's water year. Following
discussion with consultant Geoff Reilly of WRA, Inc., the Board approved the repairs.
Next, Mr. Schmidt reviewed the upcoming project studies listed on the cash flow and
pointed out the inclusion of those projects on the proposed 2021 - 2022 budget. He also
noted the move of the proposed $49,000 greywater project estimate into February and
March of next year.
Discussion followed on water reduction ordinances, both the 2014 restrictions and
procedures approved by the Board at that time and the General Manager's proposal for a
newer, streamlined version. The consensus was that the General Manager draft a proposal
to be brought before the Board.
Finally, a comment was made that the District newsletters are doing a good job on
communicating the need for water conservation, and that the tiered usage report reflects
improvement in movement towards the lower tiers.
There being no further business, Vice President Nelsen moved and Director Baskin
seconded a motion to adjourn. The Board approved the motion unanimously at 11:14 a.m.