Saturday, December 19, 2020


President Lawrence A. Baskin called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, December 19, 2020, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to COVID-19 in accordance with the Governor's Executive Orders.

Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Sandra Cross, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Marc Matheson - Administrative Assistant




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Election of Stinson Beach County Water District Board President and Vice President for Calendar Year 2021.
    Director Zell nominated and Director Boucke seconded the nomination of Sandra Cross as the new Board President. The nomination was approved unanimously. Director Boucke nominated, and President Cross and Director Zell seconded, the nomination of Morey Nelsen as the new Board Vice President. The nomination was approved unanimously.

    Outgoing President Baskin thanked the Board and staff for their many accomplishments of 2020, and congratulated incoming President Cross. President Cross also thanked the Board and staff.
  2. Discussion re: District Committee Membership by the Board President.
    Incoming President Cross presented the 2021 Board committee assignments as follows:
    * Finance Committee: Vice President Nelsen and Director Boucke
    * Legal Committee: President Cross and Director Baskin
    * Personnel Committee: Directors Zell and Baskin
    * Wastewater Committee: President Cross and Vice President Nelsen
    * Water Operations Committee: Directors Zell and Boucke

    Assignments to the District's two ad hoc committees for 2021 are:
    * Ad Hoc Desalination Committee: President Cross and Director Zell
    * Ad Hoc Recology Committee: Vice President Nelsen, Director Boucke and Treasurer Stemen

    Director Baskin initiated a discussion that with sea level rise becoming more of an issue within the District, an expansion of scope of the Ad Hoc Desalination Committee might encompass the issue. Following discussion it was agreed that such an expansion was unnecessary at this time.
  3. Discussion and possible direction to staff to proceed with Recology contract review and hearing for an increase in garbage rates, using Proposition 218 notification requirements.
    General Manager Schmidt complimented the ad hoc committee for their hard work. As outlined in his memo to the board, he proposed two recommendations: first, scheduling a public hearing for the March 20th, 2021 Board meeting to vote on a proposed Recology rate increase and on approval of an interim contract amendment.

    The amendment to the existing garbage collection contract would incorporate new rates for basic garbage, recycling and green waste collection effective April 1st, 2021. A timeline for communicating the public hearing and new rates was reviewed, with public notice scheduled for January 15th, 2021. The Legal Committee voiced its approval of the proposed contract amendment.

    A second phase of contracting, taking effect in February 2022, would include adjustment of walk-in and other service fees.

    General Manager Schmidt's second recommendation was that assistance be solicited from the District's Legal Committee and Hanson Bridgett attorneys to guide Proposition 218-required notification.

    Following discussion, the Legal Committee moved to approve these recommendations, which motion Vice President Nelsen seconded, stipulating that Mr. Schmidt forward relevant notification documents to the committee and to Hanson Bridgett. The motion was approved unanimously.
  4. Discussion of changes to the District's Personnel Manual
    General Manager Schmidt outlined the work of the Personnel Committee in changes made to the personnel manual relative to complaint procedures, as presented and discussed at the November Board meeting. Discussion touched on further modifications, including changing the word "admissions" to "allegations". The matter was referred back to the Personnel Committee for further refinement.


Approval of the Minutes for November 21, 2020. Director Boucke moved and Director Baskin seconded a motion to approve the minutes as presented. The motion was approved unanimously.


Disbursements for October 15 - November 19, 2020. Director Nelsen moved, Director Baskin seconded, and the Board adopted unanimously a motion to approve the disbursements as presented.


General Manager Schmidt conveyed congratulations from the Marin Recycling Task Force on the District's 77% recycling compliance rating, one of if not the highest in the county.

The District's lien for unpaid water bills, now totaling over $60,000, may soon be recouped.

A District letter has been sent to the Director of Marin Health and Human Services requesting COVID-19 vaccinations for staff. All staff were recently tested for the coronavirus and their tests were negative.

The District received its annual December property tax disbursement, of approximately $553,000, and anticipates the annual December ERAF (Educational Revenue Augmentation Fund) check. The property tax disbursement was $50,000 more than was budgeted.

The Steep Ravine tank is being topped off, with water quality testing taking place over the next ten days. The District has paid the Steep Ravine contractor $180,000 to date, with another $70,000 yet to be invoiced.

Most District staff have completed the required annual Sexual Harassment Prevention Training and remaining staff will do so before year-end.

The Water Operations committee is looking into water meter end point telecommunications issues affecting a number of locations and for a variety of reasons. The meters are working fine; cellular service "dead zone" areas and technology failures appear to be the causes.




The District received an end-of-year annual appeal from Stinson Beach Community Center. The Board donated $100 in 2019. Director Boucke moved, Director Zell seconded, and the Board adopted unanimously, with one abstention, a motion to donate $250.00.


There being no further business, Vice President Nelsen moved, Director Baskin seconded, and the Board approved unanimously a motion to adjourn, at 10:40am.

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