Saturday, July 18, 2020


President Lawrence A. Baskin called to order the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District on Saturday, July 18, 2020, at 9:30 a.m., held via Zoom teleconferencing due to COVID-19 in accordance with the Governor's Executive Orders.

Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Sandra Cross, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director

Directors absent:
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Marc Matheson - Temp Worker


President Baskin canvassed attending members of the public for comment on agenda items. Although there were no expressions of public comment at this stage of the meeting, several individuals indicated a desire to comment on Public Hearing agenda items 1 and 2.


Director Nelsen moved, Director Boucke seconded and the board adopted unanimously the agenda as presented.


  1. Discussion and possible Resolution Adopting the Mitigated Negative Declaration and Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program for the 21 Calle del Onda Wastewater System Variance Request Project
    General Manager Schmidt thanked staff, the board, the District's attorney and environmental consultant, and the applicant and their representative. He reviewed the background of the proposed project before introducing Rich Souza, District Engineer, who outlined the CEQA (California Environmental Quality Act) reporting prepared by WRA., Inc.

    President Baskin reminded all present that the variance request does not represent a building permit application, only an application to construct a septic system. He highlighted that the District does not ordinarily serve as lead agency on such work - the District's review is limited to wastewater issues. Mr. Baskin complimented the board and staff for taking seriously their responsibilities, and introduced Geoff Reilly, Environmental Planner with WRA, Inc. Mr. Reilly outlined his role, narrated a presentation on the CEQA process and clarified errors identified and corrected in the final report.

    President Baskin invited public comment. Michael Lemont, owner at 15 Calle del Onda, spoke on behalf of himself and his neighbor Steven Trifone at 11 Onda. Mr. Lemont recounted the history of the previous house at 21 Onda, partially destroyed by flooding 51 years ago. The second speaker, Marisa Atamian-Sarafian, referenced County development flood zone comments dated July 20, 2015 contained in the report.

    Further discussion by President Baskin, Mr. Reilly and Mr. Souza centered on septic system design approval being contingent on approval of a building permit. There being no further comment or discussion, Director Nelsen moved, Vice President Cross seconded and the board voted unanimously to approve a motion to adopt the resolution.
  2. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Draft Resolution Granting Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No, 2014-04 to Reduce Setback Requirements to a Water Body for Property Located at 21 Calle Del Onda, Stinson Beach
    President Baskin introduced the discussion and Mr. Souza provided a timeline of this project, following a 2017 settlement and the resulting revised application, citing the staff report and noting that the board resolutions for items 1 and 2 are intended to read "WW 2020-03" and "WW 2020-03.1," respectively.

    Vice President Cross initiated clarification of high tide markers applied in the reports and recommended amending resolution WW 2020-03.1 incorporate as deed restrictions two points raised in a May 6, 2020 letter from CivicKnit, the applicant's representative: 1. requiring the current and all future property owners to join in a shared wastewater system in perpetuity, if approved by community; and 2. requiring the current and all future property owners to remove all structures on the subject property at such time as the State or County orders removal based on an increased level of coastal hazard.

    President Baskin introduced Steve Kinsey of CivicKnit, who acknowledged the presence and assistance of Troy Pearce of AYS Engineering Group, Inc. and Ron Noble of Noble Consultants, Inc. Mr. Kinsey appreciated the District's efforts and outlined the work accomplished in consideration of sea level rise and the upgraded proposal. He requested the board's approval of this variance request.

    The public was invited to comment. Mr. Lemont offered remarks on historical high water events.

    There being no further comment or discussion, Vice President Cross moved that the resolution be adopted with the addition of the two deed restrictions referenced above as well as the removal of a duplicate bullet point in Findings number 2 and the corrected resolution number as "WW 2020-03.1." Director Boucke agreed with the amendments, complimented the improved proposal and thanked the consultants for their concern for health and safety issues. Director Nelsen seconded the motion, which the board adopted unanimously.

    Mrs. Atamian-Sarafian requested copies of the executed resolutions.

    President Baskin called for a three-minute break, during which time Director Zell, who had recused himself during discussion of Public Hearing agenda items 1 and 2, joined the meeting at 10:55am.

    At the conclusion of the break, Treasurer Stemen presented the District's current accounts receivable aging report as of June 30, 2020. She shared that residential accounts totaled $52,000, of which accounts past due less than one month totaled $8,000, accounts two months past due totaled $1,100 and three months past due $3,700.

    Commercial accounts totaled $10,700 as of June 30, with one month past dues totaling $1,188, two months $250 and three months $174.
  3. 2019-2020 Marin County Civil Grand Jury Report: Follow-Up Report on Web Transparency of Agency Compensation Practices
    General Manager Schmidt outlined the Grand Jury's April report regarding special districts' website responsibilities, including board compensation. He mentioned that the District's board compensation rates are the lowest of all agencies listed in the report. Mr. Schmidt requested the board's approval of a mandated response letter. Canvassing the board, President Baskin affirmed the board's unanimous consent and agreed to sign on behalf of the board.


There were no general business items discussed.


Approval of the Minutes for June 20, 2020. There being no discussion, Director Boucke moved and Director Zell seconded a motion to adopt the minutes. The board approved the motion unanimously.


There being no discussion, a motion to approve the disbursements for May 20 through June 17, 2020 was made by Director Boucke, seconded by Director Nelsen and adopted unanimously by the board.


General Manager Schmidt opened his report with a review of current water supplies. The District's water supply is in good shape, with usage running normal for this time of year at 120 gallons per minute (GPM) and wells providing 50 GPM, including the new well at 25 GPM. The District receives two-thirds of its water supply from wells, the other 40% coming from surface water. Peak usage will occur in about six weeks and a drought notification letter is ready, should it be needed.

President Baskin recommended that a water conservation message be sent to rate payers sooner rather than later and asked for current usage numbers. General Manager Schmidt stated that staff would send out such a letter this week and that he will provide the board with a usage summary. Director Boucke suggested that the District reach out to realtors and the Seadrift Association to communicate the District's conservation message to the lively rental market.

Discussion turned to retired employees' medical insurance, towards which the District has been contributing $3,000 monthly. The balance in that CalPERS fund stands currently at $283,000, on which the District receives a 1% (one per cent) return.

The last discussion item was a community wastewater report being prepared by Rich Souza, the District's Engineer, and Steve Kinsey of CivicKnit. General Manager Schmidt informed the board that the District has budgeted $60,000 for this work at a rate of $5,000 per month, and that he expects the project to move forward now.


No reports were received.


No correspondence was received.


There being no further business, Director Boucke moved, in honor of the late Helma Schwendig, District Office Supervisor, and the late Congressman John Lewis, that the meeting be adjourned. Director Nelsen seconded the motion, which was adopted unanimously at 11:15am.

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