Saturday, January 18, 2020


Directors present:
Lawrence Baskin, President
Sandra Cross, Vice President
Barbara Boucke, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Jim Zell, Director

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt

Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor


John Hutchinson, a long-time local resident living at the end of Avenida Olema, stated he would like to build a garage at the bottom of his driveway to store two classic cars. President Baskin suggested that Mr. Hutchinson contact an engineer to review the property's topography as well as possibly contact Noadiah Eckman of Eckman Environmental to determine if the project needs to be reviewed by the District.


The agenda was adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Recology Rate Increase Request of 6.37%.
    The Amendment to Recology's Contract dated January 18, 2014, provides that after February 1, 2020, the maximum rates shall be adjusted by the percentage increase in the CPI over the preceding year each year on February 1. The CPI increase is 6.37%. The average residential customer using a 20-gallon can would pay a monthly increase of $1.03.

    Fred Stemmler, General Manager of Recology Sonoma Marin, answered several questions, for example, individuals who put their garbage in their neighbor's cans, individuals who don't pay for garbage service. Mr. Stemmler will send the District a list of properties that don't pay for garbage removal. Mr. Stemmler noted that 2020 is the last year of the District's contract with Recology. If the District so desired, now would be the time to do an RFP to obtain a new contract, which is quite an involved process. President Baskin suggested that Mr. Stemmler review the District's current contract and submit a new contract proposal. The Board is interested in retaining the 11 months prepayment option for its grandfathered customers.

    Mr. Stemmler noted that a new contract may include a 30% increase in rates due to replacement of the prior company's, the Ratto Group, faulty equipment.


The Board reviewed the financials as of December 31, 2019. The Laurel Avenue Water Tank was repaired and recoated by the District at a cost of $695,000.


Vice President Cross moved to approve the minutes of December 21, 2019. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross and Director Nelsen. Directors Boucke and Zell had been absent at the December 21 meeting.


Director Nelsen moved to approve the disbursements of December 4, December 19, and December 30, 2019. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Baskin, Vice President Cross, and Directors Boucke, Nelsen and Zell.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report. At the Monday, January 13, 2020, Wastewater Committee meeting, the Committee reviewed a predesign application for 187 Dipsea Road. The existing home and second unit total 2,908 square feet on a 15,000 square foot lot. The architect, Bjorn Steudte, proposed adding 15.6 square feet to the entry way and removing 15.6 square feet from the kitchen. Although new construction requires the upgrade of the wastewater system, the Wastewater Committee felt the project's net zero feet (15.6+) and (15.6-) did not require the changeout of a septic system which is operating properly and costing $100,000, since there is no increase in habitable space. The Wastewater Committee requested that the Staff Report be included in the Manager's report so that all the Board members were aware of the Wastewater Committee's recommendation.

Director Boucke recused herself as she lives within 500 feet of the project. President Baskin stated that procedurally, the District's wastewater regs state that the applicant must apply for a variance, in which he requests to be excused from having to get a new wastewater system due to the zero increase in habitable space. The matter should then be brought to the Wastewater Committee and then to the Board for approval or disapproval. The applicant should also have his septic tank pumped.

The leak at the corner of Calle del Arroyo and Alameda Patio was fixed in one day. The assistance of Randy Orrick, Pacific Underground, and overtime worked by the District's field crew made this quick fix possible.

Mrs. Barbara Leonard Robben has been given 3 months to remove some of her trees adjacent to the Laurel Avenue Treatment Plant before she is cited by the County.




The Board reviewed the correspondence.


The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday, February 15, 2020, at 9:30 a.m.

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