Saturday, May 19, 2018
President Zell called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County
Water District to order on Saturday, May 19, 2018, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County
Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Jim Zell, President
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Morey Nelsen, Director
Directors absent:
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Continued discussion on the update of a new septic system construction schedule
and continued Abatement Hearing for The Sand Dollar Restaurant, 3452 Shoreline
Highway, AGASA, Ltd., Owner, Account No. 4220.
At the Saturday, April 21, 2018 Board hearing, the General Manager was directed by the Board to inform the owners of the restaurant, AGASA, Ltd., (Sam Temer) in writing of the District's Wastewater Committee meeting to be held on May 14, 2018 to review and discuss the project schedule to replace the Sand Dollar Restaurant's failed wastewater system. The purpose of the Committee meeting was to develop recommendations for the May 19, 2018 Board hearing on the design and construction schedule, as well as enforcement recommendations.
At today's May 19, 2018 hearing, the Board revisited the construction schedule that was outlined in the General Manager's correspondence dated April 26, 2018 to the Temers.
Director Nelsen made a motion that construction of the Sand Dollar's new septic system must begin by September 17, 2018. Vice President Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Zell, Vice President Boucke, and Director Nelsen.
The Board sympathizes with the Temers and their need to maximize the Sand Dollar's sales during the on season, but felt that their Breakers Café could be used to fill in some of the Sand Dollar's business. The General Manager was directed to notify Mr. Temer of the Board's decision, as Mr. Temer arrived at the hearing after the Board had voted. -
Review of the Draft Operations and Maintenance Budget and Capital Improvement
Program Budget for Fiscal Year 2018/2019 and continue the Public Hearing until the next
Board meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2018.
The draft budget has been reviewed several times by the Finance and Personnel Committees. Property Tax Apportionment Revenue continues to increase due to more home sales. Water Usage Charges will be increased due to new home construction, hydrant meter rentals, a warm summer, and presently higher than budgeted water sales. Salary increases have been recommended for all staff. No action was taken and both Revenue and Expense figures may still be adjusted before the next public hearing at the Saturday, June 16, 2018 Board meeting. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Draft Resolution Establishing an
Employee Benefit Program for the Fiscal Year 2018/2019 and continue the Public Hearing
until the next Board meeting on Saturday, June 16, 2018.
The Employee Benefit Program is subject to review each year by the Finance and Personnel Committees. There are no changes in benefits for fiscal year 2018/2019. The draft Resolution will come before the Board again at the Saturday, June 16, 2018 Board meeting.
Review and possible direction to staff to submit the 2017 Water Quality/Consumer
Confidence Report to all of the District's customers if requested.
The Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is the District's annual water quality report to the District's customers. It is an E.P.A. requirement to provide information on water sources and quality to customers of all water systems in the country that serve 25 people or more. Thanks to the District's diligent field staff, there have been no water quality violations to report. A copy of the report is always sent to the State of California Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water, for their review.
Consumers have the option to request a paper copy of the CCR by completing and returning the notice that will be inserted with their May 2018 billings. Vice President Boucke requested that the page titled "Important Information for District Water Customers" be printed on the reverse of the notice.
Vice President Boucke moved to approve the draft CCR for 2017 and send it to the State Water Resources Control Board. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was approved by President Zell, Vice President Boucke and Director Nelsen. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: (1) Approval of the District's Laurel
Water Tank Coating and Repairs Project; (2) Authorization to Solicit Bids from
contractors to undertake Laurel Water Tank Coating and Repairs Project.
The Laurel Water Tank is a steel potable water tank of 320,000 gallons and is approximately 40 years old. The schedule of pertinent dates and contract processes for its recoating and repairs project was reviewed and discussed at the April 26, 2018 Water Operations Committee meeting. The project is expected to begin in mid-October 2018 and be completed no later than 91 days after the issuance of the Notice to Proceed.
Director Nelsen, a retired civil engineer, expressed his concern about the stability of the hillside above the Laurel Tank. In order to perform the repairs, the tank must be drained. It is anticipated that several small, temporary water storage tanks will be placed in the parking lot and several more on temporary decks on the hillside. By draining the Laurel Tank, ballast will be taken away. The temporary tanks will result in a tremendous amount of weight being put on the hillside above the Laurel Tank. If this occurs during a wet time period, it is conceivable that a landslide could occur, jeopardizing the Laurel Tank. By consensus, the Board approved the project, authorized the General Manager to solicit bids from construction contractors and to proceed, but with the caveat raised by Director Nelsen to first have the hillside examined by a geotechnical engineer.
Consumers will be requested to conserve water in the fall while the tank is out of service. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Application for Grant for Feasibility
Study for Desalination.
The Department of Water Resources (DWR) provides grants to local agencies for the planning, design, and construction of water desalination facilities for both brackish and ocean water, as well as grants for pilot, demonstration, and research projects. The District's Desalination Committee recommends approval of $10,000 to Stetson Engineers for their assistance in preparing an application for a grant for a feasibility study for desalination.
Vice President Boucke made a motion to approve $10,000 for Stetson Engineers' assistance in preparing a grant application for a feasibility study for emergency use only. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Zell, Vice President Boucke and Director Nelsen. -
Presentation, discussion, and possible direction to staff re: November 2018 Ballot
Measure to increase Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT) from 10% to 15% in West Marin.
Chris Harrington, of the Stinson Beach Affordable Housing Committee, made a short presentation to the Board, requesting the District's support of the measure by writing to Supervisor Dennis Rodoni and the other members of the Marin County Board of Supervisors. Of the 5% increase in the TOT, 2.5% would be allocated to an affordable housing fund for West Marin and the other 2.5% would go to the West Marin fire departments. The Board is very much in favor of supporting the proposed increase, and Mr. Harrington will prepare a draft letter for the Board's review.
Vice President Boucke made a motion to approve the minutes of April 21, 2018. Director
Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Zell, Vice
President Boucke, and Director Nelsen.
Director Nelsen moved to approve the disbursements of April 18 and April 26, 2018. President
Zell seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Zell, Vice
President Boucke, and Director Nelsen.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. Sito's old pickup truck, a 1995 Ford F150
with 57,777 miles on it, is worn out. An Advertisement for Bids has been placed in the Point
Reyes Light. As the truck has a long bed, 4-wheel drive, automatic transmission, and Tommy-
lift gate, it is expected to sell for around $1,000.
The District received Electronic Fund Transfers of $327,374.92 in property tax revenue and
$100,813.64 in ERAF tax revenue. AMPAC has furnished a list of references for the General
Manager's follow-up concerning small, portable desalination units. As requested by the Finance
Committee, he is continuing to contact various insurance companies for quotes on liability and
property insurance for comparison with ACWA/JPIA.
The District's Wastewater Engineer, Rich Souza, is very good in interpreting the District's Onsite
Wastewater Management Code (Title IV) in response to the Rifkind Law Group's latest
correspondence concerning CEQA compliance for 21 Calle del Onda. The District's Legal
Committee will also review the matter.
The Board complimented Chris Kelley, the District's Wastewater Inspector, on his excellent
Inspector's Report with photos dated May 15, 2018, describing the installation procedure of a
new septic system at 150 Seadrift Road. He is very professional in the performance of his
duties. The Board Members are eager to participate in a tour to be given by Chris of several
different types of wastewater systems.
The General Manager stated he enjoys working for the District and working with the staff to
carry out the District's Capital Improvement Program to ensure the reliability and quality of its
The meeting was adjourned to Closed Door Session at 10:40 a.m., pursuant to California Government Code Section 54957, Public Employee Performance Evaluation, Title: General Manager to review his performance and 2018/2019 salary. L. OPEN DOOR SESSION
Out of Closed Door Session at 11:05 a.m. Reviewed General Manager's performance, agreed on proposed raise, and appointed Director Nelsen to write the General Manager's performance letter.
The meeting was adjourned. The next regular meeting will be on
Saturday, June 16, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.