Saturday, February 17, 2018
In the absence of President Zell, Vice President Boucke called the Regular meeting of the
Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, February
17, 2018, at 9:34 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785
Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Barbara Boucke, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Sandra Cross, Director
Morey Nelsen, Director
Directors absent:
Jim Zell, President
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding a District-wide election on June
5, 2018 to seek approval from the voters to increase the District's Property Tax
Appropriations Limit.
The District needs to raise its Appropriations Limit in order to retain its fair share of property tax revenues. This portion of property tax revenue offsets some of the revenue needed to fund the District's Operations, Maintenance and Capital Improvement Projects. If the District did not receive this revenue, commodity rates and fixed charges would need to be raised to offset this loss of revenue.
A vote of the registered voters of Stinson Beach is required to raise the District's Appropriations Limit. The process is identical to the process used by the District in the 2014 election.
Director Baskin made a motion to adopt draft Resolution No. GB-2018-02 which would call an election to establish the District's Appropriations Limit for fiscal year 2018/2019 at $2,095,177, using that limit to determine the limit for fiscal years 2019/2020 through 2021/2022, and directing staff to submit the Resolution to the County Clerk/Registrar of Voters by 4:30 p.m. on March 9, 2018 as well as the "Argument in Favor of Measure," (Ballot Language). Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion was unanimously approved by Vice President Boucke and Directors Baskin, Cross and Nelsen.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction
Request for Matthew and Shanette Westphal, 26 Calle del Sierra, Account #27001.
The Westphals' water use portion of their bill from October 30, 2017 to November 29, 2017 for 31,891 gallons was $574.98. The Westphals requested a reduction of $544.56. They stated in their letter of January 30, 2018 that their property is a second home and thus were not immediately aware of the leaking toilet and a small leak in their water line and valve.
The Board felt the water loss was within the Westphals' reasonable control. Director Cross noted for the record that the District's current Resolution No. GB-2013-04 Establishing Policy for Water Use Charge Reductions states in part that in determining whether or not the loss was within the customer's reasonable control, the Board shall consider whether the event of water loss results from failure of sprinklers/irrigation systems, faucets, toilets and components, failure to turn off water supplies or provide for regular observation of the water system in the event of vacation or other absence. The Resolution also states in part that "Usage cost above 29,920 gallons but less than 120,000 gallons may be calculated at the District's current cost for delivering a gallon of water." Under this computation, the Westphals' water usage charge would be reduced by $23.23.
Director Baskin made a motion to grant the Westphals a reduction of $23.23. Director Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by Vice President Boucke and Directors Baskin, Cross and Nelsen. The Westphals will be offered a 6 month payment schedule, without interest.
The Board reviewed the financials for the period July 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017,
which reflect that the District is maintaining a good financial position. The General Manager
will set up a budget preparation calendar for the next fiscal year 2018/2019.
Director Nelsen made a motion to approve the minutes of January 20, 2018. Director Cross
seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by Vice President Boucke and
Directors Baskin, Cross and Nelsen.
Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of January 11, 2018 and January 29,
2018. Director Cross seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by Vice
President Boucke and Directors Baskin, Cross and Nelsen.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. Beginning February 19, 2018 the District
office deck, wall and railing will be sanded and repainted. Removal of 11 pine trees at the
Highlands Tanks site has been completed for a cost of $32,000. As part of the District's Fire
Defense Program, the eucalyptus trees at the Steep Ravine Tank site will removed. The
General Manager will inquire if ONE TAM has a policy on removing pampas grass.
At the California Coastal Commission meeting in Cambria on February 8, 2018, attended by
the General Manager and Allan Richards, the Commission found no "Substantial Issue" with
the District obtaining a Coastal Permit for its new well at the Laurel Avenue Tank site.
Euro Style Management has revised its proposal from $157,000 to $137,000 for the coating
and repairing of the Highlands #2 Tank. The Board by consensus directed the General
Manager to approve the proposal of $137,000.
The Board requested that the General Manager state in his next monthly Newsletter the
number of meter replacements still to be installed. (Only seven as of February 13, 2018).
However, only 218 homeowners have signed up for their on-line water meter portal. The
District urges all homeowners to sign up and reap the financial benefits of detecting water
leaks at the earliest stage.
The General Manager has sent Brian Johnson and Modestine Bagwill a letter requesting a
$10,000 deposit from them so that the District can engage WRA Environmental Consultants to
perform the necessary CEQA work for the proposed septic system at 21 Calle del Onda.
An answer has not yet been received from ACWA/JPIA regarding the letter Hanson Bridgett
sent, in which they sought to have ACWA/JPIA reimburse the District for legal expenses for
Jack Silver.
The Board expressed concern over the high level of water use shown on the Tiered Usage
Report of the 10 highest users for the month of January 2018. Letters will continue to be sent
to those individuals, requesting them to decrease their water usage.
The General Manager received 2 requests from the Community Development Agency for
letters of support for grant proposals for: (1) the dune restoration/nature-based adaptation
feasibility at Stinson Beach from Leslie Lacko and (2) the State Division of Boating and
Waterways Shoreline Erosion Control and Public Beach Restoration from Alex Westhoff. The
Board approved sending both letters of support.
Director Cross apprised the Board regarding the status of the failed septic system at The
Sand Dollar, which had most recently been discussed at the February 12, 2018 Wastewater
Committee meeting. It was subsequently decided to hold a Wastewater Committee meeting
on February 26, 2018 to discuss a possible abatement hearing at the March 17, 2018 Board
meeting if the owners do not submit a preliminary septic plan by February 26.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday,
March 17, 2018, at 9:30 a.m.