Saturday, October 15, 2016


President Cross called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach County Water District to order on Saturday, October 15, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.

Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director

Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen

General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt




The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.


  1. Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application at 284 Seadrift, Christensen, Owner, APN 195-320-17.
    Replace existing failed system. Board meeting came before the Wastewater Committee meeting this month. Owner is currently pumping the septic tank. A voluntary maintenance permit was pulled and while excavating, they found no laterals or leach lines. Effluent from the septic tank drains into gravel. Ground water is 109 inches below the existing grade during wet weather testing.

    Variance is for a new Advantex wastewater system advanced pre-treatment filter in place of a standard intermittent sand filter. New 1500 gallon traffic rated septic tank, 1200 gallon traffic rated sump tank. 450 gallon maximum daily flow, 300 gallon average daily flow. Conditions of approval:

    • Alternative wastewater system (Advantex) Questa
    • Water conserving fixtures; 1.6 gallon toilets.
    • Quarterly inspection of the septic system for 1st year.
    • Maintenance contract agreement with a District approval service provider.
    • Sewer roof vents to be screened to keep mosquitos out.
    Morey Nelsen made the Motion to Approve. Seconded by Larry Baskin. The Board approved with the exception of Barbara Boucke, who recused herself.


  1. Oath of office for three Full Term Vacancies on the Board of Directors, Stinson Beach County Water District; Barbara Boucke, incumbent, Sandra Cross, incumbent and Marius Nelsen, incumbent.
  2. Presentation and request for a donation from Matt Leffert, Director of Development ONE TAM, which is Mt. Tamalpais Preservation and Stewardship Organization.
    Matt Leffert gave us all a book - Mt. Tamalpais November 28 &29 Summit on Health of the Mountain. They are looking for more partnerships to clean up the west peak (Air Force Station). The radar dome is in use. There are many areas of debris in the mountain. They are doing a feasibility study. They can include SBCWD in their reports. Donation; Business groups $1,000. Lawrence Baskin and Sandra Cross said "Let's go in at the $1,000 level". Barbara Boucke made the motion, Morey seconded the motion. Passed unanimously.
  3. Possible presentation and consideration of a donation request from the Stinson Beach Community Center.


Larry Baskin made a motion to approve the minutes. Minutes approved unanimously


Larry Baskin made a motion to approve the disbursements. Disbursements approved unanimously.


The General Manager discussed his monthly report.

On Wednesday, September 21, Brandon Burgess from the Week's Well Drilling took another tour of the new well site. He reported that with certain modifications to the site, including moving the "Clean in Place" tanks, he can access the site with the large drill rig. They are scheduled to arrive on Monday, October 17, 2016.

On September 22nd, Helma returned from her medical leave.

On Thursday, October 6th, a Desalination Committee meeting was held.

A special Board meeting was held on Saturday, October 8th. As a result of the meeting, the Board authorized a letter be sent to the California Coastal Commission. Attached is a copy of the letter.

On Tuesday, October 11, Darren Kelly, Director of Sales for Solar Energy Solutions toured our Laurel Treatment Plant site. We might get a proposal from him in the near future for a solar array for the hillside in front of our water treatment plant.

On October 11, Helma started her second medical leave, which will last approximately six weeks.

On Thursday, October 13th, a Water Operations Committee meeting was held.

On September 26th, Dan Steiner started work as a temporary employee.

On Monday, October 17th, a Wastewater committee meeting will be held.

On Wednesday, October 19th, a Finance committee meeting will be held.

On Tuesday, November 8th, a Desalination committee meeting will be held.

On Wednesday, November 9th, the auditors, Katy Perry and John Cropper, will be at the District office to perform the "field audit" for our annual financial report.

On Monday, November 14th, a Special Board meeting will be held at the District office, with GGNRA representative Steve Ortega.

On Monday, November 21st, Helma is tentatively scheduled to return to work.

On Saturday, December 10th, a special Board meeting will be held at the SB Church. A presentation on Composting will be sponsored by the SBCWD. Free garbage pails will be given away.

Attached is a copy of the Drought Newsletter.

On Wednesday, September 28th, we received our second grant reimbursement check. This check was for $52,104.14. I deposited the check into our West America operating account. That brings our West America account to $177,898.36 as of 10/12/16. Much of this is needed for water meter purchases.

I transferred $100,000 from our LAIF account last week so we could pay $158,377 to Western Alliance Bank for our annual Debt payment.






The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday, November 19, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.

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