Saturday, July 16, 2016
President Cross called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, July 16, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson Beach
County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA 94970.
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
Vice President Nelsen called for a moment of silence to pray for Toby's son, Owen, who
suffered a major head injury from a skate boarding accident on July 13.
Director Boucke commented on an article in the Wall Street Journal of July 15, 2016, which
reported that CalPERS named a new chief executive officer as CalPERS wrestles with poor
investment returns and mounting retirement obligations.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a new
alternative septic system at 263/265 Seadrift Road, Amy Metzler and Gordon Ritter,
Owners, APN 195-340-28,29.
This residential wastewater design application is for a new alternative system to be installed over two vacant lots to be merged, for a total area of about 16,000 square feet. The new wastewater system is designed for a single family residential home with up to 2,800 square feet of habitable space. The water main must be relocated to maintain a 10-foot minimum setback to the dispersal field. Neighbor notifications were sent to all neighbors within 300 feet of the subject property. A copy of the application was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for review and no comments were received.
Variances are required to reduce a five foot parking setback to allow parking over a portion of the dispersal field, to reduce the septic tank to dispersal field setback from 5 feet to 3 feet, and to utilize a recirculating Advantex textile filter. The maximum and average daily flow rates are 450 and 300 gallons, respectively. The project had been recommended for approval at a prior Wastewater Committee meeting.
Director Baskin moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2016-03, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Reduce Dispersal Field Setback Requirements to Parking and Tanks and to Utilize an Alternative Type Wastewater System for Property Located at 263/265 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. Vice President Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen, and Director Baskin. Director Boucke abstained from voting as she resides within 500 feet from the project and Director Zell was absent. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to replace a
failed septic system with an alternative septic system at 106 Buena Vista Avenue,
Robin Mortarotti/Normandie Ramirez, Owners, Account No. 3490.
The existing system failed a routine inspection by District staff on January 11, 2016. A Failed System Citation was issued on April 28, 2016 due to a leaking septic tank. The existing system, which had been permitted for a maximum use of 100 gallons, will either be abandoned or removed. There are no proposed building improvements to the approximate 508 square feet of living area on the 6,500 square foot lot.
A raised bed dispersal field is proposed to maintain at least three feet of vertical separation from seasonal high groundwater, which will incorporate the use of a recirculating Advantex textile filter and requires a variance. The system will have a maximum daily discharge limit of 150 gallons and an average daily discharge of 100 gallons. Neighbor and Regional Water Quality Control Board notification is not required for replacing a failed system where there is no new construction. The project had been recommended for approval at the July 6, 2016 Wastewater Committee meeting.
Vice President Nelsen moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2016-06, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Utilize an Alternative Type Wastewater System for Property Located at 106 Buena Vista Avenue, Stinson Beach. Director Baskin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen, and Directors Baskin and Boucke. Director Zell was absent. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to utilize an
existing sand filter system for a building addition at 67 Dipsea Road, Ellen and Harold
McElhinny, Owners, Account No. 7875.
This variance application is for a proposed single family residential building addition with a total habitable space less than 2,800 square feet. The property consists of an 11,250 square foot lot, and the existing living area is approximately 2,244 square feet. The existing intermittent sand filter system that was installed in 1991 will continue to be utilized. There will be no change in the maximum and average flow rate of 450 and 300 gallons per day, respectively. The proposed building improvements will meet all setback requirements to the existing wastewater system, and the contractor is to protect the existing system during construction. A variance is required to utilize the existing 1,200 gallon septic tank, as the minimum capacity of the septic tank since approval of this sand filter system increased to 1,500 gallons.
Neighbor notifications were sent to all neighbors within 300 feet of the subject property. A copy of the application was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for review and no comments were received. The project had been recommended for approval at the July 6, 2016 Wastewater Committee meeting.
Director Baskin moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2016-04, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Reduce the Septic Tank Capacity Requirement for property located at 67 Dipsea Road, Stinson Beach. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen, and Directors Baskin and Boucke. Director Zell was absent. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Application to install a new
alternative septic system at 185 Seadrift Road, Chris and Nina Buchbinder, Owners,
Account No. 7570.
The variance application proposes abandoning and/or removing the existing single field gravity wastewater system installed in the 1960's and installing a new alternative system. The owner proposes new construction by increasing the single family residential habitable space up to 1,900 square feet or less on a 7,500 square foot lot. The maximum discharge rate of 350 gallons per day will be reduced to 300 gallons per day, with an average daily flow rate of 200 gallons.
Variances are required to reduce watercourses and water bodies setback from Seadrift Lagoon to the dispersal field from 100 to 92 feet, to reduce the front property line setback to the dispersal field from 5 feet to 1 foot, and to use an alternative wastewater system design, an Advantex recirculting textile filter.
Neighbor notifications were sent to all neighbors within 300 feet of the subject property on June 23, 2016. A copy of the application was sent to the Regional Water Quality Control Board for review and no comments were received. The project had been recommended for approval at the July 6, 2016 Wastewater Committee meeting.
Director Baskin moved to approve draft Resolution No. WW 2016-05, Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Reduce Setback Requirements to a Property Line and Seadrift Lagoon and to Utilize an Alternative Type Wastewater System for Property Located at 185 Seadrift Road, Stinson Beach. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen, and Directors Baskin and Boucke. Director Zell was absent.
District Engineer Souza noted that the California Coastal Commission commented on this project and requested that the owners submit a report relating to sea level rise and their septic system.
Discussion and possible direction to staff to grant a Water Use Charge Reduction
Request for Jerry Coleman, 6 Rafael Patio, Account No. 01510.
Mr. Coleman's water use portion of his bill from March 1, 2016 to March 30, 2016 for 38,896 gallons (5,200 cubic feet) was $832.89. He requested a larger reduction of the water use portion of his bill than the General Manager had the authority to provide. Based on the District's policy for Water Use Charge Reductions, the General Manager had granted Mr. Coleman a reduction of $105.82. Mr. Coleman stated that the water loss was due to a blown sprinkler valve in the in-ground box in the garden which controlled that deck line. He submitted a repair receipt of $330.
The Board appreciated hearing Mr. Coleman's explanation of the steps he has taken to ensure he will not have any future leaks due to faulty sprinkler valves. Director Baskin made a motion to give Mr. Coleman a credit of $225 against his future water bills. Vice President Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen, and Directors Baskin and Boucke. -
Presentation by Monica Stafford on the benefits of the District partnering with ONE
TAM in raising awareness about the need to maintain the long term health of Mt.
Ms. Stafford was unable to attend the Board meeting on July 16, but will be invited to attend the August 20 Board meeting. A possible contribution to ONE TAM will be discussed and a recommendation made by the Finance Committee. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding the establishment of the Gann
Property Tax Appropriations Limit for the District for Fiscal Year 2016-2017.
The California Constitution and implementing legislation requires that each local agency review its appropriations limitation annually. The appropriations limit is the maximum amount of proceeds of taxes which the District can receive during the fiscal year. Last fiscal year, the District received $752,157. The District's appropriations limit for fiscal year 2016 - 2017 is $1,574,274 and the required notice was posted on June 30, 2016.
In February 2018, the District is going to adopt a Resolution which would call an election on June 5, 2018 to establish the appropriations limit for fiscal years 2018-2019 and authorize the District to use the number for the next three fiscal years.
Director Baskin moved to adopt Resolution No. GB-2016-04, a Resolution of the Board of Directors Establishing the Appropriations Limit Applicable to the District During Fiscal Year 2016-2017. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice President Nelsen and Directors Baskin and Boucke. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff regarding a grant application to Zero
Waste Marin.
The Marin Hazardous and Solid Waste Joint Powers Authority (Zero Waste Marin) helps residents and businesses meet the County's Zero Waste goal for 2025 by reducing and recycling their solid waste and safely disposing of hazardous materials. SBCWD has the opportunity to receive a $5,000 grant for advancing recycling.
The Board discussed several possible recycling projects; however, the General Manager must first coordinate with Steve McCaffrey of North Bay Corporation/Redwood Empire Disposal to ensure there is no conflict with the District's contract before the necessary grant paperwork is submitted to Zero Waste Marin.
Vice President Nelsen moved to approve the minutes of June 25, 2016. Director Boucke
seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice
President Nelsen and Director Boucke. Director Baskin was absent at the June 25, 2016
Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of June 29, 2016. Vice President
Nelsen seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Cross, Vice
President Nelsen and Directors Baskin and Boucke.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He distributed to the Board a schedule
listing the Prop. 84 Grant invoice dates and expected reimbursement timeline.
Brandon Burgess, Drilling Manager at Wells Drilling, will send a request for a mobilization fee
upon his return from vacation. The proposed test well at the Laurel Avenue Water Treatment
Plant site represents a logistic challenge due to limited maneuverability. The Board discussed
several options: (a) excavate into the hillside to widen the road around the tank; or (b)
temporarily dismantle several pipes at the backwash tank to gain more space for the drilling
The update of the 1979 report "Geology and Groundwater Potential of the Stinson Beach
Area" will be completed soon.
The Board requested that the General Manager revise his letter to the highest water users
listed on the monthly Tiered Usage Report to remind these customers that California is still in
a serious drought. If mandatory water rationing is imposed, usage for Stinson Beach
customers will be limited to 125 gallons per day.
The General Manager continues to receive very favorable comments regarding his monthly
Drought Newsletters.
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:08 a.m. The next regular meeting will be on Saturday,
August 20, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.