President Cross called the Regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Stinson Beach
County Water District to order on Saturday, February 20, 2016, at 9:30 a.m., at the Stinson
Beach County Water District office, located at 3785 Shoreline Highway, Stinson Beach, CA
Directors present:
Sandra Cross, President
Lawrence Baskin, Director
Barbara Boucke, Director
Jim Zell, Director
Directors absent:
Morey Nelsen, Vice President
Treasurer present:
Judy Stemen
General Manager present:
Ed Schmidt
Staff present:
Rich Souza - District Engineer
Helma Schwendig - Office Supervisor
Dennis Rodoni, a Director of the North Marin Water District for the past 20 years, stopped by
to introduce himself to the Board. He is running for the seat on the Marin County Board of
Supervisors which will be vacated by retiring District 4 Supervisor Steve Kinsey.
Peggy Mathers, Garden Walk Program Coordinator, of Marin Master Gardeners' Garden Walk
program, spoke briefly of UC's mission to address water usage reduction for agricultural and
residential gardening purposes. There are a number of trained volunteers who would be
willing to walk around your garden, assess the plants' various water needs and suggest
drought tolerant plants. Ms. Mathers will provide a flyer for inclusion in the District's next
month billings.
The agenda was unanimously adopted as set.
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: a Variance Request for replacement of
a failed wastewater system at 184 Seadrift Road, Account #6430, Yoshikawa Stinson
Beach Properties, LLC, Owner.
The existing single field gravity septic system, which is approximately 43 years old, failed a routine inspection by District staff in October 2015. The leach field is currently disconnected from the septic tank and the tank is being used as a temporary holding tank. The property consists of 27,600 square feet and the residence has a total living area of approximately 1,527 square feet.
There are four variances to Site Criteria - Setbacks relating to an irrigation well and a greenhouse and one variance to Use of Alternative Wastewater Systems Designs to utilize a recirculating sand/gravel pretreatment device. The irrigation well is tested by the District annually for contaminants and all sample results have been within the District's minimum criteria. In the event of a fecal coliform sample result exceeding the District criteria, the irrigation well shall be abandoned per Marin County Environmental Health Services regulations.
The proposed septic system incorporates the use of a new 1,500 gallon septic tank, 1,500 gallon sump tank, recirculating sand/gravel filter, and dual raised-bed dispersal fields. There is at least three feet of vertical separation from the bottom of the dispersal field to groundwater. The maximum daily discharge limit will be 300 gallons, with an average daily discharge of 200 gallons.
The matter was heard at the January 20, 2016 Wastewater Committee meeting. As there are no proposed building improvements, notification was not required to the Regional Water Quality Control Board or to neighbors located within 300 feet of the subject property.
Director Baskin moved to adopt Resolution No. WW 2016-01 Granting a Variance to the Requirements of the Stinson Beach County Water District Wastewater Treatment Regulations Ordinance No. 2014-04 to Reduce Setback Requirements to Install a New Alternative Type Wastewater System. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Cross and Directors Baskin, Boucke, and Zell.
Review of the District's Draft Basic Financial Statements and the Draft Memorandum
on Internal Controls as at June 30, 2015.
The General Manager introduced the District's financial auditor, John Cropper and Katy Perry, of Cropper Accountancy Corporation. Financial highlights included the following:
- For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2015, the District implemented the provisions of GASB Statement No. 68 and Statement No. 71. This resulted in a prior period adjustment of $1,175,066, deferred inflows of $220,479, and deferred outflows of $200,570. The net position of the District's business-type activities decreased in fiscal 2015 by $982,319 compared to the net position of the District at June 30, 2014.
- Total operating expenses for 2015 increased by about $29,315. Reasons for the increase partly included funding a new position, higher health care premiums, and some grant preparation assistance for labor compliance and engineering.
- The District's business-type activities from operating revenues in 2015 decreased by a net $13,558 compared to 2014 as a result of fewer water usage fees.
- The District in 2015 increased its capital assets by a net $244,992 (after depreciation) as a result of additions from construction of the Patios water lines and for a new well design and permit.
Director Zell, who is a member of the Finance Committee, stated that the Finance Committee at its February 17, 2016 committee meeting recommended approval of the Draft Basic Financial Statements and the Draft Memorandum on Internal Controls as at June 30, 2015. Director Zell moved to approve and accept the signed Basic Financial Statements and the signed Memorandum on Internal Controls as at June 30, 2015. Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by President Cross and Directors Baskin, Boucke and Zell.
The Financial Statements will be placed on the District's website. -
Discussion and possible direction to staff re: Disposal of old water meters.
Richard Reasoner, of Dendron Landscape Consultants, had suggested that the old water meters which will be replaced by new meters, be left with the homeowners to use as irrigation meters. The General Manager explained that the scrap value of the 730 meters is about $6,600. There is a possibility that the meters will get damaged during their removal and no guarantee that the old meters will properly register water usage.
A Board member suggested that the District retain 50 - 100 of the old removed meters that appear to be in good condition. As the new meters will display usage in gallons and the old meters display usage in cubic feet, Mr. Reasoner withdrew his request. -
Review of a Draft Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance for the Stinson Beach
County Water District.
Mr. Reasoner gave a brief synopsis and history of the State's water conservation as it relates to landscaping. As a landscape consultant, he stated he is well aware of the State Model Water Efficient Landscape Ordinance, which applies only to new landscapes of more than 500 square feet.
The General Manager is working with the North Marin Water District to develop a check off sheet that will be easy for the homeowner/landscaper and the District. It is estimated that the ordinance in Stinson Beach will only apply to several landscape projects a year. The matter will be discussed further at a Water Operations Committee meeting.
President Cross circulated to the Board an article appearing in the February 15, 2016 issue of the Marin I.J. regarding the Marin Municipal Water District's Board of Directors' approval of new regulations that took effect on February 1, 2016 requiring applicants for new water service and projects that request expanded water service to install a gray water recycling system, using wastewater from bathtubs, showers, bathroom sinks and clothes washers. It was the consensus of the SBCWD Board to have its Wastewater Committee members compare the District's Title IV Graywater Systems regulations to the Marin Municipal Water District's gray water regulations to perhaps simplify SBCWD's directives.
Director Zell moved to approve the minutes of January 16, 2016. Director Boucke seconded
the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President Cross and Directors Baskin,
Boucke and Zell.
Director Baskin moved to approve the disbursements of January 11 and January 28, 2016.
Director Boucke seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by President
Cross and Directors Baskin, Boucke and Zell.
The General Manager discussed his monthly report. He briefly explained the time consuming
work involved in submitting the grant invoices for review by ABAG before they are transmitted
to DWR. Quarterly progress reports must also be submitted until all four of the District's
projects are completed.
The District purchased a used vacuum trailer for $19,250. This capital purchase will greatly
reduce the time and physical effort spent by District staff in cleaning out the 730 meter vaults
for the new water meter installation project. This unit will also help the District to repair leaks
faster by removing dirt and water quickly at the source of the broken pipe.
At the January 16, 2016 Board of Directors Meeting, all five Board members voted
unanimously to grant Ms. Darlene Christesen a water use reduction of $1,154.72, based on
the calculation of the District's cost of 2.4 cents per gallon. The balance of $4,191.38 was to
be paid at $10.00 per month over a 20 year period, ending with a balloon payment.
At this Saturday, February 20, 2016, Board meeting, the four Board members present decided
that the easiest way to document Ms.Christesen's obligation would be for the District to record
a lien against her residence at 112 Calle del Arroyo, Stinson Beach with the County, if Ms.
Christesen so consents.
Treasurer Stemen congratulated Doreen for completing the QuickBook course held in Santa
The Board reviewed the correspondence.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:42 a.m. The next regular meeting will be held at the District
office on Saturday, March 19, 2016, at 9:30 a.m.